A guide to basic redstone item sorting on MCC

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by 5251Thomas, Dec 13, 2021.

  1. 5251Thomas

    Oct 26, 2021
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    Hi fellow minecrafter,

    Today, I'd like to help you build a Redstone item sorter module.

    Minecraft central's plugins create a unique problem that has to be solved through creative solution finding.
    The main difficulty with conventional sorting systems is that most make use of water and ice to move items through the sorting array, this is however not an option because of the clear lag plugin used on mccentral.
    Because of this, we are forced to use hoppers to move all the items. This system could be called a loss-less system because the clear lag will not interfere with the items that are in transport.

    What it'll eventually look like


    STEP 1
    Place 5 blocks in the configuration as seen in the picture below
    This formation will be the base on top of which we'll build our sorter.

    STEP 2
    Place a redstone torch on the middle bottom block and a redstone repeater on the other side of the block. the redstone repeater should be aiming into the block (you can see this by the direction in which the arrow of the repeater is pointed)

    STEP 3
    Place a redstone line on the top right blocks, place a redstone comparator facing into the redstone line (again, you can see the way it's aimed by looking at the arrow)

    STEP 5

    Place a chest on the most left block, it's not important which way this chest is aimed unless you're going to expand the system. In which case, place it sideways, so you can place other chests next to it.
    Place 2 hoppers, the top one must aim into the comparator (make sure to shift while placing it against the comparator otherwise it'll turn on a different function)
    Place the second hopper below the first, it should aim into the chest.

    STEP 6 configuring the filter
    for this step, there are a few considerations to make. one of which is what item you'd like to use for your filter. keep in mind that you cannot filter out this item itself and inserting this item into the sytem can break it entirely.
    Open the top hopper, place the item you would like to end up in the chest, in the other 4 slots, place atleast one item such as a sign, this prevents other items from entering the hopper

    You will notice that when using this configuration, if you start adding items one by one, the moment you reach 7 items, the hopper will let a single unit of the item in the most left slot though.
    This is how your sorter works. (the first time the item will get stuck in the hopper below, after this first item all items will end up in the chest.)

    STEP 7 adding more modules

    Repeat step 1 to 7 on the blocks next to the previous module to make more modules.

    STEP 8 chaining it all together
    to make the whole system work, place a line of hoppers aiming all into one direction to create a chain of hoppers. By adding a chest at the start of the line and at the end, you can catch all items that didn't get sorted.

    If you followed all steps correctly, you should now have a working sorter,
    enjoy building!

    Kind regards,

    P.S. if you have any questions, send me a letter by replying ot this post

    Attached Files:

  2. 5251Thomas

    Oct 26, 2021
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    Í would love to get any feedback from you all, I am planning to make a mini-series on redstone basics, please tell me what other kinds of things you'd like to see.
  3. Vxtk

    Dec 28, 2020
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    Great Job! Keep up the good work and I hope to see more Redstone Builds in the Future!
    Adding a Video will help The Community as well:)
  4. 5251Thomas

    Oct 26, 2021
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    Yea I was thinking about adding videos, but I am bit weary if it's safe to do in terms of privacy
  5. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    wow! ty so much! youre so cool! i did not know how comparators worked. redstpone is so weird in minectraft. especially on mcc where some clocks are disabled, but some work. then some work then break! oh me oh my! youre so helpful! thanks a ton! iw ill defineitly use this ion my survival base

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