The Idea of Stealing Spawners

Discussion in 'Skyblock General Discussion' started by ItzKinglinPlayz, Dec 17, 2019.

  1. ItzKinglinPlayz

    Oct 10, 2019
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    Hey, so imagine moving to an island with all your 'friends' and decided to bring it, for example, 100 skeleton spawners, and you place them on the island. The next day, you get kicked from the island and therefore those spawners end up in the ownership of the island owner. The island owner is in full control of what happens to the spawners, whether to keep them or to give them back. Staff CANNOT do anything apparently. Is this right?

    One thing to stop this 'stealing' scam is to simply apply it to every spawner that has been placed, so if those 100 spawners were placed on your 'friends' island and they decided to kick you, those spawners should be owned by you still and not given to the owner of the island. As following with the chunk loaders and holoskull idea being unbreakable, this should be applied to them.
    Possibly have it so that it goes to your inventory instead, or a 'temporary storage' of these stuff to be placed in for you to claim.

  2. Myko

    Sep 12, 2019
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    I see where your coming from, But if hes ur "friend" didn't u trust him. Also, if u wanted to have ur friends on the same island, they could have just mined them anyways. Its a trust game.
    puposaurus likes this.
  3. Minninq

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Yes I see why this can be a problem which has happened to me with a small amount of spawners nothing near as much and correct staff can not do anything about it sadly. It is a trust game how ever the fact that they have rules in place already on other subservers with this I think it would be fine to add any of these for it or that you can get the spawners you placed back as long as you have "proof".

    -Minninq have a great day
  4. FarisNyanNyan

    Jul 22, 2019
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    It is unfortunate to lose your spawners but the point of spawners belonging to the owner is to prevent THEM from getting their spawners stolen. If you ever do move between islands make sure you 100 percent trust the person. A good way to not get kicked is to grind to tell them you are working hard. Many people get kicked from islands because they bring stuff in, but don't do anything else besides that.

    puposaurus likes this.
  5. SourPatchAdam

    Sep 3, 2019
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    I totally agree with Kinglin, I shouldn't have to worry about bringing anything into an island with my friends, and then them kicking me and losing all my stuff. That should not be an option, whether I trusted them or not. To me that's griefing.

    So I get what you guys are saying with "well you should totally trust whoever you're joining", but if that's the case, then I could invite top people to my island, have them place all their stuff down, then kick them and all their stuff is mine, no questions asked.

    That seems okay? Because if that is okay, then there needs to be rules set into place where someone cannot kick someone for no reason at all.

    There needs to be some sort of boundary set, like if someone joins an island, you cannot kick them for 24 hours, or if they have been on the island for more than 5-7 days, if you try to kick them, it will delay the kick for 24 hours so that person has a chance to take their stuff from the island and move it to their new island, or have a mod help them move some stuff.

    Or even so, they could have an island vote on the player being kicked. Obviously if the whole island agrees, then okay the player should be removed, but again, implement the 24 hour rule so that player just isn't ousted and losing everything they have.

    This should not be allowed, and if this is, this will be abused greatly in the coming weeks.
    #5 SourPatchAdam, Dec 18, 2019
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2019
  6. ItzKinglinPlayz

    Oct 10, 2019
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    I think you aren't getting it. They can trust you and you can trust them but YOU can never know when they're planning to kick you and take your things. And this is basically scamming in a way, you pay real money for chunk loaders and you get them locked up in iron doors (referring to Jeepers1) I mean that should be unacceptable and it is very selfish for someone to do that. This 'Trust Game' shouldn't have players feel pressured of feeling they're untrusted or trusted by another island member and have their belonging taken away.This is why Scamming and Griefing is bannable.
    0997 likes this.
  7. ItzKinglinPlayz

    Oct 10, 2019
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    Good point, I might suggest that instant kick shouldn't happen it should be like you're moving houses, you 'kick' the player and all they can get is their stuff from privated chests and their spawners / chunk loaders / holoskulls within 24 hours.
  8. UpYourNorth

    Nov 3, 2019
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    This is a problem and has been for along time and it comes down to staff simply not being able to do anything about it because the user could lie about how many spawners etc he gave/brought to the island and there is no real way of telling how much stuff he brought. This is unfortunate and will most likely staff the same

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