False ban

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by MoltenCheese, Sep 4, 2019.

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  1. MoltenCheese

    Sep 2, 2019
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    Me and my friend got banned for "cheating" 2 days ago, since that time we have been in contact with a mod (swaggle, who was the person that banned us). We sent in a recording of the fight we got accused of cheating. She said that we where completely fine, she apologized for the ban and she said she tries her best not to flase ban anyone.
    She later comes back to us with this:
    "hi ! So I got opinions on your ban and the recordings that you’ve given me and the response I’m getting is that you both should stay banned. The main reasons are the reported video is just too blatant to really trust what you guys recorded and that the recordings you have don’t have your perspective of what was reported. Are you sure y’all weren’t hacking?"

    I would like someone to look more closely at this ban and the footage from both parties and come back to me with a better answer.
  2. Darenn

    Jul 22, 2019
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    This happens frequently and first of all, this is not the right place to come and talk about what happened. Depending on what happened and why you were banned (obviously for hacking but which reason) you’re free to make an appeal at the following website; mccentral.org/appeal

    Otherwise, I understand that you’re asking for others to look at the videos but as you clearly said, swaggle told you that she got opinions from other staff members and they concluded that you should stay banned. Staff members do make mistakes and we all do... but on this one, she actually took her own time and looked further into this.

    After checking why you were banned, you were banned for Kill Aura on Factions. It’s a 30 day ban and you have 27 left. Plus, it’s real hard to false ban someone for Kill Aura. KA gets really obvious when someone’s using it.

    Remember that you can appeal whenever you feel like it. Make sure you respect the criteria’s and provide as much proof as possible.

    Have a good rest of your day!

    - Pringles:)
  3. Departition_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    can I see the recording?
  4. xBenz

    Jul 22, 2019
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    The entire reports team reviewed it, it's sufficient for the ban and the recordings you provided was not sufficient

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