Prison Season 7 | Mega Thread

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by KierenBoal, Jan 4, 2020.

  1. KierenBoal

    Jul 22, 2019
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    • It's been nearly 9 months!
    • New season!
    • New features!
    • More grinding!
    This mega thread is a detailed list of things that I believe could/should be added for Prison next season - season 7!
    Here's hoping for a wicked season 7 - with a longer lasting and even more fun playtime!

    Comment on this thread to post your opinions and ideas!
    If you disagree with any suggestions made, please make a comment, I'd love feedback!

    Below is a list of my ideas and suggestions - please take them with a grain of salt. Just because I'm suggesting them doesn't mean it will happen or is going to happen. They are simply suggestions!

    Default Plot:
    Default plot should be changed to a series of schematics. A set of maybe 3-4 different schematics.
    From these, they should be randomly chosen when the plot is generated. The schematic could be rotated +/- 90 degrees, and or mirrored to create a large quantity of random feeling schematics.
    The road and floor should be a combination of stone and andesite. This would make the prisons look and feel more like a prison yard, rather than a plot world.


    Fix shop sign scamming:
    Whilst prison has scamming as one of its core features, shop sign scamming should be fixed, as it can permanently lock a player out of their ability to play.
    For those who don't know, its a common scam where players will ask someone to create a 'test' sign on their plot. Once the sign is created, they will deny the player, and then constantly use the sign to take the other players balance. This effectively 'soft locks' a player, making them unable to play prison.

    A simple solution to this would be:
    -Players can only create shop signs when they are actually added to a plot. Not just when temporarily added.
    -When a player is denied/kicked/unadded/removed from a plot, all signs that they own should be broken on that plot.

    This will allow players to still make signs on their alts plots, or friends plots. But will also stop players from being locked out via a shop sign scam.

    Add Quests, but in a more Prison way:
    Rather than daily/weekly/monthly quests, players should be given one random unique quest.
    They can't get a new quest until they complete that quest, or pay a fee to get a new quest.
    These could be called 'Black Market Tasks'.

    The quests should be thematically based around prison and come with some appropriate dialogue.
    -"I've got a bounty. Murder 1000 Villagers and bring me their remains for a juicy reward!"
    -"I've got a dealer on the outside ready! Bring me 2000 of the most premium diamonds"
    -"They call me crazy for hating Pigmen. Kill 500 of them and I will reward you handsomely!"
    -"I want to see you suffer! Drink 10 potions of weakness and come back to me"
    -"Prove your allegiance to the prison. Slay 10 players in the wilderness and bring me their heads!"

    There should be a /tasktop to list the top task completions.

    Add PvP player toplist:
    at /warp pvp, have a hologram showing the top 10 player kill counts, and one with the top 10 gang kill counts.
    This list would only show 5 at a time, and cycle between pages 1 and 2.

    Nurf Spawners:
    Reduce the profit of spawners, making it so spawners aren't as much the main source of income. A buff to mining would need to take place if this happens.

    Buff Mining:
    Increase the sell multiplier for prestiges. This would allow players on higher prestiges to make bigger and better sell shops, as well as make mining more profitable later in the season.

    Increase token quantities:
    Make tokens more common. Balancing spawner prices around the new token prices.
    Having tokens more common will allow new players and established players to obtain tokens even quicker, making it feel more satisfying obtaining tokens.

    Require prestige for plot alias:
    To stop players joining day one of the season, taking plot names, then never playing; plot alias should require at least rank L before you can claim it. This means you actually have to commit to playing for a while to gain a plot alias.

    (UPDATE): Removed suggestion for prestige for plot alias.

    Remove plot aliases after 4 weeks of inactivity:
    If a player has been offline for 28 days, their plot aliases should be removed and become available for others to use.

    (UPDATE): Changed from 2 weeks to 4 weeks.
    Anybody gone for 4 weeks shouldn't be able to keep their alias. They should have to login once a month to keep it.

    Add a XP requierment to Custom Enchants:
    Rather than just tokens, Custom Enchants should requier both Tokens and XP, giving mobs a reason to be grinded once again!

    Add the Farmer Enchant (Could be called Miners Delight):
    4% chance per level per piece to double the loot gained from mining.

    Allow combining Custom Enchants on existing items:
    If you have Token Luck I on a piece of armor, you can't add another Token Luck I book to make it Token Luck II. This should be allowed.

    Add Smelter Custom Enchant:
    When mining Iron or Gold, it should automatically become ingots.

    Add Hellforge as a Custom Enchant:
    From KitPvP, add the Hellforge Custom Enchant.
    Alternatively, I'd prefer to see it implemented as the vanilla Mending enchantment, which heals the item 2 durability for every 1 xp gained.

    Add Custom Enchant 'Crumble':
    4% chance per level (Max lvl 2) per piece to break one extra neighbour block when mining in the mines.

    Add Custom Enchant 'Infernal':
    2% chance per level (Max lvl 1) per piece to automatically sell blocks mined in the mines.
    EG: You break a lapis block. Instead of receiving, lets say, 20 lapis, the lapis is automatically sold.

    (UPDATE) This suggestion is to not make mining 'easier', or make it so you never have to use a sell sign.
    This enchant (assuming you have it on 4 armor pieces) would reduce how OFTEN you need to sell items.
    At full power, 8% would mean instead of needing to sell about 11 inventories, you would only need to sell 10.
    When you consider how much mining is done, a 8% reduction in needing to sell loot would be very beneficial over 100, 1000 or even 10000 inventories worth.

    Add AFKCleanup:
    Move players/console clients from /spawn who are AFK, making /spawn less laggy and not having a large number of players AFKing at it.

    Add a Mystery Spawner to the vote crate:
    Rather than having specific spawers in the vote chest, have mystery spawner as the reward.

    Modify the Mystery Spawner reward:
    Rather than getting X of the Spawners. EG, currently if you roll a Magma spawner, you get X Magmas.
    Instead, it should roll X times, which will give a better distribution of random spawners.

    Add explicit output to Treasure Chests:
    Give the output of the treasure chest to the player. This will solve confusion, especially when players get a reward like a ancient/myth key.
    "You recieved 5x Mystery Spawner"
    "You recieved 1x Ancient Chestplate"
    "You recieved 2x Ancient Key"

    Buff Voting:
    Basic rewards from voting should be buffed, balanced around ~15 minutes of gameplay.
    For example, currently you can get about ~100 tokens an hour mining full speed. A voting chest reward should be balanced around getting 15 tokens, or 15 minutes of mining profit.

    Add Chunk Loaders:
    Add chunkloaders. /chunky should be added if these are added, to assist with lining up chunks.

    Reduce mob loot drops quantity:
    For the 'best' spawners on Prison, reduce their drop rates from 50% chance to drop loot, down to 25% chance. This reduces the amount of loot storage requiered for spawner systems.

    Reduce spawner types:
    Remove all passive spawners, only having hostile spawners. Everyone uses the same spawners anyways.
    Hostile spawners fit better in prison than passive spawners.

    (UPDATE): Removed suggestion for reducing spawner types.

    Move /warp pvp:
    Rather than PvP being directly at spawn, PvP should be moved into its own warp. This would reduce lag when you are at PvP due to not needing to load /spawn and all the AFK players at /spawn.
    PvP and wilderness would not change, it would simply be moved.
    A large portal should be added to spawn that takes you to PvP, to keep PvP easy to fid.

    Reduce shop block diversity:
    Remove a lot of the pre-crafted blocks in the shop.
    So, for example, instead of having every colored wool and every colored clay, you'd be able to buy just hard clay, wool and dyes.
    This would make building a bit more interesting, as you need to actually craft things, rather than using a pseudo creative inventory.
    (I am not suggesting to reduce the shop as much as it is in Skyblock, moreso to just reduce the number of pre-crafted components)

    (UPDATE): Removed suggestion for reducing shop items.

    Nurf Stacked mobs XP:
    When dropping a stack of mobs, they've historically always dropped large quantities of XP.
    With XP being requiered for Custom Enchants, the XP dropped should only be the value of one mob.
    Making it requier you to manaully kill mobs for XP.

    (UPDATED): People have complained that stacked mob XP would ruin P4 and make PvP die. I disagree. We have the grinder enchant (could make it go higher for even better XP!)
    It would make a bigger market for P4 armor, which makes new money making methods for players.
    It WOULD add value to /bottle. Using /bottle allows you to use your XP more efficiently by bottling any XP more than level 30 so you don't waste XP when making enchants.

    Unbreakable Pickaxe:
    A special pickaxe from Myth keys, a pickaxe that doesn't break.
    This would be the 'Harvest Hoe' of Prison. This pickaxe should be balanced around a bedrock pickaxe. This would allow Immortal pickaxes to still be better, but it has the benefit of never breaking.

    Update Loot from Envoy:
    Much like Skyblock this season, rework the rewards from envoy, and increase the number of chests from 10, to 30.
    This will allow envoy to last longer and have a more diverse loot set.

    Add blocks to prestige into the scoreboard:
    Add the number of blocks mined needed into the scoreboard.
    To keep it from being spammy, it should only update the scoreboard once every few seconds, to avoid any funky scoreboard stuff happening.

    Shorten large numbers to be more readable:
    All displayed numbers over a certain threshold should be displayed in a more simple format.
    Rather than having $152,532,123, it should be displayed as $152.5m
    /bal should still output your raw balance.

    Add 'Owner' NBT to Skulls from the Decap enchant:
    When killing a player with Decap, you get a head. However there is no way to authenticate that it REALLY is that players head.
    If custom NBT is added to the head, it can perpetually store the owners name.
    Whenever the head is dropped or mined, the name of the head should be updated. EG: "KierenBoal's Head".
    This would add more value to player heads.

    Add /blocktop:
    A list of players who have mined the most blocks.
    Blocks mined on plots shouldn't count, as players make AFK cobble machines to mine blocks AFK.

    Re-enable /fly and /god when leaving PvP:
    Just like all subserver resets, add this feature!

    Add rookie breaking spawner confirmation:
    Just like on Skyblock, when a rookie mines a spawner, add a warning to let the user know that they will NOT receive the spawner. This stops rookies accidentally breaking their spawners.

    Update rename scrolls:
    Update rename scrolls to how they are on Survival and Skyblock, where one rename scroll has X usages.

    Reset mines based on percentage and or player activity:
    When mines are below X% they should reset, rather than a timer.
    When all players leave a mine, it should reset completely, making it nice and fresh for the next player to come and mine.

    Remove P4 from /kits:
    Change P4 to P3 in /kits. P4 should come from crafting, not from just opening a kit.

    Killing mobs should drop tokens:
    Add an alternative way to obtain tokens, by killing mobs manually!

    Add looting V sword:
    To make killing mobs balanced better, looting V should assist in having mobs actually drop more.

    Stop spawner theft:
    From Skyblock, the only player who can break a spawner is the Plot owner, or the person who placed it. This will stop people stealing spawners when added or trusted to plots.

    That's all for now! Leave comments below with what you love, hate, or would change!
    All opinions and suggestions are welcomed and valued!
    #1 KierenBoal, Jan 4, 2020
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2020
    OwenCW, Flame4206, wafe and 13 others like this.
  2. abbs

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Heyo, Kinda want to point out a slight flaw with some of these ideas. Specifically Nurf Stacked mob Xp, Remove P4 from /kits and Add Xp requirement to Custom Enchants.

    Should the P4 in kits be removed it would make it so you would need you need to craft P4, this Requires a lot of Xp (I make a lot of P4 already and i can get about 2-3 sets from 100 levels). Should Stacked xp be nurfed it would make it extremely hard to pvp as you'd have to craft weapons etc. and i could definitely see a drop in the amount of players pvping.

    Nurfing stacked xp would also in some senses kill the /bottle perk as no one would be getting enough xp to bother using it anymore.

    Another problem with these ideas is the required xp for custom enchants. With the xp from mobs being nurfed there would be a lot less people trying to get custom enchants as theres just to many other things they would need xp for.

    In short the biggest flaw in its self is the Nurfing of stacked xp, while all these ideas are very good i feel like you wouldn't be able to implement them with out them clashing, Xp would be very difficult to get and i could see a lot of players spending more time grinding xp then anything else which would take away from the main aspect of prison, Mining. While i agree with the removal of P4 from kits and Custom enchants requiring xp i doubt then could work in the game should xp be nurfed.

    I do how ever like the rest of the suggestion,

  3. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hello, Kieren.
    Thanks for making that thread and naming those amazing suggestions.
    I agree with most of them, but I have to disagree with some:
    - Prestige to get an alias: It takes 5 seconds to get money to rankup to rank L. In the first days of the season, people usually open a lot of keys (I myself have been saving keys since august, and I have 15 ancients in total). I disagree with that because it would be something else to add, which wouldn’t really have an impact in the plot aliases.

    - Increase token quantities: ok, but it’d be upgradable, just like in skyblock. Am I right? If the token drop rate was just increased, with a token luck 2 set, people would get a full inv of tokens in an hour or so.

    - Smelter custom enchant: would the warps where gold and iron spawn be buying ingots instead of ore? If not, what would the benefits of having that ce in a pickaxe? Unless you want to farm gold for making notch apples, or iron to make blocks and make beacon towers
    OwenCW and ThorKingOfAsgard like this.
  4. Fasilisnt

    Dec 9, 2019
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    All around good suggestions, just 1 thing from me. Make the reset properly and don't end up nerfing things hugely withing a week like what happened with vines in skyblock. Think through every economy change that might happen thouroughly before implementing it.
  5. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hiHi! i'm +1 on all of it as i've seen many similar ideas and I feel that some of the ones you included are like a compromise to both sides of one.
    however, for one your quests examples that said "Prove your allegiance to the prison. Slay 10 players in the wilderness and bring me their heads!" would this mean that players would have to have decapp on sword to get the head, heads would drop from kills like factions, or the 'heads' thing is just there and no actual heads would have to be given. i'm not going to go into every idea you made, but overall, I really like these ideas and would like to seem them being implemented in season7 as you described them, but also kinda making them less like the other subservers. as I've seen players compare prison to other subservers when it's not really that similar to 'em.. anyways thanks for the post and I would love to see what others think!
    Flame4206 and ThorKingOfAsgard like this.
  6. xStrafings

    Aug 3, 2019
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    Prison plots with weird stuff on them - No. I do not like this idea at all. Plots should look more lively, if you are going for a prison yard look, than add the theme into the warzone, not plots.

    Signs scam - Making it so you have to be added, and then when your removed the sign goes away would work. However, I think that this scamming method should stay in the game as for the best way to learn from scams is experience a scam. The experience I have from this scam is when my gang member johnmon_ put a sign on someones plot and got denied. He transferred his bal to an alt as to avoid losing more money than he did. Then a lot of the community came together and exposed him. After that the scammer cleared his plot and everything was fine. So I think that this method of scamming should still be in the game as a way to learn and bring the community together to backfire on some kids scam because he can't grind.

    Quests -
    -"I've got a bounty. Murder 1000 Villagers and bring me their remains for a juicy reward!"
    -"I've got a dealer on the outside ready! Bring me 2000 of the most premium diamonds"
    -"They call me crazy for hating Pigmen. Kill 500 of them and I will reward you handsomely!"
    -"I want to see you suffer! Drink 10 potions of weakness and come back to me"
    -"Prove your allegiance to the prison. Slay 10 players in the wilderness and bring me their heads!"
    I love this it seems so dark and gives prisons a more prisons vibe unlike it has since season 3. I think quests would be great but they need a buff. Quests on SB and survival are not really good in my opinion. I think that quests should be buffed and maybe weekly in game rewards for quest top would be cool. This makes it so quests are more valuable because after reset day, I don't see myself doing quests.

    Hologram at pvp - OMG yes I love this idea like arena pvp has. I think this should be added for top pvpers. But this is a prisons server :) I think that gang value should be calculated and have a hologram of the richest gangs as well. Because you know prisons is about gangs and money and murder. Lets treat murder and robbery the same and give both top killers, gangs with most kills, and richest gangs, and richest players a holo gram.

    Spawner nerf. - yes make it so mob drops sell for less cut them in half if you ask me. so it takes 45 days to make back what you spent on the spawner instead of 22.5 for witches.

    Mining buff - yes I agree. But mining is good at the start of the season the way it is. As the season goes on it becomes useless.I would like to see more prestiges added maybe up to prestige 20. I would like to see the prestiges in roman numerals next to a players name like [IX-Z]xStrafings I think it looks cleaner especially if there are more prestiges added like 18 XVIII it makes you look rich if your prestige is longer. Back to the mining buff. If mining gets buffed to make it like x0.3 added to your prestige multiplier there are 20 prestiges that still cost the 28bil to prestige from a-z9, this will make mining better and you will be able to make a lot more money. Another way that mining can be buffed is by custom enchants. This is something i'm dieing to see in prisons for pickaxes. Below are enchant ideas if you have not seen them already.

    Miner custom enchant - yep

    Explosion - explodes a small amount of blocks around you more or less depending on level (maybe 1 to 10 on the level)

    Auto sell - Sells a portion of your inventory depending on level (maybe 1-4) (each level sells one row) This enchant might cause issues tho. You can go afk holding a pickaxe and sell mob drops you are collecting.

    Jackhammer - Brakes a layer of the mine doesn;t have to be the full layer just maybe a radius of 5 from where you brake the block (Doesn't have a 100% chance to brake the block) (11x11 are total) Maybe higher level biggger the radius and better the chance of occurring.

    Cubism - Mines a cube when you brake a block (3x3x3) (another chance enchant higher the level higher the chance)

    Token luck - have a chance of getting more tokens I think this would be cool on pickaxes as a better chance of getting tokens to supply for these enchants.

    Key Luck - This enchant would take the % chance of getting an ancient key from a vote key and instead divide it buy10,000. You would have to mine 40,000 blocks in order to have the same small chance of getting an ancient key. (might have done math wrong)

    Auto Smelt - Automatically smelts ores and there is a place to sell ingots to the shop (maybe 1/9 the price of d mine)

    With custom enchants tho, mines will need to be made bigger. This is a problem even without enchants. The mines get emptied very quickly and I have seen as a rank y u,v,w,x,y all emptied at the same time with 20 seconds until mine reset. This is a huge issue at the beginning of the season especially when there are boosters on. The mines just get cleared out way too quickly. I feel like mines need to be made larger and/or make reset based on % of blocks gone like the mines reset when there are 50% of blocks gone from within the mines.

    Make tokens easier to obtain - I do think that the chance of getting a token is a little rare, but this gives custom enchants and spawners value. If the rate of tokens goes up that means custom enchants will be easier to obtain and therefor less valuable. I played prisons 2 on my rookie ranked alt and my may of prestiging from z to a1 and getting that money was by selling my tokens. As a rookie and experianced player I saw that selling the tokens gave me great amounts of money and I had no need for enchants or spawners at the time. If a rookie is ready to buy spawners they will have more than enough tokens or they can buy some. In my eyes the token eco is great and it gives new players a way to make money and give players that want custom enchants those tokens. I think that the token prices should remain as they are in order to keep the spawner and custom enchant values the same as they are.

    Prestige for plot alias- No, first to claim alias gets that alias. People will just go p2w for alias and you know Alex would love this idea cause he don;t care about his players he just likes his money but the rest of the community would hate this idea including me. I want to eb the first on to claim an alias for my sell shop. I don't wanna have to open 100 myth keys to claim the alias I want. Not everyone is pay to win like Vkj.

    If a player is inactive for 14 days remove their alias - Defiantly no. If someone goes ona trip or something they will lose their alias for no reason. Prisons = lot of scum because its prisons. This is something that has always been in prisons meaning you can take alias's on alts to prevent other people from getting them. I use my alts to afk but other people might not.

    XP req for custom enchant books - love this idea. On the hypixel pit you need a certain amount of XP and gold grinded to prestige. This is a cool feature becuase it prevents people from going over the top and grinding like crazy for xp only. I feel like if this were added to prisons it could be you need like 50 levels and tokens for a book OR you get the level 1 book with tokens. And then UPGRADE it with xp. so there can be higher levels of books other than just 2.

    Miner custom enchant - Prisons has been overtaken by spawners and after pres 4 or 5, you don;t even mine anymore for money. When mining is useful tho at the begging of the season everyone is mining to buy spawners. Here is where I am going with this: Add an enchant for prisons, that does the same thing as farm. Miner enchant would give u a chance to receive more ores or 2x ores higher chance per level and how many times it is on a piece of armor.

    Combining enchants on an item - I am actually agains tthis idea. I think that you should be able to replace the enchant on an item with a higher level but not combine two level 1's to get that higher level.

    More enchant ideas

    Add Smelter Custom Enchant
    When mining Iron or Gold, it should automatically become ingots.

    Add Hellforge as a Custom Enchant:
    From KitPvP, add the Hellforge Custom Enchant.
    Alternatively, I'd prefer to see it implemented as the vanilla Mending enchantment, which heals the item 2 durability for every 1 xp gained.

    Add Custom Enchant 'Crumble':
    4% chance per level (Max lvl 2) per piece to break one extra neighbour block when mining in the mines.

    Add Custom Enchant 'Infernal':
    2% chance per level (Max lvl 1) per piece to automatically sell blocks mined in the mines.
    EG: You break a lapis block. Instead of receiving, lets say, 20 lapis, the lapis is automatically sold.

    You mentioned all of these above - smelter - I think would be cool if you could auto sell the ingots. But as in season 3 when gold nuggest sold for 100$ each players will soon find a way to abuse this. Such as auto clickling pigmen getting gold ingots and having them autosell if they are holding a pickaxe. I also got a glimpse at something above called unbreakable pickaxes. This method could be used to auto farm and the staff can't keep up with the SB hackers let alone a prisons realm with 400 players on.

    Hellforage - I would not like to see hell forage added. Especially not as mending. Mending is an enchant from 1.9+ meaning it will screw up prisons pvp. Prisons pvp has been 1.8 forever and prisons has a more active pvp base than kit. Think about making kit pvp 1.9 pvp style. Your server would die faster a fly that lives for a week. I would also not like hell forage to be added because with infinite sets of p4 you can only repair hell forage in an anvil so many times. If you make sets have /fix then you have ruined pvp unless theres a gap cooldown such as the old LMS. Also if your talking about 1 experience instead of 1 experience level.... players will kill mobs and get like 12 dura on there gear per mob killed meaning fights will go on for ever.

    Enchant crumble - Nothing wrong with this love it

    Infernal - this seems like a waste. If i can sell 20 lapis with an 8% chance? my inventory will fill up the same exact speed than without this enchant/ if it sold ALL of that type of ore in your inventory than this might be a decent enchant. The way you described it tho I see no use for it.

    AFK cleanup - no


    Explicit treasure output - ye this would be usefull

    Ye voting should get a buff but not the voting keys

    Spawner loot drops - Loot drop quantity should be reduced to things like falling damage lava suffication drowning but should not be removed for killing them with a sword or other manual device

    Reduce spawner types. - whoa mate I like having my cows as decoration. In fact, I think there should be as much spawners in prisons as there are in skyblock such as snow golems.

    Move warp pvp - I think that "warp pvp" shouldn't be a thing I think they need to bring back /warp pvp with an arena thats small with beaconing. They also need to add a koth to prisons. I will argue that prisons is more pvp based in the warzone than factions at some times.

    Shop block diversity - Bruh, I love being able to by the wool colors I need and the dyes for my banners If its here why would we make it harder for us to craft.

    Stacked xp is great its not that over powered early game so its fine.

    Unbreakable pick - no the reasons are obviouse

    Ye envoy loot needs to be more op have legendary and epic chests be more op tho in SB they just give 2 sponges

    Blocks till prestige - I am against this idea. I think that the scoreboard should contain the amount of blocks you have mined. I think at spawn there should be signs saying the prestige the amount of hopper spawners and blocks needed. So people don't have to come to the forums to check it if they didn't memorize it.

    Shorten large numbers - nah its satisifying seeing large number dkkim prob loves his bal 50432923763. That makes you feel so much more rich than 50.4B

    Skull owners - YES this idea is great because preople always change their skin to mine and then sell my head on ah and I don't like it altho I have like 100 deaths.

    Yes add /blocktop

    Yes re-enable fly and stuff after pvp

    Yes rookies have rights too they deserve to brake spawners.

    F the rename scrolls add the perk back

    Yep percentage based reseting

    Yes remove p4 from kit - immortal should be prot 3 unbraking 2 this way you can combine 2 sets of immortal to auto create a piece of p4

    Mobs should drop tokens, A higher chance than actually mining as well. This makes people chose between tokens and money

    Looting V would be great

    Spawner theft is cool keep it.

    You covered some of the ideas I had on my other post but one thing that you did not cover that I would LOVE to see added to prisons is bracket colors for prestige. This makes higher prestige stand out like kit pvp and its color level system. This would be cool on prisons.

    Leder of money
    #VKj on bottom
    Reset prisons
    Have a wonderful day/night yall
    Flame4206, ThorKingOfAsgard and W5vil like this.
  7. W5vil

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I do love most of the ideas in this thread except 1. That is the rename scrolls. I really don’t see the point in paying $2.50 or $5.00 to buy a key which should help u with the gameplay and getting something that does not help u in any way. It makes it so you can add colours to items. Like I think what @xStrafings said is good. A rename perk would be really useful cause it’s something that doesn’t reset and can be used a lot. But paying $5 and getting 15 renames, is it really worth it?
    (Yes Ik I spelt colour diff. I’m Canadian leave me alone xD)
  8. ThorKingOfAsgard

    Oct 19, 2019
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    Hey KierenBoal, I agree with the majority of your ideas for the next prison season. The idea that I disagree with is removing plot aliases after 2 weeks of inactivity; I think it should be 1 month of inactivity because what if a player goes on vacation for 2 weeks. Or the player got grounded for 2 weeks and that might be the reason why they were inactive for 2 weeks. I think the players who have been 1 month (31 days) of inactivity should have their plot alias remove. I agree with W5vil because I do not see a point in paying $2.50 or $5 to purchase a key which should help you with gameplay instead of receiving something useless. Other than the removing plot aliases after 2 weeks of inactivity idea and the rename scroll, it is a +1 for me. Have a good day or night.
    #8 ThorKingOfAsgard, Jan 4, 2020
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2020
  9. Unadvised

    Jul 4, 2019
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    I agree it should be one month and not 2 weeks. Seasons are for months.
    ThorKingOfAsgard likes this.
  10. LendingGalaxy

    Aug 7, 2019
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    I love everything other then adding hellforge! DO NOT DO THAT THIS WILL RUIN THE GAME! Everything else please add make prisons more like a prison!
  11. Yt_FluffyMods

    Dec 30, 2019
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    I think having the shop being changed is a bad idea as some people don't know how to craft a lot of items. And the Plot name claim is pointless, if someone wants a name they should be able to get it as who ever gets to l first gets to choose then people just joining won't get an option
  12. VKj


    Oct 9, 2019
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    Great ideas, making manual grinding better is a great way forward in opposed to afking spawners
    10/10 do recommend.

    Buddy dont have to be so afraid just lets just have a fun little comp, also fyi i barely open any keys ever so you saying im p2w is incorrect sir.
    Fasilisnt likes this.
  13. LowlandPlum

    Jan 1, 2020
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    Hi mcc, I’ve played, a lot. I have been waiting since October for this reset, could you please tell me the date. It’s been a long and boring season, we need change now. Before I give up waiting... Thank you.
  14. unidasios

    Dec 8, 2019
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    No lifes keep on playing MC and keep on writing these long as texts for nothing the server is trash and will never change alexmarkey is a selfish **** who doesn't care about the people that play on his server.....
  15. unidasios

    Dec 8, 2019
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    Bet there's no date set yet they've been saying that the new season is soon, yet you guys are here still waiting all day long for a shit reset server is still going to be laggy af and pvp is going to have shitty KB and bad hit connection again just sad
  16. xStrafings

    Aug 3, 2019
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    YO YO YO Ok I got an idea. So this is a sort of path upgrade. I will explain it in greater detail. So when you mine you gain a point for like every 5k blocks broken or something. So /path would be a command it would open up a gui of three different paths. One would be related to tokens, one would be related to money, one would be related to maybe enchanting altho its not in the game. So if you right click in the gui on the token path it would make it so you would start mining points for that category. When you gain a point you can open the gui back up then left click the thing you mined a point for. It opens up the three different categories under this path. WE are using tokens as the example so it would be like token luck, double tokens, valuable tokens. So all of these three categories under the paths are upgrades 0 out of 100. if you upgrade it you have a chance to receive more rewards or to receive them in the first place. What I mean by this is we will use the first catogory of the path as an example, token luck. Token luck would make it so you have an increased chance to find tokens. if you level it up to 1/100 with your one mine point for mining 5k blocks then the chance of finding a token is slightly increased. It gets increased by those same incremements until 100 until its is like 2% chance to find a token 1 token in 50 blocks which is like insane thats a high number but you have to have 500k blocks mined to get to it. like wahtever the original token starting rate is like 0.01 or something I think its 1/1000 chance then it would increae it like 0.04% chance each time you upgrade it. For the next upgrade in that path which is as an example double tokens. then it upgrades a chance to recieve double tokens up until like 50% at level 100. This would occur with all paths.

    Ok lemme recap because i dunno this might be hard to understand.

    There are three catogorys

    Each catogory if selected gets a point for mining 5k blocks.

    With points you cna upgrade sub catogries under each pathway.

    These pathways give you varies buffs related ot the topic and mining.

    Staff if you think this is a good idea and you don't understand it fully message me on disc strafinq#0273 I would be happy to explain it in more detail because I personally think this is a great way to buff mining.
  17. __dragonslayer

    Jan 1, 2020
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    7.5m cap on cf
  18. xStrafings

    Aug 3, 2019
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    I think no cf cap house takes 25%
  19. fouffy

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I'm loving the ideas coming from this. I for sure do think mining for sure needs a buff, and spawners need to become downgraded. When it comes to mining being buffed, that leaves in more space for chest shops in which are probably going to be up and running again. I am hoping for the /block perk to be added to prison. I also would like to add, I do for sure dislike the fact that enchantments are wayy too easy to get nowadays, and we do miss it back when prison 2.0 was a thing, that you had to actually smelt your ores for XP. I miss seeing all of the cool smelting rooms people had, and how rewarding it felt to be able to make your own god bow, or god sword after a while. Now, it can take actual minutes due to spawners being OP. I would also like /block, because this is because people will be able to smelt their gold/iron for XP, and then simply turn it into /block and sell that through the donator mine rather than selling the actual ore. I remember ores were actually double in prices for sell shops due to this because rookies could sell there instead, and get double profit, while the consumer would benefit by enchanting a lot of gear, and then turning the gold that was used into blocks to recycle and sell in donator mine. This worked out amazingly, and I am hoping somehow, someway, spawners will not ruin this as they have these past resets.
    MasterChheda likes this.
  20. __dragonslayer

    Jan 1, 2020
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    what about the 25% taken from the small cf? that's too big of a house take tbh, it would keep the economy from breaking but only useful for the big cfs.

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