Skyblock, effects on animal heads

Discussion in 'Skyblock General Discussion' started by HH_Captain, Jan 13, 2020.

  1. HH_Captain

    Dec 6, 2019
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    In skyblock you can obtain animal heads, it would be exciting if you wore an animal head it would give u a certain effect which can be upgradeable meaning you can have permanent speed 3 or resistance.

    Tell me your views on this.
  2. Envoys

    Jan 4, 2020
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    First off, I'd like to just say that I think this is a really neat and unique suggestion. However, coming from a non-skyblock player, I have a few questions about it.

    *Disclaimer: Some of these questions might be very dumb... I don't play Skyblock, but I am thoroughly intrigued by this suggestion.

    1. How do you even get animal heads? Like I said, I've never played skyblock on MCC before, so I don't really know how to get animal heads. Do you kill mobs for them? Do you buy them in the shop? Do you get them from keys?

    2. How rare are animal heads? If they're rare I think this could be a neat implementation. However, if they're very common I think that this would eventually be a standard for all players, kind of like speed 2 on your boots on factions.

    3. How would you upgrade the effect? Would you need a certain amount of money plus the head of the animal in order to upgrade it? Or would you need a certain amount of that specific animal head in order to upgrade the perk/effect. Could you unlock the effect through crate keys and then in order to upgrade the perk, you would need animal heads?

    4. Would the effect be disabled in PvP? In other words is it just for base building/grinding as it does replace a helmet due to it needing to be on your head in order for it to work.

    Overall, I think the idea is very interesting and would make a great addition to the server.
  3. Tiny_kittykat

    Oct 20, 2019
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    1. To obtain animal heads, you will need a sword with a custom enchant (decapitation) and every so often, the animal you kill will drop its head.

    2. It Depends, i personally find them not too difficult to get, but others opinions may vary.

    Hope this information helps (I will leave question:3 and 4 for HH_Captian)
  4. sinderr

    Aug 31, 2019
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    This is a really unique idea but there are a few issues.
    You gave the example of getting speed from a head, though there is already a speed 1 and 2 enchantment (Custom Enchant) and i believe the value for this enchant would decrease and have 0 use. Also, animal heads are a very common thing to get if you have decapitation on your sword. I personally feel that this would be way too overpowered as there are 15+ heads and you could just cycle through getting the desired enchants. Some mob and animal heads increase island level and decap is mainly used as a way to get player heads in /warp pvp some being very valuable lol(i.e EarthLorax). Im gonna have to say -1 on this idea, although seeing everyone running around in animal heads would be funny
  5. HH_Captain

    Dec 6, 2019
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    So I thought as a skyblock player, they could remove the animal heads in the head shop or raise the prices to a very high price also heads are obtained either by the /headshop or by killing animals with a decapitation 1 or 2 sword, decapitation is a custom enchant and can be purchased through skyblock tokens.

    The effect would still be on in pvp therefore they would be very rare, I also had an idea about the actual heads, so I thought of having normal animal heads AND these special animal heads meaning you had to kill a certain amount of this animal until it drops a head. It could also be upgraded either by killing more of the mobs or by a big number of animal heads or by killing a certain number of people in pvp.

    Any more questions?
  6. HH_Captain

    Dec 6, 2019
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    Then the heads would also be very hard to get and would take many hours of grinding making the speed 1 and 2 books and strength 1 and 2 books as significant as before, meaning only the people that are willing to grind can get the best items because people who are rich irl come to the server and can just buy money for usd, this can be countered so it doesn’t ruin the economy of the server by making the most significant and valuable items need to be obtained by grinding.

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