The true story about how I was trapped inside MCC

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by StupidBlockBoy, Dec 5, 2021.

  1. StupidBlockBoy

    Sep 10, 2020
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    Hello fellow MCC mates, today I will submit a true story about how I got trapped in MCC. The experience that left me traumatized till' this day
    So it all started back in 2019 when I was just chilling and watching youtube at home. Suddenly I felt an urge to play some MCC, so I turned on my computer and launched Minecraft.
    The day before I had come across a new Minecraft client which was said to work as some kind of portal into the strange world of Minecraft but ofc I didn't believe it at that time. I wish would have known what was about to happen.

    After I launched Minecraft I immediately connected to my MCC and started playing some Skywars. I ended up getting knocked off while bridging every round so I decided to play capture the flag instead. Once I got on CTF, I immediately started getting bowspammed by everyone which led to me punching my monitor. when I punched the monitor I started hearing a weird buzzing sound, but I brushed it off because of the amount of frustration I was feeling. I was so frustrated that I swore that I would seek revenge by going into the game myself and beating them in person. I shouldn't have said it because right after it something extremely strange and scary happened. I suddenly noticed that I wasn't sitting in my room anymore. The place I found myself in looked very familiar and then it struck me.

    I had been teleported to MCC by the client I had downloaded earlier. I was standing in the CTF lobby and the size of the other players intimidated me. My heart started beating faster than a bow spammer fires their bow once I saw the text that says "game starts in 90 seconds". The 90 seconds felt like an eternity and I wanted to cry, but there are no tears in Minecraft, so I couldn't. I also noticed that I couldn't breathe, which felt very weird since as a human, I'm very used to it. I became desperate and tried to tell people to press Alt+F4 but I realized that it would only get me muted instead of banned. And for those who wonder how I could talk, it was basically like talking without your vocal cords. Instead, the things I said came out as text
    After the most painful 90 seconds of my life, the game finally started and I could already sense the anger of the bowspammers at the other side of the map. The map we were playing on was Asteroid field. As you all probably guessed, I immediately sought shelter behind a wall. After a few minutes of hiding, I could hear the footsteps of a player nearby. I felt like vomiting but I couldn't because Minecraft characters do not have the same bodily functions as humans. I was shifting but somehow the player found me and started to approach me with their sword ready to slice me like a pizza. I didn't want to die so I started running away. That's when I heard a familiar sound followed by a sharp pain in my back. It was the damage sound. Then it struck me, I had been hit by an arrow. I was 100% sure that I would pass out and die, but then I remembered that Minecraft characters don't pass out. As I continued running in pain, I got hit several times but then I remembered something my dad had always told me as a child. "Never run away from dangers". At that moment I felt a weird sensation. It felt like I had been filled with the power of the skies. I turned around and grabbed my sword tightly. I was ready to fight for my life and for justice, even though I knew might lose my life. I raised my sword like a freedom fighter and struck them like a rotten zombie. They ended up flying 6 blocks away. After seeing how far away the player flew I realized something positive. Since I was trapped inside the game, I had 0 ping, which gave me an advantage over other players. After realizing my advantage, I kind of started enjoying the killing of other players because it was easier than ever. I also tried to tell people that I was trapped in the game but they only laughed at me and told me that I was either on drugs or crazy. That made me enjoy fighting the players even more. Of course, people were assuming that I hack so eventually I got a screenshare request. That made me very happy because I knew that I would get banned if I don't accept it. I ended up not denying to screenshare so I got banned. I hadn't really used my brain enough because I automatically thought I would teleport back to the real world after getting banned. I was wrong though.

    I woke up in the "you are banned screen" and I couldn't see or feel my body. The only thing that was left of me was my consciousness. I was trapped in a world without life, full of silence and emptiness. I ended up spending a time that felt like an eternity in the screen, which later turned out to be about 2 weeks. I felt hopeless and my consciousness slowly started to fade away, when I suddenly just found myself in my chair.

    When I realized that I was back home I felt very confused and after a few minutes of going through what had happened, I started to wonder how I had returned back home. After a few minutes of brainstorming, I came to the conclusion that my internet had crashed, which had led to the teleport client crashing because it needed internet to work. I ended up telling everyone I knew about my traumatic experience, but as you might imagine, they didn't believe me. Instead, they told me to visit a therapist, and I still visit them until this day. Even the therapist didn't believe me but they still helped me get over the trauma, at least to some degree.

    When I opened my computer for the first time after the event I noticed that the teleport client was gone, and when I tried to find it on the internet, it had vanished into thin air. I later found a Reddit post covering the teleport client. There I found other people who had gone through the same experience. Many believed that it was some kind of experiment by Microsoft using cutting-edge technology to test if you could teleport people into a virtual world, to prevent overpopulation. The Reddit post was later removed and I think Microsoft had something to do with it.

    I don't know who is behind the client but whoever it is, let's never meet in person.
    Yukihira and notaspleen like this.
  2. CoolElla

    Oct 12, 2019
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    This is truely inspirational.
    StupidBlockBoy likes this.
  3. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    probably daren client, and if so you don't wanna meet that man in person
    Yukihira and MY_BROS_ASSASSIN like this.
  4. notaspleen

    Apr 21, 2020
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    What in the Jumanji/Spy Kids 3
    bdqt and Yukihira like this.
  5. jemelina

    Jun 5, 2020
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    Some people have too much time in their hands
    bdqt likes this.
  6. Igmgpgogsgtga

    Dec 8, 2021
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  7. Igmgpgogsgtga

    Dec 8, 2021
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  8. Igmgpgogsgtga

    Dec 8, 2021
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    sounds like a good client would love to use it one day :D
  9. Yukihira

    Jun 17, 2020
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    i remember that day, i was one of the people that told u were on drugs
    bdqt likes this.

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