Issues with season 7.0

Discussion in 'Survival General Discussion' started by Ewhz, Nov 2, 2019.

  1. Ewhz

    Jul 22, 2019
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    As you all know, Survival Season 7.0 has been launched and with a new season comes new changes. I'm here to talk about these changes; such as what they are, why they're good or bad, and if MCC should fix them.

    Version 1.12 update: To start of, Survival is now moved up to 1.12 for more farming and building options. This is a good thing, however it also causes many issues for players who normally play 1.8.9 for PVP or simply because they like it more. I am one of these players; I prefer 1.8 over 1.12 for the mere fact that it just runs better on the whole server. Another issue with this change is that it's the only mode besides Creative that uses 1.12 version. I don't see a point in having to change my version every time I want to play Survival or a different sub-server that uses 1.8.9 for PVPing. It's just not convenient for most players and wasn't necessary. Since players rather be on 1.8.9 to play, it causes issues with the game like: lag, freezing, frame drops, being timed out, etc. This issue also occurs for some players on 1.12. One bug I've dealt with was trying to use a bot in 18.9 and it would not let me. I would travel on the boat but chunks wouldn't load and when I got off, it teleported me back to land where I got in the boat.

    Removal of /fly: Another change made for Survival's season 7.0 is /fly was removed from resource worlds and Elytra was put in it's place. This can be seen as good as well as bad, I however am on both sides. The /fly ability should be allowed in the overworld and the nether, but not the end. The /fly ability was something that players paid for, to have it taken seems a bit irrational. You may still have the ability /fly in spawn and plots. The way to get an Elytra is not that easy if you don't know how to get one, or you don't have the kit gear to live far enough to get it. I don't really see a point in adding Elytras since they kill you on impact 85% of the times you try to land, and not everyone will be able to get one.

    Removal of Spawners: The final major change was spawners being removed from /shop. You may no longer buy spawners to farm from and get money from. They will appear in the resource worlds still, but cannot be mined. This change has done damage to many players and this was how most shops were made and the economy ran. Having they completely taken away doesn't seem that fair to those who own(ed) shops or xp farms. It was done to try and force players to go to the resource worlds and farm the animals manually, but it doesn't seem to be happening.

    These are the changes that have happened for Season 7.0 and my opinions on them. I do not need people replying being upset with my words as they're from my viewpoint as well as some other players I've talked to.
    Thank you for reading.
    Valtsumake, puposaurus and 0rcs like this.
  2. TrippedUp

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I'm not in any way an avid player of Survival. However, my disappointment with the updates are pretty strong, especially with my two other friends who do player Survival a lot and also dislike some of the changes.

    For starts, I also play on 1.8.9, since that is the recommended version to be played on the server. Having to switch back and forth to play Survival decreases player's willingness to become active and immersed into Survival if they mainly use 1.8.9 (or any other version before the 1.9 update).

    Next, flying made the resource world very easy and useful for me when I needed resources. Back when I first started in Season 6.0, I found it very easy to find myself some materials for a farm. Now, it is difficult to get simple resources. However, I disagree about the Nether. If flying shouldn't be in the End, I honestly think it shouldn't be in the Nether realm either. But at the end of the day, what matters to me is getting /fly back in the Overworld for donators who paid for the perk.

    Lastly, I share genuine surprise when I realized spawners were not added. Generally, when thinking about Survival, I tend to think about farming plots (crop farms and mob farms both). Now, a huge part of what made Survival what it was is gone. Not only is going out and farming mobs hard enough, but now we can't even use /fly to get around to these mobs easily.

    If these features (the last 2) were added to motivate players to work hard to get their resources, XP, etc. I personally can say that I felt demotivated to even start the world when I first logged on. I truly wish these updates were reverted, however it is very unlikely. Thank you for making this post! It really ironed out what the players of Survival are thinking while playing. I might not play that much, but when I do, I enjoyed the parts of it that have now been abolished.

    Hope you have a great day Flickur!
    Ewhz likes this.
  3. Beams

    Jul 23, 2019
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    The survival server upgrading to 1.12 is inevitable. Many other servers have upgraded to 1.12 and beyond already and it was only a matter of time. I'm sure in the future that all the sub-servers will eventually have version upgrades, they just can't upgrade all the servers at once for obvious reasons.

    This is the first time /fly has been removed in the resource world and I personally welcome the change. It makes it more true to survival and realistic. You can't fly in vanilla minecraft can you? It would also make Elytra obsolete. MCCentral also do reserve the right to change without notice the contents of ranks as stated in the terms and conditions.

    I'm also glad they removed spawners. Was never sure why they were added in the first place, it was too similar to Prison. Profit shops from mob farms were way too easy to make endless amounts of money. Again, this isn't how true survival works. I know the changes are sudden especially if you played the previous seasons but most players I have seen on are adjusting fine.
    AZXG likes this.
  4. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    howdy hey buckeroo! although i agree with most of your points, i feel like markey did these changes for a gosh darn good reason (hopefully) :fLushed:

    1.12.2- i could not agree any more. personally, i don’t like it; and how 1.8 and 1.12 players can play at the same time. pvp is dog— dog poo. while i was on 1.12 last night, a hacker was on, and i was spam clicking then realized that 1.12 had the cool down... and same scenario when skeletons attack :pensivewobble: apart from that... i have played minecraft servers that made you play 1.12.2 and their pvp was 1.8. so maybe if it’s not too late, do that. pleease. please. if not, i wasn’t planning on pvp this season anyways so it’s coolio.
    for the boat issue, the same happened to me when i was in 1.8.9, then when i swithed to 1.12.2 n' such i was able to use it wonders and travel seas in a boat. ew. ok. but the suggestion to play 1.12 is also kinda annoying for 1.8 bugs.. and also, i know a lot of players play on a client, like badlion, lunar, laby, etc.. and dowloading a 1.12 client just for survival, kinda seems like a pain to do..

    /fly- mmMmmMMmmMMmmmmmMMMmm. “/fly” was my everything.
    i can see why markey did remove it, “to make it more survival”. however, i agree that in nether, it’d be nice to have just since (1) lava (2) quartz (3) ew. ok. for real reasons i think allowing players to use their fly in the nether would be beneficial to everyone lower ranks + rookies and emerald+. Since everyone wouldn't have to nest around the nearest areas and emerald+ can go further out, giving the lower ranks a 'lil more to chew off of w/o burning through a million epearls or just spending the time walking n' such. howhowever how everehow whoe everr, i really do not see markey ever bringing back "/fly" from this statement he made in the changelog.

    ^ew why's it so big >:/


    removal of spawners- this is probably the only thing i really disagree with since i've never been a huge fan of 'em when they were added in season3.. however, i understand what you mean on that's how players got money on survival.. but not having spawners, i also feel that the intent was to drive players to use the resource world, as you mentioned.. also.. maybe find ways to go around it.. idek..

    anwyasysysy pooOPOOopOo. i agree w/ most ur points and would like to see other's feedback on the survival reset..
    overall, i think this reset was to make survival more "survavakallyl" even if the changes are poo which they kinda are but oh well. :pensibewobble:

    have A goOD dayY!
    Ewhz likes this.
  5. LendingGalaxy

    Aug 7, 2019
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    I completely agree, i would like to see changes in survival. Maybe have a vote on the different topics and see who wants what? Or maybe have two options one dedicated more on survival and the other on spawners and stuff.
  6. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I've already said this a million times, but let me repeat myself; Survival is not a pvp based gamemode. Yes it has a pvp arena, but that does not make it pvp based. The arena was added only because people asked for it. Nothing more, nothing less. Survival in 1.8 is boring, and has a major lack of new features. Updating to 1.12 was a bold decision on their part, though I wish they would've went all the way to 1.14 for the ocean and village & pillage updates.

    As much as I'm going to miss it, at the same time I kind of won't. Now donators no longer have an overwhelming advantage in terms of exploration in the resource worlds. Now travelling makes you depend on the traditional methods; boat, walking and elytra. If you don't know how to get an elytra, you can always google it. Or buy it cheap off of someone who sells them. And it's not that hard to explore on foot, I made it all the way to the world border corner on the overworld in the first few hours of the reset, only using boats and my feet. It's not hard, you're just being lazy.

    Also, the death-on-land bug with elytras was already fixed in the latest changelog.

    Boo hoo, I need to actually go out into freebuild to get stuff instead of AFKing at my plot with a million spawners. Life is miserable.

    Honestly everyone is so used to being given everything for free that they've completely lost touch with what survival is actually about. There is NO ECONOMY in vanilla survival. You shouldn't be able to make a living on the server by just afking in a spawner room 24/7. Now if you want a spawner, you need to find a dungeon, just like in vanilla survival. And now you need to actually work for you levels, instead of grinding at your plot for a minute and getting enough xp to enchant a full set of diamond gear. Now levels actually have meaning, instead of just being some worthless number that you can get literal hundreds of. Also not sure what you mean on the last part about it not happening. Going into the resource worlds is literally your only option for farming XP and mob loot, unless you buy the loot from someone else or pay them to enchant for you.
    AZXG, kylebop and EssentialsPlus like this.
  7. Ewhz

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Like I said, this is an opinion and not facts. Please don't reply to posts if you're going to be rude about it. You have your opinion and I have mine. Refrain from replying if it's going to be rude and unnecessary, thank you.
  8. kylebop

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Personally I agree and disagree with some of the thoughts regarding all of this.

    Version: Regarding the new backend 1.12 it's unfortunate to some as most of us do use 1.8 versions for the rest of the server. However, I believe it is for the best regarding 1.12 updates and survival is all about new updates. I agree it can start to get a bit annoying having to transfer over each time you join. However, as some others have already said, survival is not really a PvP based server, therefore 1.8 is not needed. I think it is just going to be a big change for a lot of us that we just have to adapt and abide by.

    Using /fly: As stated in the changelog "whilst I am sure some of you may disagree with this change, this is something that should never have been this way in the first place. Not only does /fly ruin the purpose of the new Elytra, it also rips out a major aspect of Minecraft Survival."
    (Markey, Changelog).

    I have to agree with this statement as yes this is survival, not creative and really you shouldn't be able to fly. However, I do believe players should be able to fly around their own plots which is still a feature that we have. Therefore I actually enjoy the whole concept and idea behind this change. However I do feel this can bring some problems, maybe the worlds resetting more often due to lack of resources?

    Removal Of Spawners: As Ankh had stated: "You shouldn't be able to make a living on the server by just afking in a spawner room 24/7." As a Skyblock player myself, I couldn't agree more with this statement. Personally, I feel that the community of the server is going down simply due to others not trading as much with one another. Players should do what survival is about, building, farming and "surviving" meaning to trade and help one another out to achieve things, not to just buy it from /shop. Players simply should farm and grind for their money, not get it exponentially by adding spawners then logging off for the rest of the day then doing IRL deals. Therefore I strongly do believe in this change and feel it will bring the community closer together as it should be.

    If I bring up any questions feel free to DM me on discord: Kylebop#5467

    -Kylebop | MCC Senior Moderator
    AZXG, puposaurus and EarthLorax1 like this.
  9. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    1) I wasn't being rude, I was saying things as they should be said, without sugar coating.
    2) Mind explaining how it's unnecessary? You were complaining about spawners being removed, so I explained why they were removed, as well as why they should STAY removed. Also, need I remind you, that "Survival" is literally the name of the sub-server. Meaning the server should reflect that. It's not survival if you sit in a plot 24/7 watching mobs fall to their death. You're supposed to go out and explore the resource worlds, not have everything spoonfed to you.

    Also, if you're that against what I said, then prove me wrong; explain why spawners should stay. So far the only arguments you have against removing them are "unfair" (only to afk grinders) and "this is how things were" (season 1 never even had spawners or economy). These are both baseless arguments with no support behind them.
    #9 Ankh, Nov 2, 2019
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2019
  10. Ex_Pendable

    Nov 4, 2019
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    I'd love to have a spawn egg so I could have animals on my plot, if spawners are no longer a thing. Or a script that allows me to tp back to my plot and take nearby non-hostile mobs with me.
  11. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    i think what you had suggested defeats the reason for why markey wanted to remove spawners. yes, to prevent quick money from being afk. but also getting your own resources from the resource world and/or trade n’ bartering. okie. now ik this reply isn’t related to this thread, but i think you’d like to suggest this idea in its own thread to get other’s opinion, feel free to do so :)
  12. Ex_Pendable

    Nov 4, 2019
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    Trade and bartering I have no issues with. However, how am I supposed to farm animals when clearlag removes them all after 10 minutes? As I see it, there's a couple of choices - Set up a hunting preserve with spawners for the animals so that even rookies can bag some steak and chicken; extend clearlag to one or two hour runs; grant animals the same exception for clearlag that horses have.

    As it stands now, I'm not going out there to farm animals. I'm going out there to do the long hunt.
  13. iiSean

    Jul 22, 2019
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    It seems like many people are annoyed at the changes from switching the server to the 1.12.2 backend however I personally love it.

    It is a great game mode to update and is really good that it brings more blocks and items in the system and is 100% more Survival like and I feel great that we are not stuck on 2014 Minecraft for ages.

    Obviously 1.13+ would be much better but like... it’s laggy or... I dont know.

    Thanks for this thread.

    Have a Nice Day
    All The Best
    MCC Community Member
    puposaurus likes this.
  14. Incarnati0n_

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I believe that the change to 1.12 is both good and bad. I enjoy using the new elytras, however it causes major problems such as lag backs and destroys pvp. The rest of the server except for creative is in 1.8 and is quite annoying to change over versions especially if you play multiple sub servers. Also creative is less laggy than survival.

    /Fly was a great change as it brings back all the aspects of survival. If you were able to fly and enter nether fortresses and loot chests or fly in the end to get elytras/dragon head or kill the ender dragon it would be super unfair for those who don't have ranks.

    Spawners were definitely the wrong choice to add them to survival. What would the point of survival be if players could afk spawners for loot just as in factions/prison/skyblock. There would be not point of having a survival server. I know many players hate that spawners are gone but its the best decision going forward.

    Thanks, Olli
    iiSean and AZXG like this.

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