Skyblock Season 13.0 | Feedback Wanted!

Discussion in 'Skyblock General Discussion' started by 89p, Nov 12, 2021.

  1. 89p


    Jan 14, 2020
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    We'd like your feedback on Season 13.0 of Skyblock. If there's anything you want changed, added or even removed, here is the best place to put it! The Quality Assurance Team & Alex will be looking to this thread to see where we can improve.

    If you've got issues with losing keys due to kicks, please make a Donation Issue ticket at

    We are aware of the issue with buckets and will have a fix out soon.

  2. xEthzn

    Oct 14, 2020
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    OK SO to start, making the hopper limit higher is great. Although there isnt a very effective way to recieve island points. Sugar cane was balanced last season, I think it should change back to that.

    There has also been a bug where you get kicked quite often especially in pvp.

    Another problem that we ran into is about the polar bears. They take lots of time to die and are very difficult to build a mob grinder for them.

    Compost bins dont work on vines, which are the #1 rate for island points which is kind of dumb. They also take like 10 minutes to grow one.

    Compost bins are also VERY rare from keys and should be buffed for next season
  3. AlexMarkey

    Jun 16, 2019
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    In regards to points. The economy is still balanced the same. There is crops out there that can obtain points at the exact same rate as sugar cane last season (it seems people have not figured out that crop yet - and no its not vines).

    As for the being kicked in PvP, we are aware of this and will be getting this looked into today.

    Polar bears will be looked into today.
    BeckyV and DomoMini like this.
  4. AlexMarkey

    Jun 16, 2019
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    When looking for the best crops in regards to points, looking at the percentage is not the best way to go about things.
    Whilst yes, vines have the highest chance of returning points (with 0.62% chance), the amount of vines you can destroy per hour is MUCH lower when compared to other crops (For example, from our testing you can only destroy around 5,600 vines per hour, where potatoes for example, you can destroy up to 55,000 per hour assuming perfect conditions).
    BeckyV and 10sec like this.
  5. nonRacist

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Heya, heres few ideas that I thought of, some were helped by InsaneIsMyName (:

    -add trapped chests into the shop. makes making grinders and strorage way easier.

    -remove the need for light for crops to grow, Its bothersome hitting your head to glowstone on lower layers.

    -rookies should get at least one sethome, feels weird that the lowest rank you get any homes is legend.

    -could add bots for farming, example below.

    Having a bot, like you already do in prison, or in /is nether, mining robot gems, but instead
    of mining robot gems, they could harvest certain area around themselves, lets say 7x7.
    They could be upgraded, maybe using robot gems, and could add requirements like island level
    needs to be at certain level, so you can upgrade to the next tier farming bot.
    So they could farm crops, maybe chop down trees, that kind of stuff.

    Obviously the bots wouldnt need to be only targeted at farming, but the idea
    of farming bots makes the most sense imo, to the people who dont want to
    spend hours and hours each day farming crops.
    They would make less than actual farming, they wouldnt be as efficient, but at least
    the farming wouldnt need to be manual all the time.
    and yes, they would need to be recharged like other bots.

    Might be bit too big of a change for this season, but still wanted to throw it out there.

    Thanks for reading (:​
  6. Nebula

    Sep 22, 2020
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    Hey, InsaneIsMyName referred me to this thread

    I was just thinking that grinding the mobs in the nether for the generator should have some drops occasionally.
    I also think that the "treasure" in the fishing area of the nether should have greater rewards. Please consider my request,

    (ign) SUNLlGHT
  7. InsaneIsMyName

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hiya 89p,

    I'm genuinely enjoying this season so far. Farming is taking a bit to get used to, we've been spoiled with low maintenance farms the last few seasons with a netherwart eco. Overall, it's a nice change from the last few seasons of netherwart/snow golem. My main "issues" with this season are ones I know are shared by others, and they are the following:

    - Lack of compost bins. Compost bins seem scarce this season, and are making it nearly impossible not to have extremely large/tall farms. Last season my island had around 10 compost bins, which boosted crop growth for the entirety of our farm, while this season we have a measly 2.

    - Lack of sell wands. I've already accepted the fact that I will be purchasing sell wands this season, and perhaps they were just as rare last season and I've simply gotten used to how easy they are to obtain on prison, but I wish they were a bit more common.

    Aside from the things mentioned above, this season seems to be going well with minimal complications and nothing that hasn't been fixed up asap.
  8. Breazia

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Bring back being able to craft gaps. That was a stupid thing to take away. Pvp is now pointless and yall made myth and ancient gear even more useless than it has been in the past.
  9. AlexMarkey

    Jun 16, 2019
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    This isn't something we removed, this is something that changed in 1.12.
    If players want this back, this can be done (Need a few more opinions on the topic though)
    BeckyV likes this.
  10. xEthzn

    Oct 14, 2020
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    yes please markey, I know this is a bit late but legit pvp is screwed up rn brining back egaps would be huge
  11. AlexMarkey

    Jun 16, 2019
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    This has been added back and is currently live on the server =]
    boomrabbits_ and 89p like this.
  12. tinney12345

    Aug 9, 2021
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    Just out of curiosity, why change the meta crop from warts to potato and beets or is it just to change it up a little?
  13. Reptile111

    Feb 22, 2022
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    Maybe it’s just me but I miss old school vanilla skyblock!

    keep it simple, no crazy plugins or confusing commands/whatever that new players won’t understand.
    I think it would be good to add a “help” area too, when I first joined I couldn’t understand how the nether, robots, gems, composters or any of the plugins worked… a small tutorial area for the non vanilla features would be fantastic for new players.

    Also unpopular opinion… I miss having a /warp shop ! A physical area you could teleport to and look around to buy your items, a section for blocks, farming items, spawners, etc

    please more items in the shop!!! There are so many missing and it makes it difficult to have interesting builds when you only have like 10 blocks to work with (ik 10 is an understatement but u get my point)

    and finally please update to the newest version 1.18 :) Or at least something newer than 1.12
    #13 Reptile111, Feb 24, 2022
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2022

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