
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by SlipKnot2006, Feb 19, 2025 at 1:55 PM.

  1. SlipKnot2006

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    Hello, I apologize for my English, I'm Brazilian. I am a skywars player and I attended the server around the period from 2015 to 2018 and I would like to give my opinion on skywars having gone wrong. Skywars on the mccentral server was excellent and a lot of fun, however there were problems related to hackers, which caused many players to abandon the server. Even so, I don't think that was the problem, but the updates that mischaracterized mccentral's skywars, at that time there were several servers and each of them with its own characteristics, so the servers had their player base based on skywars that most pleased each player. However, over time, mc central's skywars received updates that mischaracterized the server that was already considered a classic. If we look at it today, we have skywars servers that are active to this day and that are played a lot, and something you notice about these servers is that they haven't changed since they released this minigame. Based on this, I believe that the server made a mistake wanting to innovate something that was already perfect. At most, the release of new maps would be enough to keep the game innovative in some way, but keeping its classic maps that were a trademark of the server. That's my take with the one player who played Skywars from the server during its heyday and during its fall
    btsgay likes this.
  2. btsgay

    Jun 6, 2020
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    Hi, do you know any servers like mccentral Skywars ? 1.8.9
    I miss it so much
    It was my childhood too
  3. SlipKnot2006

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    There is a Brazilian server called Hylex that is paying tribute to McCentral's Skywars, it will last until the 28th. Skywars practically identical with the same classic maps, the same items and even has the explosive arrow

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