Automatic IP Bans // IP Range Bans

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by Ankh, Nov 14, 2019.

  1. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    This thread isn't going to be focusing on ALL IP-Bans, mostly only the ones that occur due to Ban Evasion for Hacking.

    Automatic IP-Bans

    How does this work?
    It's quite simple, really. Once an IP has 3 accounts attached to it that possess an active ban, the IP itself is then permanently banned, along with any and all accounts attached to it. In addition, any accounts that attempt to join the server through this IP during the IP-Ban will be permanently banned as well.

    It wouldn't be hard to implement this idea either, as the current punishment system already has a system for looking up an IP to see what accounts are connected to it. You could simply build off that already-existing feature, it would be by no means difficult.

    Hacking would likely be reduced by a landslide, as hackers would no longer be able to hack on endless alts (granted the AntiProxy gets improved and the second suggestion here is implemented as well). In addition to this, it would take a large load off the Senior staff, as they would no longer need to manually lookup these players to see if they are ban evading. It would all be done automatically.

    This would also massively reduce the amount of alts that are currently in circulation, since any alts connected to the banned IP would be permanently banned for being associated with it. While there is an unimaginably high amount of alts out there, there can only be so many. The problem we face is that they just get put back into the alt pool once unbanned. This would no longer be the case, as all of the accounts connected to the IP would be permanently banned. So by issuing one IP ban, you would effectively be removing 3-4 accounts from the alt pool, permanently. Which may not seem like a lot, but it would stack up fast, considering IP bans would become a lot more common with these additions.

    Honestly, from what I can see there are no cons to this. This addition would do nothing but remove the staffs' need to manually lookup users to see if they are evading. Because while IP-Bans do work in most cases, they need to actually happen to have an effect. And currently, the only ways to get a senior mod to check an account for ban evasion is is a) a player or staff member requests it, or b) a Senior Moderator+ decides to check their history, for whatever reason.

    IP-Range Bans

    As of right now, the only types of bans that MCC issues are temporary account bans, permanent account bans, and permanent IP bans. My suggestion is that there should be an extra tier added to punishments, which would be an IP-Range Ban.

    How does this work?
    An IP-Range Ban is pretty similar to an IP ban, however it would be banning every variant of the IP instead of one specific IP, if that makes sense. So instead of banning "", it would be banning "0.0.0.x" (x being everything from 0-255). So, for example, "" and "" would both be banned.

    As for when this punishment would be issued, it would be put into effect immediately whenever someone tried to join the server with an IP that shares a range with a currently banned IP. In addition, there could be a system that flags users when they join under multiple IPs within the same range, though this would not be necessary. Could notify all online Senior Moderators and above.

    You may think that it's a little strict to IP-Range Ban after they IP-Ban evade once, but keep in mind it's no easy task to get here in the first place. This means they would need to get banned on 3+ accounts, as well as get IP banned, and attempt to evade said IP-Ban. At this point, it should be very obvious that they have no care for the rules.

    This would mainly have a huge impact on people who have a router/modem with a dynamic address. If you don't know what a dynamic IP is, summed up very briefly it means that you can change your IP address, either through the settings or by restarting your router. This is something the AntiProxy can't really detect, as if it did then there would be a lot of cases where people get falsely blocked. This would make it nearly impossible to evade IP bans, even with a dynamic IP. As for VPNs, I'm not sure how effective it would be but it would likely end up blocking a lot of the free ones out there. And the AntiProxy is there for a reason I suppose.

    The only con I can really see is that this would be somewhat easy to bypass, as you would just need to change your IP before you get IP-Banned. Though if the flagging system I suggested as an addition was also implemented, this would be fairly easy to spot. Aside from that there are no cons that I can think of, however I am by no means an expert with networking and stuff. Though I am fairly certain that every router's range is unique, and no two share the same one. Don't quote me on this though, if you know the answer to this feel free to correct me.

    Honestly there is a lot that can be done to stop these excessive hackers from making MCC bite the dust (cough fix anticheat cough), but it's ultimately up to you Owners to adopt these policies and take some action on behalf of the playerbase. I hope that these ideas can be considered, and thank you to anyone who took the time to read through this.

    Feel free to leave your ideas/suggestions for this below.
  2. banAlts

    Nov 12, 2019
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    Multiple offence accounts are already IP Banned.
  3. B_Man05

    Jul 26, 2019
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    Here are my thoughts about this (READ SPOILERS)

    Hacking is a serious offense and is most common is Solo Skywars where there is 2 hackers per game. And is TSW, there could be up to 4 hackers per game. As long as any staff member ranked [Moderator], [SrMod], or [Admin], we're good. +100

    This is something that I'd take more seriously, and this is also one that I've never heard of. This is a +100 for me.
  4. RigBot

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Sounds good, although phone hotspots will bypass range ip band easily
  5. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Is it just me or did nobody actually even read the thread. I discussed Automatic IP-Bans and IP-Range Bans. Not Hacking Bans.
  6. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    True, I'm still not too sure on the exact functionality of this myself. Though I doubt anyone would connect their laptop to their phone hotspot just to play a minecraft server. Both because you would be laggy asf and your phone bill would skyrocket :joy:
  7. B_Man05

    Jul 26, 2019
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    True... but you did mention hacking.
  8. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    That was as just an example, it is by no means the focus of this thread. The entire point is to change how IP bans are handled.
  9. RigBot

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I used my phone hotspot and I hit low ping with unlimited data, it was actually insane. Like 40 - 70 ping
  10. KierenBoal

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey Ankh,

    I personally very much agree on automatic IP bans - its something I've requested many times.

    I do not agree with automatically banning every account on the IP - cleaning that up would be a pain.

    I do not agree on IP ban ranges, as ISPs do lease IPs within a range; meaning it'd be possible to get an IP ban because someone in your neighborhood with the same ISP got IP banned - which would be silly.

    I think that an automatic check should happen upon not just a Ban, but a mute as well.
    Only checking the last IP, if 2+ banned, IP ban. If 3+ muted, IP ban.

    Its kinda silly that we have the ability to automate this, yet we rely on staff randomly checking IPs when banning.
    The other week I IP banned a guy who had like 50+ banned accounts over the last 6 months, without being caught...

    Definitely need this.
    iluvu, AZXG, RigBot and 1 other person like this.
  11. B_Man05

    Jul 26, 2019
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    This is true, but we both need a little more in-depth explanation @Ankh
  12. RigBot

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I think it’s been explained enough, you just need knowledge of this stuff to understand it..
  13. B_Man05

    Jul 26, 2019
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    @RigBot, The knowledge is there, but there isn't enough in-depth explanation to this.
  14. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Not sure what you mean by this, I already covered every necessary detail. And then some.

    What would you like explained?

    It is true, but the chances of a someone appealing an IP ban are pretty low. Also no guarantee they will be accepted. If someone did end up with an IP ban, they definitely deserved it.

    I'd still imagine there would be some differences no?

    Also because on my router I can use MAC Address Cloning to make my IP anything from x.x.x.1 to x.x.x.255. IPs are meant to be a unique form of identification, would make no sense if I could use this to get the same address as my neighbor right? Even if they had the same ISP I'd imagine it would still have different ranges (eg. you have x.x.1.1, they have x.x.2.1).

    Was trying to imply it would be checked on mute as well, must've forgotten to mention that. Though the part you mentioned about reducing the ban limit to 2 would be a good idea in my opinion.
  15. B_Man05

    Jul 26, 2019
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    Okay, I have not gotten all the in-depth explanation to this.

    This gives 35.7% more in-depth explaination to this @Ankh

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