
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Ankh, Sep 24, 2019.

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  1. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    While this is a well-discussed topic, I feel the need to revisit this as absolutely nothing has been done about it. Also, because I feel the need to mention this: This is an open discussion, not an attempt to create drama. So Staff please don't lock this thread as soon as you see it, thanks.

    The last big update to the AntiCheat was done the 27th of June, when they nerfed the settings in an attempt to get rid of lag backs and false kicks. Today is the 24th of September. That is 3 days short of 2 months ago when the last update was made, which pretty much gave hackers free reign to use any hacks they wanted, without any restrictions. Even after all that time has passed, we are still getting this in minigames.
    (Videos taken today, less than 12 hours ago.)

    Something seriously needs to be done, and soon. This has gone on for way too long. And now that MCSG is coming back, there is a very high chance that MCC is going to lose another large chunk of its playerbase. Please, for the love of god, please do something about this. Hackers being able to fly and speed around like that is unacceptable, on any level. MCC has had literal years to develop at least a decent AntiCheat, and they've pretty much spent that entire time trying to improve on a pre-made one that clearly can't do the job.

    In my personal opinion, you should stop trying to make improvements to AAC, it's clearly a waste of time. Instead, use some of that money from donations to hire a developer team to make a custom AntiCheat. If you're worried about leaking, make them sign an NDA, so they are legally not allowed to. You may be worried about how much money you'd lose investing in a custom AntiCheat, but let me tell you that's nothing compared to the profits you could have made if thousands of legitimate players had not quit due to there not being a functioning AntiCheat.

    Now I am aware there is a staff team for banning hackers, and I'm not trying to throw the blame on them. If anything, I feel bad for them. This is completely out of their control. Staff have likely banned hundreds of thousands of hackers over the years, and yet there is still just as many hackers as ever, if not more. Something obviously isn't working here. The team has even lost a lot of it's major well-known members because the owners just refuse to improve. Even 2 members of the LITERAL ADMIN TEAM ended up resigning. If that doesn't raise any red flags, then nothing will.

    I seriously hope that something can be done about this. Not only for Minigames, but for the entire server. Everyone deserves to have a hacker-free experience. And if MCC doesn't give it to them, they'll eventually go elsewhere. I'd rather not have the first server I ever played shut down permanently due to lack of players. So please, please do something about this issue.

    @AlexMarkey @Vislo

    P.S. If I missed anything, feel free to add it in the comments. Thanks for your participation.
    #1 Ankh, Sep 24, 2019
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2019
    YaBoyEnvoy, Akhu, FrontStands and 7 others like this.
  2. Ktassium

    Jul 22, 2019
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    this brings a tear to my eye, very well said sir, lets pray something gets done soon
    Departition_ likes this.
  3. ughSnake

    Sep 18, 2019
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    I didn't realise it's been 2 months since the last update on the Anticheat. People in game have started asking me if the staff removed the anticheat altogether. One person mentioned that using a simple survival fly mod that apparently (I don't play offline so don't use mods) is available in most mods nowadays, can now be used on MCC. Seeing that I spend most of my time playing skywars, it's quite shocking to see an enemy on your island within seconds of the game starting.

    I also just came back from roughly 3 years of not playing MCC and I very very clearly remember hackers playing a big role in this decision. Knowing now that all the devs time have been spent on trying to improve the same anticheat that made me quit, I must say I'm quite disappointed. This is keeping in mind, as stated above, the many ranks that have been purchased by users across the server.

    Furthermore, at this point, I find it crucial for MCC Staff Members to have a dedicated sub-team that looks over the minigames server. To counter the argument of staff members spend time on minigames when they come to play with their friends, I have met only one staff member in skywars over the past 3 weeks. s/o AyeItsBeck

    The same root as other players, I came from MCSG. A server that successfully handled hackers with their incredible Dev team.

    Provided the information by players in game and forum users like Ankh, I now very much support the need for MCC to handle these hackers straight from the core of the problem. I won't stop reporting hackers, but this should not let MCC's control over hackers be handled by normal users who aren't even in the correct position to make these changes.

  4. iiSean

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I can sort of agree on this, this is getting very fustrating that you can't join a skywars game without at least 2 hackers. Or join SG or CTF And last 10 mins at the most without finding a hacker. Clearly as you have said there is something wrong but I do trust Alex and Vislo are at least trying to help the problem rather then "Refuse" as people call it. There must be a way we can get a healthy MCC back again.

    However people also must help the staff with these issues by screen recording hacks and uploading it to the MCC Reports page as they are how a lot of hackers get banned!!
    Thanks for trying to raise this topic.
  5. FFandF

    Aug 28, 2019
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    Something would’ve happened by now. Keep in mind this wasn’t just a problem that popped up a small bit ago, this has been going on for a long time. I I’m not saying that they are not trying, I’m saying that what they ARE doing, is not much help.

  6. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I've brought this up multiple times and so have other players, it always gets shot down. They say that most staff play minigames to mess around with friends, but if I'm being honest in the past 2 years I've probably encountered staff in minigames less than 60 times (not counting repeat encounters in very next game). Thats on average roughly one staff member every 12 days.

    I already addressed this point, because I knew someone would bring it up; staff have been banning hackers for years, and there is still the same amount of them. It should be very obvious that banning them isn't doing anything, something needs to be changed in the process of how they handle hackers. Be it a better AntiProxy, Punishment System or, as the thread suggests, a better AntiCheat, something needs to happen.

    That doesn't necessarily make it "good", when you hack you're ruining the game for everyone else who came on to have a good time. You're sacrificing the fun others have for personal enjoyment, that's a pretty scummy thing to do.
  7. Departition_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I think he means closet cheating like using clients like vape, drip, iridium, whiteout, glock clicker, and others, also the server might as well just allow hacks tbh I wouldnt even care cuz theres already too much what could possibly get worse?? I used to play this server called minetime where hacks were allowed and even moderators would bhop on you and there was still less hackers than this server.
    #7 Departition_, Sep 24, 2019
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2019
    JonesSniper likes this.
  8. Lewklo

    Jul 22, 2019
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    anti cheat has always been one of the biggest downfalls of the server and im pretty sure whoever runs this shithole is well aware of that bud, but tbh i can get away with hacking too easily and considering there is a pretty large amount of players it should be resolved asap though it isnt :tongueout:
    #8 Lewklo, Sep 25, 2019
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2019
    ilavau and brandnew like this.
  9. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    People hack to gain an advantage over others, if MCC were to fully allow hacking then it would probably end up like the server you mentioned; less hackers. Would be no point in hacking here anymore if they lost their upper-hand. Also some people just get a thrill out of breaking rules.

    Also, I'd personally like to stick to not allowing hacking. I prefer to pvp the vanilla way, not run circles around someone at 100 blocks per second.

  10. Advolton

    Sep 11, 2019
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    This post is absolutely bloody brilliant!!
    I think what’s been said here was on a lot of people’s minds, mine for one. Despite previously being involved in discussions about AntiCheat, you’re correct in saying nothing was taken away from it despite a lot of Drama and arguing. I really hope Staff don’t lock this thread and consider to read it and take action, a lot of work and effort obviously went into this Thread and I’m happy to see someone finally speaking up about this issue in such pure detail.
    All I can do is Thank You.
  11. ughSnake

    Sep 18, 2019
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  12. Dog7000

    Jul 24, 2019
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    Yes and look at that server now, dead. I never really got into that server but one could take a guess that the reason Minetime may have had fewer cheaters was because they welcomed them. It makes less boring for cheaters to get that reaction on a network that allows cheats lol. Even then, clearly that method didn't work because you can see that using that method didn't make the server strive.
  13. Departition_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    There’s already enough closet cheaters that make vids in the server lool and they never get banned just saying that most of the popular channels on the server are prob cheaters now that use ghost clients
  14. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Yeah, I'm still waiting for a response from the owners. From any staff member, for that matter... Seems like they're just ignoring this thread entirely though. Everyone seems to be afraid they'll lose their rank if they bad-mouth the server. So, the usual. Though, would be nice if this could get the attention of Alex.
    Departition_ likes this.
  15. Advolton

    Sep 11, 2019
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    Absolutely, and it’s stupid people feel like that, freedom of speech is a thing, and bad mouthing obviously I can understand, but having an opinion and feeling strongly about fixing a server we spend a lot of time playing shouldn’t cause any problems, especially when you purchase a rank to help the server and have it for lifetime. Then in return, you get banned for having an opinion. I think anyone with a problem about the Staff response time and AntiCheat slacking should speak up confidently.
  16. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    100% agree with you on this. It's annoying that people, mainly staff, can't speak their mind without the fear of facing severe backlash. If the server has an issue that is so bad that even the literal staff team of said server has to speak up about it, they should be doing everything they can to fix the issue. Not punishing the people who step "out of line".
  17. ughSnake

    Sep 18, 2019
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    I completely agree about people being scared to open up about this subject for fear of backlash. I'm guilty for it too. It was when I realised how scared everyone was to openly speak about a problem when I decided that there is nothing more effective than speaking out about the subject.

    The sole fact that people, especially staff members, are scared to speak on threads like these clearly prove that they themselves understand that there is a thumping controversy about the ineffectiveness of the current AntiCheat.

    This thread is not a close-ended, one-way route complaint. It is a constructive criticism that should be noted by all staff members who want to work to improve this server. It is undoubted that this thread is watched by staff members. We are doing this for the better of the server and nothing less. From the moment MCSG changed to MCGamers, I permanently moved to MC Central. I've been loyal ever since and mean my criticism in the most attentive and indulging way.

    Take responsibility and strive for the superiority of MCCentral as a server,
  18. xBenz

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Firstly, staff will not get demoted nor punished for stating their opinion. However, there is still a line just like there is one for regular players

    Second, none of you are Developers. Knowing basic java doesn’t mean you have knowledge in making AntiCheats. Trust me, Alex has tried many versions of AntiCheats, not just AAC. You can clearly see all public AntiCheats are horrible as each one came with flaws. (The flyers, the hits not registering, etc)

    Third, coding a custom AC is hard. Hiring developers is difficult too. Alex is one person who makes the decisions between resets, updates, etc. Hiring someone to trust and follow our criteria is difficult and last time, it didn’t work out. Remember that Dev team that lasted only a few weeks because of issues I don’t disclose but summed up, it didn’t work out

    The anticheat is being worked on. Proof is the change in skywars. The sudden fly hackers, then none but hits not registering and then a little decrease and so on. It’s called testing and experimenting and collecting data. Vislo and Alex already work hard on this but also have to focus on other aspects like resets and so on

    No server is hacker free. I’ve played Mineplex, I’ve played Hypixel and I’ve always ran into hackers. Either fly, bhop, KA or whatever.

    TL:DR - It is being worked on but it takes time
    JustBeChill and ughSnake like this.
  19. ughSnake

    Sep 18, 2019
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    Perfect ! I'm glad this is a matter that is taken into full consideration by the team.
    Make sure to let us all know about any updates.

    With Appreciation,
  20. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Yes, I am well aware of this. And I didn't say they needed knowledge in making AntiCheats either. I'm saying they should hire an outside team (like they do for build teams I'd assume), that specializes in making custom anticheats. It's true that AntiCheats have flaws, but literally allowing flight is something that should be dealt with immediately. It's been 2 weeks since they made that change.

    Just because it didn't work out once doesn't mean you should never try it again. That's like saying you should drop out of school because you got one bad grade on a test. It takes time and effort, you're never going to get it perfect on the first try. And in case you want to apply this same argument to why the AntiCheat is still not the best, keep in mind they've had over 5 years to make one.

    Just make sure you're hiring them from more "trusted" sources, instead of letting anyone apply for the job. That was the first biggest mistake.

    I personally don't really play skywars, but I guess I'll check it out to see what you mean.

    Mineplex is literally the worst server you could have used as comparison... They neglect the AntiCheat just as much as MCC.

    I would like to hope so. It's been around 2 years since the last time any major changes were made to the AntiCheat.

    EDIT: Alright, so like I said I was going to, I went to Skywars to see what you meant by "testing and experimenting and collecting data". And lo and behold, this is what I encountered in my first game of Skywars:
    So much for a "change in skywars"...
    #20 Ankh, Sep 26, 2019
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2019
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