Remove sign scamming

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by W5vil, Jan 1, 2020.


Should sign scamming be illegal

  1. Yes

    7 vote(s)
  2. Not

    2 vote(s)
  1. W5vil

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Heya all,
    I just wanted to address the topic of sign scamming before the reset. I don’t believe that all scamming should be removed. Like tp scamming is ok because they can only take what you have in your INV. But sign scamming they can take money from your balance which should be a safe place. I understand that scamming is a part of prisons but isn’t ur balance like a bank where money should be safe. For example new played often to to elaborate sign scamming plots with hard earned mining money just to be taken away which in turn makes them leave the sub server. I have seen this firsthand since I recently started going out of my way to make rookies start on prisons fun. Once again I don’t want all scamming to be disallowed, just sign scamming. Where you make the player by a INV of sticks for hundreds of millions. Or all I he money that they have.
    Have a great day and a happy new year!
    r3spawned and ThorKingOfAsgard like this.
  2. ThorKingOfAsgard

    Oct 19, 2019
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    Hey, W5vil I totally agree with what you are saying there. I extremely dislike the sign scamming method. The reason for this is because a player who is named httpMist asked me to teach him how to do a sign shop. Then I broke the sign before I left his plot but I am still losing money. I heard the same thing happened to other players. I do not have any shops at all so I know it was a shop. When player httpmist is on in the chat it said $400,000 has been received by httpmist and I never did /pay. I only want just sign form of scamming should be banned. I still want to keep the other forms of scamming such as death trap, tpa scam and etc. Have a good day or night and happy New Year!
    r3spawned and W5vil like this.
  3. W5vil

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Yeah 100% agree with keeping other methods of scamming. This one just allows all your money from the safe place of your balance to be taken not just what you have in your INV.
    ThorKingOfAsgard likes this.
  4. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hey hey wevil.. that’s how u spell it. anywyas.. hey hey!
    i can understand what you mean; however, i feel like an online scenario can come into play like spam callers/scam IRS callers... this sounds kinda silly.. but those types of irl scams take good chunks of your bank account/irl balance. for prison, i understand that there can be pansys who don’t want sign scamming n’ such. however, i think that since it’s been apart of prison for so long i don’t think going back would be the very most coolest of the beans. as i’ve been scammed all season except for season6 :clap: i really think it’s important for people to (1) learn from mistakes if they don’t pansy out and quit prison because they lost their money and/or (2) review chat before making a decision of a deal that can seem “too goo to be true”
    applying your example to an irl scenario is really those fake IRS callers that people believe then end up dropping a big chunk outa their balance. although this is not all of their money most of the time like prison, it’s still a large amount of money and wouldn’t be fair for them either...
    there are a few sign scams that are not allowed whatsoever due to the circumstances they’ve brought to players back in season5 and new ones in season6... but part from those... most of the common ones are allowed((:
    scamming is a good way of making money on prison, and i don’t think it would necessarily be fair for the scammers for coming up with creative ways to scam other players to suddenly make their way of obtaining money an “illegal” offense.. smh my head. I do see your perspective and, yes, scamming is bad, but it’s also, something that you mentioned, part of prison. it helps shape the toxicity of prison but also the friendships, bringing together a community whether it be donations to the victims of the scammer or toxic players ganging up on those “victims”

    anyways i’m -1. have a great day and new year!
    W5vil likes this.
  5. iluvu

    Oct 2, 2019
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    I can agree with this if ur talking about plot deny sign scams but I don't think that for example them selling u a stick for 10 million should not be allowed on the server, the problem with this though is that you have to create that very specific ruling which I am not sure staff are willing to do. If the policy change was made clear during the reset I would be in support of deny scams, otherwise I am not sure I could agree.
    ThorKingOfAsgard likes this.
  6. W5vil

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Along with this type I’m also talking about when people run down a hallway with banners and run into a sign that will buy them an INV of sticks for hundreds of millions without realizing.
    ThorKingOfAsgard likes this.
  7. W5vil

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I see your view on it, I’m just trying to help out all the new rookies with scams when they just want to make money fast. But the he points that you brought up are very valid which brings me to be split on my own thread. LOL
    puposaurus and ThorKingOfAsgard like this.
  8. iluvu

    Oct 2, 2019
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    I personally don't agree w/ that because that is kind of the user's own fault there (and I'm aware sign scamming is too but the difference is that the player consciously performs the action of clicking the sign while that aspect is not present in deny scamming). I also disagree with the core idea here of "the player's balance being safe", in prison your balance is probably the least secure thing so in regards to practicality it makes no sense to me, I understand it is in game but to be fair the only way people can actually "steal" your money is through scamming so I think being crafty enough to pull that off should be rewarded, as scummy as it is, it is just part of the mode (if it wasn't scamming would not be allowed). If you think there is a problem with that reasoning I am very open to my mind being changed, but the way I see it I think the current sign scams (with exclusion of deny) are more than fair to have on the prison subs.
    #8 iluvu, Jan 1, 2020
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2020

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