“Plain question and plain answer make the shortest road out of most perplexities.” --Mark Twain

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Smashhhh, Sep 13, 2019.

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  1. Smashhhh

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Recently we have been plagued by the same problem. And while answering that question, it always erupts into an argument between players that are looking to become staff themselves.

    The question is this: How are players expected to prove for a certainty that they do not hack if they were banned [W] by a Senior Moderator+.

    This is the scenario. A player is playing a game of Survival Games and is witnessed by a Senior Moderator+ who believes that this player is indeed hacking. So they initiate a [W] (witnessed) ban. Now this Senior Moderator+ is not required to document the proof of said suspected hacker, and so they didn't.

    Now this player that was banned has the option of 1. accepting the punishment and waiting it out, and 2. writing an appeal to in the hopes of getting unbanned.

    But the only way to prove for a certainty that you did not hack, was to have a recording of the exact moment that the staff member banned you.

    So does that mean that players are required to record every moment of their gameplay in case a Senior Moderator+ bans them and doesn't save the evidence?

    This would open the way for false punishments either purposefully or accidentally. Even though staff members are "trusted" with this elevated position, it is not an excuse to give them the opportunity to ban without supervision.

    I am not looking for an argument and this question is intended solely for Staff Members. I would appreciate it greatly if this was answered ONLY by said Staff Members.

    Thank you for reading, and I look forward to reading your response. Have a great day or night.


    There is a common misconception that staff members would be too “burdened” by having to record and save said videos like every other player that does it on a daily basic. This is inherently false. Yes, these staff members would need to do a little tiny bit of extra work for the good of the server, but that is what they signed up for, is it not?

    Perhaps not all staff members have the needed storage on their computers to save all these videos that they do diligently watch and ban on the server daily. This can be solved by posting the video clip on YouTube (just like the rest of us) with the date, name of player, Sub Server and type of hack. Basically all the information that is needed to initiate the ban in the first place. So a simple copy paste will do just fine.
    #1 Smashhhh, Sep 13, 2019
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2019
    InsaneIsMyName likes this.
  2. xBenz

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I just wanted to correct that all Moderators+ are allowed to punish without evidence. Senior Moderators are just exempt from the "Hack Detection Tests" that Moderators have to take.

    Overall I do agree with your point. I believe that all staff members should record all evidence for hacks NOT on this list:
    - Fly
    - Speed
    - Spider
    - Jesus / WaterWalk
    - Glide
    - Spider / Climb Hacks
    - Teleport / Blink Hacks
    - BunnyHop
    - Scaffold
    Basically all the obvious movement hacks (Some may not be listed)

    However, it has been downvoted by the Admin Team and Staff Team multiple times. I do hope that if many community members speak out and make this a priority topic, this evidence policy will get implemented
  3. Smashhhh

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Thank you for clarifying that information for us!

    Blatant hacks make sense that they would not need to be recorded, but if that were true then there would be no evidence listed in the same manner that videos on the support channel are not listed and could cause confusion later on with appeals.

    Perhaps the only way that a policy of this magnitude would be implemented is by a pole on discord such as that of the “teaming in survival games” pole. That would settle it once and for all whether it is better for the community or an unneeded burden.

    Thank you for responding, I appreciate your thoughts and hope to continue speaking about it.

    InsaneIsMyName likes this.
  4. nonRacist

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey, good point Smashhhh/Thomas

    This kind of system seems to only bring harm to the normal player-base without a fear of it affecting the staff members at all. This in itself, doesn't justify it being left as it is, normal players are the reason a whole community exists, and if you treat it as you seem to be, you will realize having such a thing is a privilege and not a right.

    Staff members should be required to keep the evidence in the case of the punishment they placed on a player being false or fake
    so when players appeals for them, there is actually something that they need to appeal, some kind of an act that is seen
    not only told by the staff member because people make mistakes, these kind of videos with prove won't change overtime
    which allows it being looked into again to see if the punishment was actually valid.

    Which case, the player having evidence from their side for the appeal would be a lot more reasonable, if the original video
    Provided by staff did hold up.

    +1 for xBenz giving a honest unbiased reply.

    (Not trying to start arguments, just pointing out that this kind of power in this kind of manner in the wrong hands could lead up
    to quite a lot of damage while it being really easy to cover up as evidence is not required to be saved)

    Timppali, InsaneIsMyName and Smashhhh like this.
  5. FFandF

    Aug 28, 2019
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    I think that this is an excuse that is perfectly fine. To get Senior Mod on McCentral, you have to gain some serious trust. If a staff is a Senior Mod+ they most likely have been staff for over a year. What does this mean? It means that they have so much experience from this that I'm sure that they know 99% if they are hacking. They would also most likely take a little bit more time looking at the player before punishing them, if they don't... Why are they Senior Mod+? Have a good day hope this helped. I suggest you really go off of Ben's post to! It looks very helpful. See ya!
  6. Smashhhh

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Staff members are human too. They make mistakes and they can get caught up in the moment. These things happen to all of us, including staff. All it takes is a mistake or a brief spout of anger to do something that they would later regret.

    This policy of requiring staff members to record and make available said evidence would go a long way in making sure that everyone is treated fairly and adequately. While making false bans a rare an occasion as possible.

    The post by Atte clears up a few of your misconceptions quite nicely. I encourage you to read it carefully as well.

    Thank you for your concern!


    (Again, I am not looking for an argument. I feel that this is an important subject that needs to be discussed in an orderly fashion)
    #6 Smashhhh, Sep 13, 2019
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2019
    FFandF and InsaneIsMyName like this.
  7. xBenz

    Jul 22, 2019
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    That’s not true, SrMod is not based on time. You can get it within only a month, year, etc. It depends if a time zone needs a senior and how good you are doing as a Mod
    FFandF likes this.
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