Lifetime Ban.

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by Dayks, Sep 18, 2019.

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  1. seekingattention

    Jul 22, 2019
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    First of all, the problem I have with having different punishment time lengths for different types of hacks is that despite how blatant or discreet they may be, a cheater is still ruining the game for other people. Whether they're straight up flying, using 3.2 blocks of reach, using a kb modifier, autoclicker, or blatant killaura, I see no reason to not give them an equal punishment, as they're still cheating and ruining the game for others. If anything, closet cheating should DEFINITELY not get a lesser punishment than blatant hacks in my opinion because they're literally making an effort to hide it and get away with it. In my opinion, that's worse than being a blatant hacker- cheating, and covering it up in the hopes of looking like you're just good at the game. A cheater is a cheater, no matter how blatant they may be.
    As for having longer punishments in general for hacking (without discrimination like i mentioned above), I wouldn't have a problem with that. Personally, I'd be fine with the rule changing with a client modification severity 3 being 60 days for the first offense, and permanent on the second. That way, there is still a way for players to appeal if they were falsely banned, but there's just less people coming back on the same accounts as quickly as before, because not everyone is gonna go hop on an alt, as cheaters do tend to some back on the same accounts. Also, people will still be able to get second chances, and not take advantage of how lenient the system is now. And if you do end up getting false banned permanently, you can still appeal a permanent punishment and get unbanned before 6 months if you can prove that it's false with real proof.
    Zonafer and guih like this.
  2. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Why would you clear your history before a screenshare if you have nothing to hide lol. Or were you just looking at something else... ;)
    seekingattention likes this.
  3. oakley666

    Sep 12, 2019
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    The problem with this server is nonsense rules, and the server does not care with the opinion of its players, they have their own systems, but they affect and harms the players, for example, I've been banned 2 times and 2 times. unfairly, someone tells me a server that "employees" Don't need to present evidence?
    So what if an employee wants to ban a player he hate
    He can, because nothing will happen, since he doesn't need to present evidence?
  4. ballo

    Jul 23, 2019
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    the thing is i didn't lmao as soon i got frozen i was in discord in 30 seconds and they just make shit up and also i was also false banned by the same person for self destruct but i had vid proof so i was unbanned
  5. Advolton

    Sep 11, 2019
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    I’m not saying it’s a bad suggestion, but personally I really don’t agree with Lifetime bans. I think over a period of time, you will mature and learn, adventually maybe regretting anything you did wrong and wanting to change. A lifetime ban would obviously prevent that, and if I say purchased Immortal, for life. I’d want that for life, and I wouldn’t want a silly mistake to take all that away and me never being able to load back in. I can understand long bans for maybe a year if the situation is really bad, but lifetime just seems really, really far fetched for me on a Minecraft Server. Just my opinion though.
  6. Dayks

    Aug 25, 2019
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    I Agree with you. But I am suggesting Lifetime Bans to be applied only in extreme cases, for example: if an account has been banned for hacking for more than 2 times a Lifetime ban would be applied, otherwise these accounts will always be back in some time to hack again.
    Most of the accounts used by hackers are Alts, and if they don't get a Lifetime ban, these Alts will always be available for someone to just log in and hack.
  7. SplatBerry

    Sep 8, 2019
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    SplatShop likes this.
  8. Advolton

    Sep 11, 2019
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    That’s true and would be a good idea, if it wasn’t so simple to get accounts for Minecraft these days and simply hack them. Obviously PC has the largest amount of “Hackers” because it’s so simple to do, so it’s going to be an issue either way, once they get a lifetime ban, quick VPN and VPS IP change and new account, back in the server for more. Lifetime bans would just render useless overtime. If this wasn’t the case I’d totally fight for this to be a thing.
  9. iiSean

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Honestly, I guess everyone deserves another chance if they are sorry a while later but like 3 CHANCES is not needed. I think it would be better if it was 1st: 30d 2nd: Perm
  10. JustBeChill

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I agree with __Sean__ because if they come back 30 days later, and they still haven't changed,
    they should just be perm banned and wait 6 months for the appeal. If they keep coming back with hacks,
    then what is the point of keep on banning him for 30 days? There has to be a Lifetime Ban.​
    iiSean likes this.
  11. PumahKITPVP

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I couldn’t disagree more. Especially on KitPvP, a lot of players are banned without ss who aren’t cheating. Some are ssed and banned for reasons like self destruct that didn’t actually occur. Taken TheNamesTakenYT in earlier seasons, Bl0ckGame tons of times, Maserson and Nyzy, Driplet, Subsequents way back, etc.
  12. Zonafer

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Moderators are now required to record bans for killaura, reach and other "subtle" hacks, so I don't see an issue there. The number of false bans should be vastly reduced, unless of course, staff members are abusing loopholes in this new rule.

    I would like to see the ban system revamped, as well, but a bit differently; sev 3 client mod would be a two-strike system. 60 days first offence, and then permanent. After a certain amount of occurences, I would also like to see the ban become unappealable.

    Sev 2 client mod would be 14 days first offence, 28 second, and two months for third/fourth, with fifth being a perm ban. There is no excuse to continue using macros after you have already been punished for them, and it just creates more problems.

    Overall, I agree that something needs to change with the punishment lengths/system on MCC. I am for a stricter system that allows staff members to issue longer punishments to hackers, especially in light of the influx of hackers. +1
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