Allow '/fix all' for non-rank players (Factions)

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by Deleted member 4463, Sep 27, 2019.


"/fix all" should have a cooldown.

  1. No cooldown at all

    0 vote(s)
  2. 1 minute cooldown

    0 vote(s)
  3. 5 minute cooldown or lower

    0 vote(s)
  4. 10 minute cooldown or lower

    0 vote(s)
  5. 20 minute cooldown or lower

  6. 30 minute cooldown or lower

    0 vote(s)
  7. Over 40 minute cooldown

  1. Currently, people who PvP without a rank in factions, may risk their armour being broken (if given extra pots through kills), but this can be prevented with a simple command '/fix all' which repairs everything. Non-rank players don't have this privilege and thus are in a disadvantage. I have a solution, but there could be many other solutions. I believe '/fix all' should either be disabled in combat or removed completely, or even be purchasable with a hefty in-game money tax. If the in-game money tax is going to be implemented, I conclude that the tax should be relatively high to make the donators feel value through their purchase for the server. This way, non-rank players have access to a command that is currently restricted to rank players.
  2. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    no. factions in general is pay to win.. so playing unranked wouldn't do much anwyays.. but.. hereesss some reasns swhy i disagreee :)
    okookkokoKOkkk. mr sir. as you mentioned non-ranks do not have the privilege to use /fix all. i like to believe this is just since donators pay real money to earn this perk.i dont think grinding and sweating factions ingame could ever get you that perk.. like with "taxes" or whatever... AlSo, anvils can fix gear, and if you have a donator with a highenough rank, you can always ask them to "/fix all". factions is all about team and if you isolate yourself and be a 'lil smeagol with your stuff, that kinda seems like a you-issues. anwaysy.

    as for removing "/fix all", no one owuld like that. pERIDodt. there were issues with "/fix all" costing money in kitpvp, i dont think removnig it would ever be an option.
    Maybe disabling it while in COMBAT MODE (like kitpvp).. i feel like it would get some backlish *Coug*couGh*KitPVp*coufh*ocugh**, but it could help. on the other hand, i dont htink it would do much since players user "/shop" to buy health pots durring events and other pvp...

    money tax. i"ve seen a factions server with a type of "tax" factions would have to pay. In my opinion, i wouldn;t want to see this added. it kinda overcomplicates factions, as it's kinda already complicated with rules and cannosn n' such. also, it's p gay to be paying taxes in a block game...

    anwyasy. overall, -1
    have a greatd DAy

    (pls. if this didn't make sense, i can try to make sense, but these are my opinisONs on what you suggested)

    also. sir.

    teheeeeee. ok.
    httpmeme likes this.
  3. Thanks for your opinions, but what are you talking about "backlash" and KitPvP? Even if the "community" goes against this decision, it will create an even playing field for all players and remove the unfair advantage. Just why do cheaters and hackers get banned on this server? Unfair advantage?
  4. WolfgangLP

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I dont see this being added since factions is pay to win, as Pup said. /fix all is very over powered but if your going to be playing the server/sub server a lot then i would recommend buying a rank. They are expensive but theres sales every factions reset and I believe an even bigger sale every black friday, so i would stick around and look out for that. You can also just carry another set, and i realize that it would take up extra space that could be used for pots but if your fighting in one of the warps you most likely wont die because of a lack of pots because you could just run to a trap.

    ps. @puposaurus its actually armour in certain countries such as Britain I believe. They add the u in on words like armor, color, etc. :)
    httpmeme likes this.
  5. Cxrtr

    Jul 22, 2019
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    The whole point is that it is a donator perk.

    Something as important as /fix all gives an incentive to buy a rank. Factions already gives thousands of dollars to the winning factions of the map, so it is important that people buy ranks to help fund the rewards, and to help keep the server running.

    This would probably work if it had a system like KitPvP, where players had to pay for every /fix hand or /fix all, but I don't really see it happening, as Factions is most likely the biggest subserver on the network, and gives lots of incentives to purchase a rank.
    httpmeme likes this.
  6. httpmeme

    Jul 22, 2019
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    As everyone above has said, /fix all or /repair all is donator perk, and people who spent actual money for this perk/to help out the server deserve for it to stay that way other wise Bedrock would be a complete useless rank. Another thing is /fix all should have a cooldown so it is equal in fights and such. Again, it's not all that bad if you have Bedrock+ donator ranks as friends or in your faction because they will most likely repair your items themselves. I can't see the perk being removed since it has a full right as being a perk for Bedrock+. I can see your points of it being fair for players who do not want to buy a rank or don't have the money to buy a rank for one command can be frustrating, but if all honestly if you grind hard enough I'm sure you can slowly upgrade to Bedrock by doing irl deals. On that note, I'm -1 on completely removing the perk from factions because it wouldn't be fair to the donators who paid hard earned cash to get the rank and it would be the only sub-server without it, so I can see the decrease in players in Factions just like there had been in Kit Pvp when it first resetted, however I'm +1 on finding a way to make the command not too op in fights or in general.

    Have a lovely day/night!

    puposaurus likes this.
  7. I have added a poll, knowing the community of Minecraft Central still want "/fix all". If you want to suggest a specific amount of time for the cooldown of "/fix all", please comment below. I believe the most commonly accepted vote should be implemented.

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