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Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by fajoszz, Oct 27, 2019.


/freeze should be add on minigames?

  1. yes

  2. no

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  1. fajoszz

    Jul 25, 2019
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    Moderators+ should be able to use /freeze on minigames.
    - I know this can delay the game and people who have nothing to do with the situation would spend their time.
  2. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hello sir! i understand your frustrations and that you were trying to talk to other staff about it. however, I don't think you understand how all ss's work. and also, i really don't think having ss in minigames would workout well with the rate most minigames go at n' such.
    i will explain the first part so it can make more sense for the second part.. if th- ok..

    so.. not every hack gets ss'd sometimes blatant hacks like scaffold, bhopping n' such dont require an ss at all.. others like autoclicking, sneak/shift toggle, and scripting do...n' scripting can't even apply for minigames so..... also.. some ss's can take up to an hour or longer.. i know from experience and ss for me took 45minutes. many factors can come into play when it comes to an ss.. some common ones being (1)staff doesn't fully know how the player's computer works.. by this i mean if they're a windows user and they need to ss a player on a linux or mac. (2)depending on the staff member who ss's you it can tkae different amounts of time. not all staff who ss, ss the exACt same way, and some staff have more experience than others and know exactly what to look for for the suspected hacks while some staff take the safer route and go through all files looking for a suspected hack. (3).piggy backing off the previous point, not saying that more experienced staff take shorter amount of time or are better because that's not true....
    all in all, screenshares can take various amounts of time and usually they're not short amounts of time, like a game of skywars.

    ok also. while being frozen, players cannot hit you so/do damage....
    so since all that's slaready mentioned.. i hope you can kinda see why this wouldn't work for minigames.. more-so skywars..
    with p much every minigame(skywars, cakewars,survivalgames,speedywalls,ctf)... it'd actually be impossible for staff to successfully ss a player while they are spectating and/or waiting room lobby. and they could not ss during a game since the player would be put into a game and other players would not be able to kill them unless they dig a hole or uses tnt.. also, it can mess up their stats if they aren't hacking or if they come back to mcc and wanna play again.
    for ctf.. i feel like the same above applies.. you cant deal damage.. and also... ctf usually has speed hackers (which is blatant), fly (blatant as well), kill aura, auto bow, etc.. most ctf hacks are blatant even if something not as blatant.. they'd get reported or caught and banned...
    for champion builder, staff can not spectate while players are building.. and hacks aren't common in this gamemode
    for murder mayhem, name tags are hidden so it's hard to catch hackers unless you're already dead and spectating the game.... and the hacks are blatant like no slow.

    ok.. sir.. hope this all made sense.. and if you have any questions feel free to ask.. :)
    hope this mentioned all your points. have a great day!
  3. EssentialsPlus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I have seen this on some servers. To fix the issue you said in those paragraphs, what if we made it so /freeze sent them to the lobby or somewhere else where it wouldn't interfere with the game. While they may not be able to return to the game, they can always play another if they are found legit ;3.
    Zonafer likes this.
  4. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    broskii, then i'm +1
  5. If a user is being frozen and they log off "from server" not mcc but from minigame "cause minigames / lobby are two different servers just connected" the freeze effect would be gone cause if people log when they are frozen and rejoin they are no longer frozen (thats because its made for staff not to forget to unfreeze the user so if this option where to be added the user would be always automatically unfrozen when they are back in lobby. So anyways what "puposaurus" said above is true of how it can impact a game if a user is frozen, the best option would be just for them to be connected to lobby automatic like "/lobby (user)" that would force user to /hub and when they are in the hub they can get frozen to be screen shared"

    However, there's an issue as a user can assume its a bug and re-log (without staff member having time to /hub and tell them whats going on) or they can play another game after being sent to lobby (before staff has time to /hub) or just leave server thinking (Broken game)
    so rather than sending a user to lobby they would be sent to special lobby where they are automatically froze (this lobby can only be access by staff and for a user to get there a staff member must type /lobby (user) once they enter that lobby they are automatically frozen rather than not (with the same message of "your being screenshared")

    This method is more possible, as I do believe that players should also be able to get screen shared during minigames! (this command only should work in minigames)

    All my opinion! ^-^

  6. Zonafer

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I totally agree with the idea, but I think you also need to take into consideration what Lilly has said; screenshares can take quite a bit of time, but most minigames end within fifteen minutes.

    One other good use for /freeze would be to prevent a hacker from absolutely ravaging a game while a staff member is punishing. While I don't think it would help wonders, it would definitely save an aggravated player or two. :)
    puposaurus likes this.
  7. Mistrusts

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I'd be okay to see this happen if the player were to be sent to lobby 1 per say, so that they are in a safe area and can be frozen so that the game can go on.
    puposaurus likes this.
  8. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Actively freezing players in minigames isn't really possible, due to multiple complications. Most notably probably being that either the game can end, or it can be a game which requires you to do something. For example, if you got frozen with the flag in CTF it would halt the game completely. Same with Murder Mayhem, if you were the murderer.

    "Yeah so I'm just gonna kick you from the game you're playing with your friends as well as add a big fat L to your stats simply because I'm incapable of telling hackers apart from legit players"
    I'm not sure if you can tell from the sarcasm, but your idea sounds pretty stupid, no offense.

    Just in case you don't have any experience, with plugin development, it is possible to send a "message" from Spigot to Bungeecord, and vise versa. The command in the game would tell the Bungee proxy to send [player] to lobby, which the proxy would in turn tell lobby that [player] needs to be frozen, then lobby would freeze [player]. It wouldn't be impossible for this to be implemented, but it is a stupid idea, as I pointed out when replying to EssentialsPlus.
  9. Mistrusts

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Mods freeze players so that they can lower the number of false bans. It's pretty common for someone to get frozen is a staff is unsure if they're 100% cheating. This method has been around since even when you were staff, so please don't be so critical of it. If it was me, I would rather be ss'd than falsely banned.
    Zonafer and puposaurus like this.
  10. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I was referring to the suggestion of kicking players from the game because you're "unsure" if they're hacking or not. But since you brought it up, screensharing is flawed in and of itself, and almost every method MCC uses to detect hacks is easily bypassable. Someone literally posted a video on the forums of the software you use in screnshares detecting no hacks when they were literally logged in on a hacked client. Just because I was staff once doesn't mean I approve of such a primitive form of hack detection.
    Mistrusts likes this.
  11. Mistrusts

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Not everyone has to agree with it, don't worry. Just saying that's how we have to do it until/unless the admin team changes it
  12. fajoszz

    Jul 25, 2019
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    YES, amazing! Thank you for completing my suggestion.
  13. EssentialsPlus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Even if you were frozen in a sub server you would lose time away from your friends and in-game as well? I see no difference in being sent to the lobby and being screenshared in a sub server.

    As Ankh stated above this is possible, I've seen this on other mini game servers and it works out pretty well. However, there is an alternative and we could send them a lobby or server without freezing them, I know that Hypixel using did this while they were developing watch dog before it came out.

    Also, with my past experience of being a manager on a semi-big community I know for a fact that you can actually do this by setting the bungee config and Multiverse config (if MCC uses MV) to send a command through console to keep the same properties on a player so they will stay frozen throughout the whole server. The only issue would this be if the player crashes through the server change, we would have to try to find a way to prevent this somehow.
    #13 EssentialsPlus, Oct 28, 2019
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2019
    puposaurus likes this.
  14. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I think we can both agree there is a pretty big difference between sub-servers and minigames. When you're frozen on a subserver you don't physically "lose" anything. The most you would lose is a kill or two at best. If you freeze someone in a minigame that has a time limit, then you've effectively screwed them over. Especially if you're effectively kicking them from the game, then there's absolutely no way to recover. Unless it's something like SG that can go for half an hour, the game will definitely end before the screenshare does. Though most games on SG last less than 15 minutes anyways.
    EssentialsPlus likes this.
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