Community Events Idea

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Zguy2000, Sep 8, 2019.


Would you like to see this as a Community Event?

  1. Yes

    6 vote(s)
  2. No

    1 vote(s)
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  1. Zguy2000

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Community Events Idea:

    I just wanted to suggest a little event. I'm sure most of you have seen stuff like PAX and MineCon and all those sorts of panel-like events. If you haven't, or don't see what I'm already hinting at, fans and players can line up to get an opportunity to ask questions or ask for opinions on a specific topic for the "Celebrity" on the panel. I was hoping to do something like a "Staff Q & A" for players who have been here a while, but never gotten the opportunity to sit down and talk with a staff member or ask them a fun question. The idea could be handled in a similar fashion to the "Karaoke" event hosted occasionally. A large group of players could join the CE Discord and be automatically muted, then one at a time muted to ask either a specific staff a question or staff as a whole. To prevent fake questions, questions that aren't allowed, or anything of that sort, questions could be PM'ed to a staff member hosting the event for review and confirmation, just like Karaoke is accomplished. I don't think the staff want to be looked at as some scary punishers or strict jerks that do nothing but mute all day. I think this event could really bring the community together and show dedicated members that the staff are real people too and have real interests and real lives just like the rest of us. Lemme know what you guys think! (P.S. I already submitted a Community Events Ticket for this)

    Discord: Zguy2000#2656
    Have a nice day/night!
  2. Plsyes

    Jul 31, 2019
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    I think this is an excellent idea! I think doing this would change many people’s point of view on staff members. This is easy to do and I’m sure there are many players who would want to ask staff a few questions. Good idea.

  3. Honestlys

    Jul 31, 2019
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    Hello! I think this is a good idea:blush:and like Sarrcasm said.. it might change people’s point of view on staff memebers. I would love to see this being added as one of the community events.

    +1 from me as well!
  4. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I don’t see why this would be a bad idea. The only hard part of the event would be getting all staff members in the call at the same time (timezones would f*** things up). Overall I’m a +1 and I’d like to see it getting added. Have a nice day
  5. ImConcerned

    Jul 28, 2019
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    I like this idea but, I would assume that, pretty much every question would be about season resets and updates for subservers which is pretty much all classified. Questions would also be based around the Anitcheat.
    If they did get enough questions about topics that aren’t classified then I would be all for this idea but I don’t really see many questions that could be asked that aren’t about staff member’s private lifes. (I’m not sure if every staff member would want to open up about some of their private information)
    As Guih has mentioned ^^^ to get a lot of the staff members in a call at once would be a real struggle because of people’s day-to-day lifes and time zones.
    Thanks and have a lovely day!
  6. Zonafer

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I believe that the Community Events team has already discussed and implemented a Staff Q&A event for September. I'd like to see how that tides over before expanding on the idea, or implementing more.
  7. TrippedUp

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I was going to not respond to this since ImConcerned said everything I thought of saying, but I thought of it a bit more and realized that this idea has a lot of potential. I believe that a Staff Q & A is possible, but with some rules. For example, no asking about when the anti-cheat will be fixed, no asking if you can be unbanned, etc. Also, it would be cool if there would be not only a staff Q & A, but also one for sub-teams, such as a Q & A for the Mentor team or Reports team. Only problem I could see with that is too many people, but luckily timezones would even out the numbers. Anyway, I love the idea, and I hope Zonafer is right about the staff discussing one of these! Hope you have a great day or night!
  8. Zguy2000

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Right, and the karaoke event works by sending your song to a staff member that is hosting the event for them to confirm the lyrics of the song are not explicit. The Q&A would work similarly, in that a staff would have to approve the question through PM's before a player could be unmuted and ask their question publicly. And again, not ALL staff have to be on at once for the Q&A. That's outrageous and ridiculous to ask. Each staff rank has a potential aspect that members could be curious about, especially questions like "What was the hardest part about getting promoted to Helper" or other ranks as follows. All in all, the CE team knows how karaoke nights work and would know how to handle a situation like this one to prevent as many inapp/not allowed questions as possible
    TrippedUp likes this.
  9. kvng_steph

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey Zguy2000!
    Speaking as a staff member, I'd love to see this Q&A community event added. I think it will make people learn more about staff member not just in game but irl too. I think there should be different staff rank Q&A's to make things more interesting like a seperate Q&A for the admins maybe even owners lol. And then I'd say SR, Mod, and Helper Q&A's are combined together. Great idea though its a +1 from me!
  10. JapanCrafter

    Sep 1, 2019
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    +1 for this to happen. Its unfortunate that many people think that staff are people that just take pleasure in muting and banning people all day. The reality is that many staff members are actually quite friendly and lovable people. Before I joined the staff team, I thought that staff members were like this; cold, unfriendly people who never want to talk with you and just want to punish you. One of the main reasons why I stayed so long on the staff team was because I genuinely liked the community that I had within the staff team. I wish that more people can experience this for themselves, and I think that having a Q&A with staff members could be a step in the right direction.
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