False Ban

Discussion in 'Support Forums' started by Jural22, Oct 9, 2019.


Should I Be Unbanned

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  2. Yes but second option

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  1. Jural22

    Oct 9, 2019
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    Today I was banned By Mislove for "Fly / Sw / W" I got into a game of Skywars with mislove, and I was playing with my friends. After bridging to my friends islands, I used my enderpearl kit to pearl to middle. Mislove was also at middle, I killed her, and then recieved a 60 day ban because I ender pearled. I made this account on the forum because I was so confused. I understand that maybe to mislove it seemed like I flew because I got to middle so fast. However, Assuming mislove any evidence at all, you will see that I pearled to middle. I sincirely hope that mislove was recording. I have sent screenshots of my mods folders, and my versions as proof. I hope this will be enough, I have never been false banned before and am very disappointed. However I will accept it as a simple misunderstanding. Please review my files below, and I hope to hear back from you soon.
    Mislove, even though you falsely banned me, I have no ill will against you and hope to be lucky enough to get into a few more games with you.

    Any other evidence as to my innocence I will be happy to give, just email me at [email protected] please


    - Jural22

    versionspic.PNG modsfolderpic.PNG 1.14pic.PNG
  2. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Even if you were false banned, good luck getting unbanned with nothing but screnshots of your .minecraft folder. Though, you'd be better off making an actual appeal in the Punishment Appeals subforum.

    This is why I always record when I kill a staff member. :joy:

    Also, on a side note. I thought Moderators were going to be required to keep evidence of hacking bans now. Not sure if this has already been implemented, but asking for evidence in an appeal couldn't hurt.
  3. Jural22

    Oct 9, 2019
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  4. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Forgot to mention it so I edited it in, if you didn't see it.
  5. Jural22

    Oct 9, 2019
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    I hope they have evidence, Thanks so much!
  6. Composures

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hello Jural22,

    When we ban player(s) the only evidence we have to keep are KillAura, Aimbot, AntiKnockback, and Critical bans. Anything else that is off this list we do not have to keep evidence of, as it is not hard to see player(s) using the other hacks/cheats. So if they do not record all of their evidence for other bans, then there will be no recorded evidence of you using fly.

    You may appeal your punishment on the forums again, in case you have already appealed, and it has been responded to. If you want the punishment removed you will need valid evidence of your punishment being false. The screenshots you have provided are not enough evidence, so your ban will more than likely not be removed. However, you do have a chance of having your punishment being reduced. Though from now on for future cases you should try using Replay Mod or a recording software, so you can record your past thirty seconds of your gameplay.

    Now I believe the staff member is a good one and of course they need improvement, as we all need improvement. Their point of view could have been wrong,of course that could have been an accident. However, making a forum post about a staff member or about your punishment, will not help you get unpunished. You need to stick to making appeals instead.

    Have a nice day or night! -Lauran (Composures) Thread Closed.
    MasterChheda, ImConcerned and Invader like this.
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