Staff Inactive

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by 0ctagon, Sep 2, 2019.


Are Staff Inactive

  1. Yes

    2 vote(s)
  2. No

    7 vote(s)
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  1. 0ctagon

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Why Are Staff So Inactive Like I Know
    Staff Might Say That They Have Real Lives.
    If They Were So Busy Why Would They Apply In The First Place?

    Staff Are Simply People With No Life
    They Just Mute Or Ban People And
    Barely Be On The Website Or Discord.
  2. 0ctagon

    Jul 22, 2019
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    "Staff" Are Simply People With No Life Or Soul.
    If Their So Busy Why Would They Apply
  3. WolfgangLP

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Staff are people too. All people still have lives outside of minecraft which they need to tend to too. Staff are on as much as they can be and it really does make a difference. They do much more than you think.
  4. I honestly disagree with you, Staff still does their job "Punishing people / Checking appeals / Helping people"
    Being Staff on MCC seems fun, and those people that are staff right now are just those who just wants to "Help on MCC, Give their time to the server"

    Sure, they might take sometimes a long while to check someones "Appeal or Report" but at the end it gets finished!

    Its like going to a job, you get your tasks in your job and you do them, just like MCC staff: "Help, Moderate, Check, ETC", also those people that are MCC Staff right now, they have decided to become one, they decided "they want to do this, and they want to shine their time on MCC" means its their option to become staff or not.

    In conclusion staff are people, they have their own lives outside MCC "Homework, house jobs, jobs, school, etc" we should thank them for giving their times to help MCC server out and people on it!

    #4 Deleted member 254, Sep 2, 2019
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 2, 2019
    AZXG and httpmeme like this.
  5. Visit

    Aug 27, 2019
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    I disagree, staff are online all the time.
  6. 0ctagon

    Jul 22, 2019
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    If Staff Were Busy People They Would Not Apply
    If They Had Jobs Or School They Would Work Not Go On Server And Mute And Ban People For Little To No Reason
  7. 0ctagon

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Not The Staff That Mute Or Ban
  8. 0ctagon

    Jul 22, 2019
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    If Staff Were Busy They Would Not Apply As Simple As That
  9. Lunatix

    Jul 25, 2019
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    Staff are not inactive because every time i do /friends list there is always around 3-4 staff on all the time even in the mornings evenings and nights for me. They are normally on skywars or other minigames because they're the places with the biggest hacker count so they need to get rid of them first also staff do have irl things to do and some have exams coming up so they need to revise and do stuff to help them do good in life. :)
    httpmeme likes this.
  10. httpmeme

    Jul 22, 2019
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    As a current staff member on MCC we do have lives outside of Minecraft. Being staff is rewarding because we help out the community for free and make sure there isn't any rule breakers. Most staff are 14-18 so they're currently in school but can still manage all their req minutes and be on for extra as well. Most staff are more active than others and most staff you don't even see in game because they might be on alts or in staff mode. It's really up to the community if you guys think we're active or not, but I think we all are pretty active in my opinion.

    Have a lovely day/night!

    AZXG and Lunatix like this.
  11. ImConcerned

    Jul 28, 2019
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    The staff team have school, jobs, sleep and sports to get around every single day. You have to keep in mind that being a staff member is 100% voluntary. Staff members do not get paid any real life money for 'working' and helping out to keep the server clean and enjoyable. Fair enough, they do receive a voucher for the store for a small amount of money every month but that doesn't have such an affect as if there was a wage.

    Time-zones come into play in this discussion too as there is a lot more USA staff members rather than EU or AU. Many players, on a daily basis can only play from about 6pm-10pm on week days because of school, homework, jobs, sleep, exercise and everything else that people do in their every-day lives.

    Many of the 'good' staff that are very experienced and trustworthy (SrMods, Admins) applied and got accepted as staff in a time of their life (maybe the start of summer) where they had a lot of free time and were able to play for up to 12 hours each day!
    Those staff members are an amazing addition to the team and should 100% stay on the team because of their experience, even though if they are not playing as many hours as other lower staff members.

    I agree that more staff members should be getting promoted to Moderator and more players should be getting helper but MCC want to make sure that they have the right people for the job and make sure that they are experienced and trusted enough to have such privileges to severely punish players.

    I like almost every single player that is on the staff team and i think it is really amazing what they are doing and I appreciate it so much. They are great role models for people in game and in real life.

    These are my opinions on the points you have made.
    You can contact me on my discord which is on my signature below.
    Thanks, and have a lovely day!
    #11 ImConcerned, Sep 2, 2019
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2019
    httpmeme and Kane like this.
  12. TrippedUp

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I understand you may not think staff are active, but they really are. Also, it's a bit insulting that you called them "people with no soul or life", because they are people just like you and happen to want to improve the server, which is obviously not the route you want to take (that is completely fine). Those who become staff have other things on top of this voluntary work, so please make it a bit easier for them and not insult them like that. They are online a lot and are here to help.
    httpmeme likes this.
  13. Timppali

    Jun 29, 2019
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    I hope that the replies made by users above me make you realize the point of view of staff on this matter.
    I will lock this thread as it spreads unnecessary negative comments and I don't find that necesary.

    - Thread Locked
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