Axe Meta?

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by EssentialsPlus, Sep 4, 2019.

  1. EssentialsPlus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I have been playing a lot of Skywars recently and I have been regretting buying the axe kit from the shop as it fills my inventory and slows me down when I am sorting my inventory sometimes. What I hope they do is make it so you can axe chests to get loot out of them so they serve an actual purpose other than just harvesting wood and breaking wood. I think this would add more skill onto the game and make it more intense as players would be able to get to center a lot faster.
    #1 EssentialsPlus, Sep 4, 2019
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2019
  2. ImConcerned

    Jul 28, 2019
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    Just so you know, I bought the axe, not only for the useful reason of harvesting, but also for a secondary use I found out.
    I use it as a weapon!
    If you are unlucky enough to receive a golden sword within your first chest, you will notice that it only deals +4 damage.
    An iron axe actually does more than this and deals +5 damage.
    Iron axes actually deal the same amount of damage as Stone Swords.

    Axes actually deal the amount of damage that a sword that is one tier less does.
    For example;
    A Stone axe deals the same amount of damage as a wooden sword.
    An iron axe deals the same amount of damage as a stone sword.
    A diamond axe deals the same amount of damage as an iron sword.

    Also, golden swords are not very durable and run out extremely quick if you have killed around three or four players.

    I don't really know whether your idea is very good as currently, no other kit has a 'special ability' and i do not think adding one to just the iron axe kit is a very good idea. This kit is based for harvesting and i think it should stay like that for now.
    Hopefully you learned something from my response.
    Thank you and have a lovely day!
    Bob50 likes this.
  3. BtwImQuestion

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hello !

    I personally believe this is fine at the moment as players use the axe to farm for if they run out of wood - Etc. as the chests leave plenty of room in your inventory, i believe by the time someone has been able to build over it should be all sorted. I understand where you're coming from but personally i have to disagree with this one.

    Thank you for reading !
    deleteduser and Horace_Altman like this.
  4. JapanCrafter

    Sep 1, 2019
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    The axe is actually quite useful. In the beginning I didn't buy it because I did not want it to clutter up my inventory in the start of the game. However, once I realized that it does more damage than a golden sword or the same amount as a stone sword, I quickly bought the perk and I use it all the time. Whenever I open a chest at the start of the game, I always hover my cursor over the top left corner of the chest (where the sword always is) and I press ''F'' (my hotkey for slot 1) which immediately puts the sword into slot 1. If the sword is gold, I just don't ever grab the sword and I make sure that the iron axe is in the first slot. I am pretty fast at grabbing all of the needed gear from the chests and then sorting it all out (usually like the first person to start bridging) and having the axe has never been an issue for me.
    Horace_Altman likes this.
  5. EssentialsPlus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I am fully aware of the damage of a iron axe but I want Skywars to become a bit more speed-run, this would make axes a bit more versatile and have more uses making it something a player would want for more than just the damage.
    HeckTheThicc likes this.
  6. Visit

    Aug 27, 2019
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    Strongly disagree, at the start of every game I mine 2 diamonds for a sword, and the axe makes it easier to mine the wood and craft one, just before the pearl cooldown runs out and I pearl to mid. This method has saved me so many times. For that reason, I wouldn't like the axe kit to be removed.
  7. EssentialsPlus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I didn't make this thread to get the axe removed, I was just asking for them to make it so you can actually get loot out of a chest when you break it. This would make the iron axe more usable and more versatile which would encourage more players to buy it.
    JustANoob likes this.
  8. Cxrtr

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I have over 450,000 extra credits, and have bought everything on every minigame except for the axe, because it isn't useful. I don't think being able to break the chest will change anything, as skilled players can loot the chest and do everything in time. Some players like to mine the wood and diamonds for a diamond sword, but the game all comes down to who can play the smartest and who can pvp better.

    The 1 extra damage doesn't really help out, I don't think I have ever had a case where the extra .25 hearts every hit would have changed the outcome of the fight. I think that the axe is balanced enough, and if you think it's worth the 1500 credits then go for it.
    EssentialsPlus likes this.

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