Prison Add-on

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by LendingGalaxy, Dec 24, 2019.

  1. LendingGalaxy

    Aug 7, 2019
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    Hello, I am LendingGalaxy!

    Im a major prison player and since reset is most likely soon, I would like to see and I am sure other players would like this, a killing streak feature. On factions and kit pvp, once you hit a certain amount of killing streaks, it comes up with a message in chat that says you've have this amount of a killing streak. A lot of people PvP on prison which makes this feature seem wanted. If people wanted to know there killing streak, they would have to count or whatever for each kill they get. This would be something neat and small. This wouldn't be hard to put into the game and it would give players something else to look forward such as who can get the highest kill streak without dieing. It would be also nice to see your current killing streak on the sidebar where your money is so you can keep track of it. If this would be added, im sure lots of prison players and people who PvP would enjoy this and I don't see any downfalls about adding this feature. Im pretty sure players wouldn't be bothered as an extra message wont hurt as people are always chating on prisons! Please leave what you think below!

    -LendingGalaxy#6986 contact me if you need anything!
  2. xTylor

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Honestly I think this would be a good server, however, prison's isn't KitPvP/Factions.... It's not based on PvP, Prisons is mainly based on mining etc. However I see where your coming with this idea, but there should also be a option to toggle it on/off as many people don't play Prison's Servers for PvP.
  3. W5vil

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I think that that would be a good idea for those prisons pvpers. Also maybe a system like if you get a kill streak of 10. You have a bounty placed on you to make The pvp more actual fights and not just killing naked people.
    Have a great day
  4. xStrafings

    Aug 3, 2019
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    yo man wierd from money gang. I agree that this kill streak feature should be added. I also think things like /block top (shows people with most blocks mined) I think that custom enchants for pickaxes should be added this being things like explosive. With the custom enchants, or without, I would like to see sizes of mines over all increased. TO avoid lag with all mines resetting at once make them not reset all at once like they reset 15 seconds after the one prior.

    I would like to see the /keys fature implemented into prisons as well as 5% or even 10% taken buy the "house" in cf.

    Spawner ideas I would like to see spawners nerfed even more than they were I think in mob drop sell prices is the best option. I would love tokens to stay because they are amazing. Also I would like to see chunk loaders added to prisons so i don't have to bust my pc afking 4 plots 24 hours a day.
  5. Swinger

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I really like the idea personally. The only thing I'd add is that you'd have to make the streak announcements activate for fairly large streaks only, considering how easy it is to get kills in Prison PvP.
    You're right in saying Prison isn't dominated by PvP like the other subservers you mentioned, but it certainly does have a larger and more active PvP community than Survival, Skyblock, etc. and therefore warrants something along the likes of a killstreak counter in my opinion.
    Like this idea a little less. You'd really have to be wary of account grinding if killstreaks became profitable, and it just doesn't seem like a great idea when the bounty system works just fine as is. The players with high killstreak counts will likely have big bounties placed on them inevitably anyway.

    As nice as this is though, fixes for the Prison lag should still be the #1 priority for the next reset.

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