New Rule - Inappropriate Capes

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Zonafer, Sep 8, 2019.

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  1. httpmeme

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I'm on the fence, but I think it would only be fair to be punished for having an inappropriate cape since anything inappropriate is not allowed on MCC (Igns, Skins, Builds, etc) but again, I've met a lot of players who also don't use Optifine or aren't even paying attention to them, and as for being quite experienced with banners, I can only think of one specific type of cape design that can be considered as blatantly inappropriate. If this rule was added, then I would be all in and would have no compliments.

    Have a lovely day/night!
  2. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hoi. you’ve already gotten a lot of responses, but i’d also like to share my input.
    one of the reasons why this isn’t punishable is becuase not everyone can see capes. this goes for laby mod capes, badlion capes, optifine capes, etc.
    i don’t think making this punishable would be useful, since players can change them easily and would kinda be a hassle for staff to punish them on.
    for example, if someone has a laby mod cape with a suggestive picture, only players with laby mod could see it, and it’s not like staff can check to see if they still have it like yhow u can check optifine capes with namemc.

    also, in your example..., like, that player could easily make an excuse like “that was just a picture of my dad’s nose, but mc capes don’t let me add dimension and shading” or “that’s just a a podium”, etc.

    overall, no // -1

    Vxvi_ and httpmeme like this.
  3. Zonafer

    Jul 22, 2019
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    But that's what I disagree with. Just cause I don't see a cape doesn't mean someone else might, but explicit content is still visible on it, there should be no question when it comes to punishment.

    I already mentioned that from what I know, OptiFine requires you login to both accounts in order to transfer a cape. Silent also made a great point, in that no one is going to spend $10 to buy another user a cape just to get them banned. There's no guarantee the cape will be returned, and because the ban can easily be appealed, there's no point. I also found this cape checker that appears to work with LabyMod capes, and it worked in my tests as well.

    I do realize that, but where do you draw the line?
    One example that comes to my mind is a post from the old forums (rip Enjin) that was written by a user, who was punished for an inappropriate skin. He went on to say that the skin (which contained a number of swastikas as the face and body) showcased a religious symbol from Hinduism, and that he shouldn't have been banned on the grounds of his faith. The reply at the time was "you must consider things from other aspects of history. One angle may be that of peace, but the other (and far more commonly known) one is the systematic murder of Jews across Europe. Try looking at things from another angle of history next time." There was no dissent because everyone agreed; the legacy of that symbol is so inundated with hatred and disgust, and that is what it is known for. The same could have been said for my example; are there not other ways to show a nose? What kind of podium looks like that?

    Some players are punished for usernames with the word "f*g" in them. In North America, that word is a homophobic slur. In Britain, it's slang for a cigarette. Even if the word was not blacklisted, people were bound to get offended over it, and it still would have been punishable. I think that this is where we draw the line; your cape doesn't need to be your dad's nose, just like your skin doesn't have to showcase your faith and your name doesn't need to be "ismokefags".
    ImConcerned and Vxvi_ like this.
  4. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    i believe you can transfer capes on opifine though.. not 100% sure but i think i've seen something like that so i dont think the $10 thing would necessarily be a biggy.. also people buy capes w/ alts for less than $10 sometimes:eyes:
    i mean... i get why the swastikas can be bannable, but say if they weren't swastikas, then would you say something like a cross or an upside down cross would be considered inappropriate? i know people would say that the logic in that is horribly flawed, but thats just something that kinda popped into my mind. anyways other than bad comment i just made, i can agree that swastikas n' all that, but i still dont think cpaes should be punishable

    now i can
    like this

    hope this got to your points
    Vxvi_ likes this.
  5. httpmeme

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I can see Puposaurus' agrument since capes are a bit iffy. Everyone can see your ign, skin and build thats deemed inappropriate but with capes its not the same case. I think thats what's really holding back from this being added as a rule because it's not as blatant, which is why I'm very on the fence with this idea, if it gets added then I'm fine but if it doesn't I can see why, if it was a problem I personally think they would have added it when Optifine Capes were popping.

    Again, I'm very much aware that they shouldn't be tolerated but you can only do so much with capes and with Skins & Ign's the choices are unlimited and you can get quite ... creative with them.
    B_Man05 and Vxvi_ like this.
  6. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    psst. also.. it's not punishable for if these type of optifine banners are on ./hat
    which is think is kinda another reason why it shouldn't be added.
    in my opinion, if it's not a big deal if its on a banner in-game, why would staff go through the trouble to ban them if its a cape.
    Vxvi_ likes this.
  7. cammdden

    Jul 24, 2019
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    If it's not punishable to have whatever you want on a cape, then I don't see why it's punishable to have an inappropriate skin. It's almost the same form, so if they have the said cape above, and a skin that matches it perfectly, why would they only change the skin? Most people can still see the cape, even if it kids who are older who know how to get optifine, it's still not something that should be allowed on a "kid-friendly" server.
    MicroSquid likes this.
  8. Smokjab

    Aug 29, 2019
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    +1 , i totally agree, I see a ton on for eg. prison 1.
    B_Man05 likes this.
  9. Zonafer

    Jul 22, 2019
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  10. ballo

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I was about to say that but ye thats def going to happen if the rule is added
    puposaurus likes this.
  11. Composures

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hello Zonafer,

    Having inappropriate capes has never been a punishable offense, due to many players not having optifine or LabyMod. Players enjoy expressing themselves with their skins, names, and capes. However, being able to express yourself with this can be disrespectful or inappropriate, which can be an issue to younger players or players who consider something to be offensive. I believe a rule should be added so players do not have inappropriate capes either. However, I do find some issues in being punishable, as players can just target main players with inappropriate capes to just get them banned. But I think there should definitely be an admins and owner discussion about this.
    B_Man05 and puposaurus like this.
  12. Advolton

    Sep 11, 2019
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    I believe capes should be treated the same way as anything else when it comes to slander, abuse eg. If someone has a cape that advertises sexism, racism, eg. it should be taken very seriously. I know like many have stated, not everyone can see it. Yet not everyone can see a PM, but if someone was talking abuse to another player in-game I’m sure a consequence would overcome them.
    I’m one of the unfortunate people that can see Capes, and I think for the most part they’re cool and creative, but I definitely would recommend adding a rule against inappropriate and disrespectful capes, could cause many people to get offended depending what it’s showcasing.
    +1 for the idea!
    Zonafer likes this.
  13. Kane

    Jul 22, 2019
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    There is a limit on what you can design on optifine capes, so I don't believe that they should be a punishable offence partly because they are not too explicit. Labymod, however, doesn't have this feature, and I believe that one can customize his Cape to ones liking whether its inappropriate or not, so I believe there should be a rule against inappropriate capes for such mods. I am with adding a rule against inappropriate capes for labymod (or any similar mod that allows a user to customize his cape to anything the user desires) just because there is no limit to what you can customize in your Cape.
    B_Man05 likes this.
  14. B_Man05

    Jul 26, 2019
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    Both of these arguments are legit, but just like the staff members, I also have to see both sides of the story
  15. Teddzy

    Jul 4, 2019
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    The only reason people can see those capes is because they have downloaded a mod. You can't see them if you play vanilla. Besides, players can move their cape to someone else without the other player noticing. This can easily end up players banned without them doing anything wrong. There are so many different mods that we'd have to keep an eye on, laby capes, badlion capes regular capes. If you don't want to see inappropriate capes just disable the feature.
    Advolton, Raqueese and B_Man05 like this.
  16. Zonafer

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hmmm, but see, I can also bypass seeing most inappropriate skins by disabling the torso and outer layer. By that logic, I wouldn't be able to see it, and thus, it shouldn't be punishable?

    There should be a rule in place, and I believe the server and staff team have access to the resources that are required to implement this rule. The community agrees, and I would love to have this discussed in the next Admin call.
  17. B_Man05

    Jul 26, 2019
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    This is true, but you still have to read both sides of the argument
  18. Teddzy

    Jul 4, 2019
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    My point was that if you did not change any options in your Minecraft setting or get any mods you wouldn't see anything inappropriate. You're saying that if you remove the second layer from a skin it would solve the problem. Which is not relevant to what I was saying. To remove the second layer from the skin requires you to at least change your Minecraft settings and what my point is that you did not change anything. Besides, most inappropriate skins don't have anything on the second layer but everything on the first one

    Raqueese likes this.
  19. Zonafer

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Granted, what you said is fair. But in all honesty, how many players do you think use OptiFine, or a mod that bundles it on MCC? When counting OptiFine itself, PvP clients like LabyMod and Badlion, hack clients like Aristois, and Forge installations, I would wager that many new players, and almost all competitive players, use this mod. I get what you're saying about not everyone seeing it, but that's not the problem. The problem stems from the fact that almost everyone can see such capes, but it's not being discussed because a small minority cannot. It does not make sense, and I think that a discussion should take place, at the very least.
    MicroSquid likes this.
  20. Raqueese

    Aug 4, 2019
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    Optifine only makes you log in with the account that the cape is currently on. You can transfer it to whoever you want to without their permission.

    Using optifine is their decision, nobody is making them do that. If I were to type "All black people should be killed" or "Hail hitler" in 5zig or Laby chat, do you also think I should get muted on mccentral for that? (If you don't know what those are, it they let you PM people through the mod instead of through the server and can be used even if you aren't on the same server)
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