Ideas for next season.

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by xStrafings, Dec 31, 2019.

  1. xStrafings

    Aug 3, 2019
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    Ideas for next prisons season let me know what y'all think. This is an over view of my posts and other people posts that iv seen.

    My wants for next season
    1. Pickaxe custom enchants. These could be explosive - mines a explodes random blocks around where mined., jackhammer - demolish the layer or some of the layer in a radius of the prok, cubism - simple mine a cube, Token luck (for picks) have a chance at finding more tokens. Multiplier - if you sell WITH YOUR PICKAXE IN YOUR HAND an inventory of stuff it is multiplied by like 2x. Auto sell - auto sells portions of your inventory. All these enchants would be extremely OP and you would ahve to take a lot of tokens or xp or whatever to level up your pickaxe. I like the idea enchants that are OP because it will make spawners lass and less important and more focus on mining like old day.

    Here is a little list in more detail. (may be repeated from above with slightly different uses)

    Explosion - explodes a small amount of blocks around you more or less depending on level (maybe 1 to 10 on the level)

    Auto sell - Sells a portion of your inventory depending on level (maybe 1-4) (each level sells one row) This enchant might cause issues tho. You can go afk holding a pickaxe and sell mob drops you are collecting.

    Jackhammer - Brakes a layer of the mine doesn;t have to be the full layer just maybe a radius of 5 from where you brake the block (Doesn't have a 100% chance to brake the block) (11x11 are total) Maybe higher level biggger the radius and better the chance of occurring.

    Cubism - Mines a cube when you brake a block (3x3x3) (another chance enchant higher the level higher the chance)

    Token luck - have a chance of getting more tokens I think this would be cool on pickaxes as a better chance of getting tokens to supply for these enchants.

    Key Luck - This enchant would take the % chance of getting an ancient key from a vote key and instead divide it buy10,000. You would have to mine 40,000 blocks in order to have the same small chance of getting an ancient key. (might have done math wrong)

    Auto Smelt - Automatically smelts ores and there is a place to sell ingots to the shop (maybe 1/9 the price of d mine)

    2. Bigger mines. If custom enchants for pickaxes are added then the mines will have a lot more mined and quickly therefor we will need bigger mines. The mines should be multiplied by x2 or something because even tho enchanters are not implemented right now the mines still get cleared out.

    3. New mine reset system. I would like to see mines reset not based on a timer, but by percentage of blocks missing from mine. EX: mines reset when 50% of blocks are mined.

    4./Blocktop. I would like to see /Blocktop added where it shows players with the most amount of blocks mined.

    5. Revamp immortal kit. I do not want immortal kit to have p4. I think players should have to make their own p4 for pvp.

    6. Add back the /rename perk. Rename scrolls are a waste of money spent on keys. The perk would be more useful for players and it would be permanent meaning that they spent there money on a key and didn;t get something completely worthless.

    7. Add Quests to prisons. *** on survival and skyblock with the /c, add this to prisons for players I think it would be cool.

    8. Nerf spawners even more. Last season tokens were introduced to nerf the spawner economy. I believe now that we have the richest player ever, dkkim54, part of money gang L VKj. Dkkim54 has 50bil and this shows that spawners are not nerfed enough. I recommend cutting spawner drop prices in half. I do not want spawners completely removed as lending wants but I think prison 1 and prison 2 should be without spawners and oen with spawners. Yes I put without first because thats the one I would play. again L vkj because all you do is open keys :).

    9. Add chunk loader. Kids are busting there pc's to afk sapwners. Ad chunk loaders.

    10. Add pickaxe levels. I played the faction reset and saw harvest hoes level up and you get % for double when harvesting. I feel like this should be added to prisons for shards and ores both on prisons!

    11. Miner. Heyo kids, i'v been playing SB recently because it reset and why not.

    There is an enchant on SB called farmer,. It gives u a chance to get more crops. This enchant is pretty epic and helps get u more $$.

    Prisons has been overtaken by spawners and after pres 4 or 5, you don;t even mine anymore for money. When mining is useful tho at the begging of the season everyone is mining to buy spawners. Here is where I am going with this: Add an enchant for prisons, that does the same thing as farm. Miner enchant would give u a chance to receive more ores or 2x ores higher chance per level and how many times it is on a piece of armor.

    12. Prestige colors. Right now when you have your prison rank on tab it is [A] [A1] you get the idea. On kit pvp there are colors for different levels like 1-50 is green [50] 51-100 is yellow [100] 101-150 is blue [150] 151-200 is pink [200] 201-250 is red [250], once again you get the idea of level color and it corresponds to your level. On prisons you prestige from [A]-[Z9] that includes [A], [A1], [A2], [A3], [A4], [A5], [A6], [A7], [A8], [A9] all the prestiges 0-9. I think that there should be a color of your rank that corresponds with your prestige. If you are prestige 0 then it just looks like [X] If you are prestige one then it would look like [V1] Prestige 2: [M2] Prestige 3: [G3] And so on there is a different color prison rank for each prestige. This will make the higher level people stand out in chat and make chat and tab more colorful. The rank colors can also be switched around if needed the ones i gave as demonstration would probably not be the set colors if it were to be added all tho I think it would be easy using the same plugin. Lemme know what you guys think!

    13./Gangtop. I do not like gangtop as pvp. I would like gangtop for richest prison gang. This would take all the value of each player in a gang from all of their plots. Add it up and that would make the gang top. there should also be /gangtoppvp as currently amount of kills.

    14. I would like temp /fly and /speed in the plot world. Temp /fly you can win from crates. This gives players that are Lapis and under the opportunity to havea chance to fly. This would help themw ith building, mining, and other things that rank players get away with and makes life so much easier. I think /speed in the plot world should be allowed for anyone with /fly. This would make it so you can chose fly speed 1-3 like creative. In creative you can /speed to make you fly faster I think this would be a cool thing in prisons so you could get around faster especially if you have to fly upa nd down a lot.

    15. Basic things that make aq difference. add /keys where u can spam open keys instead of have to use the chests that are crowded af. make it so /fly is auto enabled straight after you leave pvp so you don't accidental die or it just gets stupid having to enable it constantly.
    #1 xStrafings, Dec 31, 2019
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2019
    ThorKingOfAsgard likes this.
  2. Peddlers

    Aug 23, 2019
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    I think all of these are wonderful ideas - except cubism.

    If you were building at your plot and you misplace a block and you mine it, you have a chance at demolishing your build. If you put a toggle on cubism, maybe it would be better??
  3. ThorKingOfAsgard

    Oct 19, 2019
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    Hey, xStrafings I totally agree with all your ideas for the next prison season. The reasons for that prisons really need to have some changes. My first favorite idea that you mentioned is adding chunk loaders. Chunk loaders should be prisons because if I or other players want to AFK; we do not want to be kick-off due to inactivity. Chunk loaders can be used when the player is offline. I think they should not be easy to collect but not too hard to collect. I think chunk loaders should be priced at $5,000,000 and 64 tokens. Another reason why I agree with you is because I think you do not have to do /fly when you leave PVP it should be auto-enabled and this only pertains to emerald to immortal donator rank players. Another reason why I agree with you is the quest idea I think that will be a great idea because it adds to the fun to the prison server. All of those ideas are excellent to change for the prison server. Overall it is a +1 for me and have a good day or night.
  4. unidasios

    Dec 8, 2019
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    xStrafings I don't know where you get the time from to write all of this...
  5. Vunrable

    Dec 16, 2019
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    Yea these ideas are great and I would like to create a thread of my own simply pointing out why prison seems to have gone down hill from what it used to be on MCC. It sucks for new players, especially mid season, and involves absolutely no grind for older players because of the broken spawner system
  6. unidasios

    Dec 8, 2019
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    It has went down because people grow up and don't want to play MC anymore smh...
  7. Blueknight9098

    Aug 2, 2019
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    It would be cool if you brought back one of the old lobby's. I remember it had a shop that was big and a big garden and stuff a while back. Or just something that we haven't had before.

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