Reporting staff/players

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by Comstepr, Nov 27, 2019.


Which feature(s) should be added?

  1. Staff report (First suggestion)

    0 vote(s)
  2. Staff report (Second suggestion)

    0 vote(s)
  3. Player report

    1 vote(s)
  4. None of these suggestions

    3 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Comstepr

    Nov 26, 2019
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    Hey everyone,

    I would like to suggest a way to report staff on the server and a way to report players on the server.

    MCC can allow chatreports to be used on staff, however action won't be taken.

    First suggestion: When a player chatreports a staff, the chat history of the staff for the previous 10 minutes can be logged. When the player uses the report staff feature on the forums, admins can check the chat history. The chat history can be deleted after a month.

    Second suggestion (another way): Chatreport can be used against a staff however they cannot report the same staff for the next 36 hours. If they run the chatreport command against the staff for the next 36 hours, it would add evidence. However, the chatreport command cannot be used against staff who has not said anything in chat for the last 15 minutes (credits to another server for this).

    Player reports:

    If someone is hacking, /report can be used to report the player. A message will be sent to the staff chat with the server the report was sent on. A staff can teleport to the player and check if the player is hacking.

    These are my suggestions.

    Please don't take anything to heart. If I'm mean, I'm sorry.

    - Comstepr
  2. FarisNyanNyan

    Jul 22, 2019
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    It's a nice suggestion on /report, but I feel like people would abuse that and abuse/accuse so many people that they believe are "hacking". I like the way things are right now where you need evidence. Implementing that would waste a lot of the staff member's time when a salty person dies, then does /report and the player wasn't hacking at all. The chat report on staff sounds decent, though.

    Nyameow? Byebye!
    iluvu likes this.
  3. iluvu

    Oct 2, 2019
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    I definitely understand where this is coming from as there are false accusations that pop up in support channel sometimes to be sure, but I think what this comment does not acknowledge is that usually it is more efficient to alert in-game staff of any issues than to get to the support channel, of course sometimes the support channel nets you a 1s response but in some cases it can take quite a while despite multiple staff being on so I feel that /report should actually be a thing, but it works the same way that (I think) CRs currently do, or there is a command for them to toggle alerts or something because it would definitely make it easier for staff to reach the cheaters. This also of course does not remove the importance of the default reporting method or means it doesn't exist anymore, it's just a more efficient way of contacting the staff (and the reports can work like the aforementioned support channel messages sometimes too so it's often not ideal for things such as the skywars blatant cheaters). Those are just my thoughts on it, I would like to hear what u think about above c:
    #3 iluvu, Nov 27, 2019
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2019
    FarisNyanNyan likes this.
  4. Invader

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey Comstepr!

    First thing to mention is, chatreporting staff no longer works. You have to manually report them on the forums.
    I also don't like the idea of reporting staff in-game, no point as we already have a reporting system on the forums.

    As for a player reporting system, it has most likely already been noted down by the administrators to be added. Eventually it will be implemented but for the time being, I cannot confirm anything. It'll happen when it happens.

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