Prisons reset why it needs to happen before factions

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by xStrafings, Nov 16, 2019.


Should Prisons reset befor factions?

  1. Prison reset first

    6 vote(s)
  2. Faction reset first

    1 vote(s)
  1. xStrafings

    Aug 3, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Prisons reset is long overdue, the season has been going since April 13 2019. That means the season has been going for slightly over 8 months now. In this thread I will talk about why prisons should reset before factions.

    My first reason that prisons should reset before factions is the player base. The factions player base has around 100 players still and the reset does not really effect the amount of players on factions. However, on prisons, there are around 50 people on realm one. This may seem like a decent amount but not, the server is dead. There are many players with nothing to do on MCC right now because of this overly delayed prisons reset. When prisons resets it has around 350-400 players on for at least a month! this is 4x more than factions has on. This will lead to many players forgetting about all MCC's issues with hackers, they will focus on finally I have something to do. right now players are stuck with there mini games that are loaded with hackers which is no fun. Prisons has a huge player base even if it is not shown currently.

    With this amount of players that play prisons, the server will make a ton more money from its 40% off sale. During factions reset people are more than lily buying for factions, if prisons resets before factions, players will buy a ton more keys ranks and boosters the server will make a lot more money in general and then after prisons factions reset would also bring in a less money through he sales. With the great number of players that play prisons the server will make a lot more money.

    An average prisons season is 6-8 months. 8 months a LOT. The server has now been on season 7 or reset 6 for 8 months and some days. It has now come out of that 8 month period, and will be the longest or second longest prisons season ever. Prisons needs to be revived. Factions resets every 2 months the prison players need to be accounted for to reset prisons before factions it will revive 1/2 of mcc's players and the server will make a ton of money.

    Please do the poll above!

    Have a great day/night
    Leader of money
    EssentialsPlus and W5vil like this.
  2. W5vil

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Spitting straight facts! This needs to happen. I have pretty much stopped playing prisons because it's so boring right now. After the reset, many people like me will come rushing back to have a nice fresh start to the season! PLEASE RESET PRISONS!
    EssentialsPlus likes this.
  3. xStrafings

    Aug 3, 2019
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    This is no longer relevant as for Sb is resetting before prisons.
    puposaurus likes this.

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