Add mccmo (Factions)

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by Deleted member 4463, Sep 25, 2019.


Add mcmmo to prevent players escaping in obsidian 2x1 box

  1. Agree

  2. Disagree

  3. Add fireball charges to destroy unwatered obsidian and other blocks

    0 vote(s)
  1. I know this server may not prefer to have mcmmo, but hear me out. Currently, players who are losing in a pvp battle can just block themselves out in their claimed land and wait for combat tag to run out. To prevent this issue, mcmmo has something called axes, which has an ability called skull split. It deals great damage in a radius of 2 blocks ot more and can prevent players refuging in their 2x1 boxes when things turn south. The skull split will work against hiders when players have enabled friendly fire (plugin) and attack a team mate. I know mcmmo may seem broken/overpowered in most servers, but it seems to be the only solution for players who escape combat in their claims. However, mcmmo can be customised and some abilities can even be removed (Not a developer but have seen different mcmmo in several servers). Another solution would be to add fireball charges that blows up unwatered obsidian but it is all up to the developers on which they want to implement. If mcmmo can be implemented next map, I'm sure I'm not the only one who will appreciate it.
  2. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hellllllllu! mcmmo is way too op for factions. pvp would be insane w/ axe and sword. also mining and excavation would be-
    overall; i don’t think it’d be a good idea at all.

    with mcmmo, it’s quite easy to level up, and with the amount of sweats on factions, people would be going into the thousands after one week. this can be unfair to all players, especially rookies.
    first joining rookies already have a tough time of not knowing how factions works(usually) and with mcmmo, it can just make donators more op and more ahead than everyone else.

    with factions like venndnenenenannanaa and (p)odium and origin (etc.) they could be raised even more easily since players could have a mining or shovel mcmmo level of 4000 and super speed break through blocks.
    and although cannons are the way to go, not everyone has “/kit cannon” or mental capacity to remember how to build cannons, so they break blocks.

    i can assure you, this is never happening

    oops forgot to talk about fireball charges.
    quick answer: no.
    this is since there’s already cannons, and there’s illegal cannons as well, imo, i feel like the damage firechagrs can do, can be considered an illegal cannon.
    anwyaysysyywas. bye.

    good day, sir
  3. In reply to your comment, "this can be unfair to all players, especially rookies[.]", a tutorial can be implemented to teach new players on how to use mcmmo which solves that issue. The tutorial can be in the form of a book and quil (in the kit starter), a youtube video or any other format. In addition, fire charges are not going to be able to cause any damage unless the wall is not watered. Unless there is something I am missing here, I'm certain fire charges are not going to cause too much "damage". However, I do appreciate your opinion. Thank you.
  4. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    iN mY opIniON and such, tutorial or not it’s still be unfair to rookies. when i said that initially, i didn’t mean how to use it. mcmmo is p easy to learn. it’d be unfair to rookies since they would be able to level up in pvp much since donators take over pvp. And donators would be far ahead in levels, rookies couldn’t possibly be able to level up or get neck-n’-neck w/ a donator on leaderboards.

    again, not happening. UwU
  5. Remember when I said mcmmo can be modified? On another server, axes, swords and bows levels can be levelled up through killing mobs and players. Keyword: mobs

    As well as this, a rank or "donator" can just not be given any extra mcmmo levels so everyone is at an even playing field. If the levels for mcmmo may be too high for this server, it can be reduced or nerfed to accommodate to the communities needs. PvP is not the only way to level up mcmmo.
  6. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    what i’m saying is since donators usually have more spawners and/or factions with lots of donators have lots of spawners, they can get higher mcmmo that way. and using it in pvp just gives them more advantage. only leveling up mcmmo through mobs wouldn’t be affective.
    even if someone were to get lvl 82726 in swords or axes in mcmmo, what would be the use of they didn’t pvp? yk? most spawners are used for afk/loot and mcmmo blessing/sharpened sword or whatever only lasts for like 100 seconds AT LVL 4000

    either way, if it can be notified or not, i really don’t see a purpose or need for mcmmo.
    and don’t see it being added.

    good day sir
  7. So because you don't want mcmmo or firecharges added to the server, players are currently able to block themselves in their claimed land and be able to escape as easy as that. PvP becomes very boring as it becomes harder to kill players, and the only solution to this would be to only pvp inside capture point, but raiding comes with PvP naturally (which is in the overworld, not the castle). As well as this you stated, "only lasts for 100 seconds AT LVL 4000". Sure, whatever other server you played on might have had broken mcmmo, but if you read my post, mcmmo can be nerfed or buffed and some abilities can even be removed. Even if donator players have an unfair advantage already, giving them mcmmo levels won't create a larger power gap if mcmmo is implemented correctly. This plugin has the potential to remove boring strategies and make the game more interesting on Minecraft Central. If you don't want this to be a thing, thats fine.
  8. Composures

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hello, Sstyle!

    First of all, I would like to say that I believe we had MCMMO added on the server, but I am not one hundred percent sure. The plugin had caused issues on the server and players had hated the plugin from what I remember. The servers I have seen the plugin has also caused issues for multiple of those servers and the players on there did not like the plugin. If this plugin was added players and popular factions would leave the server.

    Secondly, Skull Spliter I believe helps break a helmet faster on a player, because of the extra damage it deals. If a player’s God Set was broken by this they would not be happy and would have to make a new one if they were not paying attention to their armor status. So I believe this would also not be a good addition to the server.

    Thirdly, for the fireball charges you can just use a cannon to get into a base, whether it is watered or not. The fireball charges would cause lag issues with the server, because of the particles + explosions that come with it, so the server would not do well with that. People are able to make their bases how they please, as long as it’s not disobeying a rule and I honestly don’t believe fireball charges should be added and I know for fact that they won’t be.

    Finally, people are supposed to be protected in their base along with their spawners. So it would make no sense for them not to be able to hide within their base walls/claims with tiny areas. Some people prefer not to PvP and some prefer just to patch, so there is no reason for them not to do this.

    With all of this said, I have to disagree with all of the ideas you have suggested, as they will not help the server or the players in anyway. But they would cause players to leave and cause the server to become laggier.

    Have a nice day or night! -Lauran
    puposaurus likes this.
  9. Thank you for bringing your opinions to this discussion Composures. You do bring up valid arguments, however, I need to verify whether the community as a whole believes what decision should be made before this suggestion is cancelled. If a few more votes are verified, I would be content to forgo this suggestion.

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