1.14 Swimming is still an issue.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Ankh, Oct 2, 2019.

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  1. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Alright, so around a month ago when I posted about this I got a message from a Senior Moderator saying this would be addressed. Well long story short; it hasn't. 1.14 swimming in minigames is still just as big an issue as ever. And it's only getting worse, now that more people are starting to use the newer versions.

    To add onto this, now people are KNOWINGLY using this version just for the unfair advantage. I just recently ran into someone in-game who would always jump into the water and swim away when I tried to attack him. Then would immediately start chasing me after I turned around to swim away, and would always swim to right below me so I didn't even have a chance of hitting him. He KNEW he had an unfair advantage, and he was abusing it as much as humanely possible.

    If you're still unsure on how to address this, here's an idea to stop people from using this; Simply put, make the 1.14 swimming trigger the AntiCheat and freeze them in place until they stop. Of course this will make people wonder why they are being frozen, so of course there could be a message in chat when they join a minigame that says the gameplay is optimized for 1.8, and recommend that they switch versions. If needed, could even link to a guide on how to switch versions. This is likely the best way that you could possibly go about handling this issue, unless there was a way to manually disable the new swimming mechanics with a plugin.

    All I ask is that you please address this issue. It's starting to get very annoying.
    Zonafer, iiSean, Yeho and 1 other person like this.
  2. ItsDavld

    Sep 5, 2019
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    This indeed sounds not fair at all. This and hackers is one of the many reasons why I stopped playing Survival Games. I play it from time and time again, but whenever I play. 9 times out of 10, there is a hacker. I have personally not experienced the swimming issue players use for an unfair advantage. But it sounds like it is happening more and more the longer they play 1.14. I hope this gets fixed. Even if they have been putting it off. I hope they do not delete this post as it tells us to watch out for these players and of the issue at hand.
  3. Advolton

    Sep 11, 2019
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    Totally agree with you Ankh, I’ve had this same problem happen to me many, many times on SG. It doesn’t help when they chase you from behind, and it’s impossible to escape them because they’re much faster than you. Obviously this new mechanic makes players using older versions have a large disadvantage, even when racing to the middle to get the chests. Those who use 1.14 have a large advantage. Overall, making the players unequal. It should be a fair and even mini-game and I think something should definitely be done soon about this.
    +1 for Support!
  4. TurtleSoup123

    Jul 31, 2019
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    Hello Ankh!

    I’m on board with this too. As mentioned above, this happens to me a lot and definitely be dealt with. Hopefully we can get this fixed and staff can see this. It is not a fair advantage and can get you killed easily. I my self play on a older version and find it highly unfair to play Skywars.


  5. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    The only map where they would really have an advantage in getting to mid would be Breeze Island. Though, good point. By the time anyone with a lower version gets to mid the entire place will already be looted by 1.4 players. All the more reason for them to address this.

    I wouldn't say this is as big an issue on skywars, as the maps are pretty much 80% void 18% land and 2% water. On Survival Games, especially maps like Breeze Island which are 70- 80% water, this is a very unfair advantage to have. Also I haven't personally experienced it but I'm pretty sure that if you'd play a map like Castle Warfare in CTF, you could use the water to quickly escape when capturing the flag.
  6. xBenz

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I haven’t found a way to disable this. The swimming is client sided and I’ve tried testing on my own with comparing the time taken to move in water and attempting to cancel it but that causes more issues.

    I do still want to try with packets but again it’s client sided so the server can’t cancel it
  7. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    If it was a 1.13> backend then you could just cancel the toggle swim event, but it it's 1.8 so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Honestly in my opinion they should only be supporting the versions that the gamemode was designed for. Adding future version support has just added more issues than there is reasons to keep it this way.
  8. Yeho

    Jul 27, 2019
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    I completely agree. Swimming in Survival Games is outrageous. Especially the summer beach map. It's so annoying to see players just escape when I could catch up to them if given the chance, and also the same advantage.
  9. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Yeah... on Holiday Resort there is literally only one land path to the outer parts of the map. Otherwise you have to swim through water. So you're pretty much screwed if anyone in 1.13+ gets decent armor and a weapon off the start of the game if you play 1.8.

    Also one thing I've been noticing now, is the new scaffolding mechanics. Players can climb vines by just holding the space bar, no wall necessary to push against. I know this doesn't sound like a big issue, but players are using it to access areas that were never previously accessible. In short, they can go somewhere where it's literally impossible for you to follow.
  10. iiSean

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey Ankh!

    Looking at your posts and your stats and your profile and a bit about yourself. I figured out your an SG player, and a pretty good one if I should say so myself :)

    I have not seen nor had any problems with this mainly cause I play CTF a lot I guess and I haven't really stumbled across people doing this.

    However this really shouldn't be used in mini-games as it is an unfair advantage that could be people just can't be bothered to change versions, people intentionally doing this, people are new and not knowing that the server is 1.8.9 backend or they like the new 1.14 textures better (Ok thats a stupid reason I don't know if thats why anyone does it"

    However 1.13+ does make you pretty laggy so I wouldn't understand why people would intentionally do it but hey what can you say. @xBenz replied saying that he could not find a way and @KierenBoal responded to your last post saying he / the staff team are working on it but the only way I can really think of is A) Your suggestion: Not supporting new versions of minecraft which is what a lot of servers do but the thing is this might not want players to join if they have to change versions if they are too lazy. Or if there is anyway to have like a kick thing that detects if you use 1.13 swimming and you get kicked by saying "1.13+ Swimming is not supported, switch to 1.8.9 for best gameplay experience." However if they can't remove hackers like that then will they be able to remove 1.13 swimmers like that?

    Honestly I am not sure but I do thank you for raising this topic on the MCC forums.

    Have A Nice Day

    All The Best
    An Active MCC Player
  11. Teddzy

    Jul 4, 2019
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    This issue has already been noted down, therefore I will be closing the thread. Posting and recreating threads about it won't get it fixed quicker. Be patient, we will look into it asap.

    ~ Locked
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