
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by JoeMothersDad, Nov 6, 2019.

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  1. JoeMothersDad

    Nov 4, 2019
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    I believe this server need more active staff on every mini-game, I think this because I got muted with no warning at all. Also there are so many hackers in skywars and its not easy to report people cause we don't want to go on your website just to report someone. Hope you take this into consideration!
    iiSean likes this.
  2. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hoi hoi hoi.
    As an ex staff member I can say that staff members have to meet requirements. And they aren’t easy to meet. They also have personal lives that are lived out of the server. Just to sum up, they can’t be online on minigames only 24/7. Reporting hackers doesn’t take that long, it can be done for free and it will help the server a lot, trust me. Have a nice day :)
  3. JoeMothersDad

    Nov 4, 2019
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    You know what else can be done for free? Being online and just banning them! I don't want to come off as rude but there should be at least 1 staff member on considering how many people play.
  4. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Indeed, there are a lot of them ( But as I mentioned they all have personal lives and requirements to meet. Also, timezones kinda *f word* things up. Most of the staff members are NA, and there aren’t many AU or EU staff members. Well, I know how frustrating it is but we just have to be patient and wait for them to come online. Or report the hackers ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. If you’re not a member of the community discord yet, feel free to join it and whenever you meet a hacker you can ping staff members and ask them to spec the hacker. Usually they reply as soon as you send the message. But it depends on how many of them are online at the moment. Have a nice day 2.0
  5. Swedish_blue_guy

    Nov 2, 2019
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    I think they have a life not only playing the whole day soo
  6. Kyee__

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey, You probaby said something in chat that was against the rules and you got punished through a chat report which through chat reports there are no warnings required. Staff do play minigames but there are other subservers with people who need help on it too. As what ItsGuih said its best to record and make a ticket report on forums. For someone to join quicker and punish you may join the MCC discord and ping a staff member in support to get on when it is possible.
    iiSean likes this.
  7. Kane

    Jul 22, 2019
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    The comments pretty much summed it up. We are aware that we are a bit short on EU and AU staff members but at the same time, we cannot accept anyone who applies for staff just because he is an "EU" or an "AU". The applications team also checks if the player meets the requirements, and it just happens to be that not many EU and AU players are qualified for the position. Not only that, as the comments also stated, we also have a life outside of MCC which is why we cannot moderate the server 24/7. We strongly recommend reporting rule breakers especially at those times when there are not many staff members on due to timezones; They will be dealt with by the reports team. As of your mute, we do not warn if a player was chatreported. We only warn if we witness the player breaking the rule, and not all of the rules require a warning. Feel free to appeal here.

    iiSean likes this.
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