The MCC Server Rules NEED To Change

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by MCGPFUN, Aug 29, 2021.


    May 2, 2020
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    There needs to be a major change to the MCC Server rules.

    Specifically the Discrimination Rules as stated here "Slurs/Discrimination Using racist/derogatory words and discriminating people.".

    Although this is good that MCC is aware of racial discrimination and prohibits this type of discrimination they do not address multiple other types of very common discrimination.

    The discrimination I am referring to is discrimination against the Gay, LGBTQ & Disabled communities.

    After attempting to report a player that uses "gay" as an insult to other people and things, I quickly learned that the server rules and discrimination rules do not apply for these communities.

    I had a wonderful conversation with a server moderator who goes by the name "YoureKindaSus" who informed me that this rule does not cover the use of these insults. This was extremely surprising for me that this kind of language and these insults are allowed on a minecraft server so popular. It is 2021 and discrimination is a very large topic that needs to be addressed by all communities.

    Gay & Disabled people need to feel safe when joining a public space and should not constantly be put down indirectly or directly by people who use "gay" and "retarded" or other slurs as an insult.

    Homophobia & the putting down of disabled communities is just as wrong as putting down other individuals because of their race.

    Please players, moderators, admins & Alex Markeyy, reply with your thoughts and the actions we can take to protect these communities and make sure everyone feels safe on your server.

    "Everybody, was born equal
    Regardless of race, religion, color, creed, and sexual orientation"

    ~Logic (Sir Robert Bryson Hall II)

    #1 MCGPFUN, Aug 29, 2021
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2021
    fattr, BeckyV, LeafyTiger24 and 3 others like this.
  2. iFlipFlipPhones

    Aug 16, 2019
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    Considering the server is dead, I would be in shock if they did anything that could benefit the server. I do feel like this is a good idea but no point if they have a fake player count and few active staff. An anti cheat is more important than getting someone muted for calling you gay or any other term like that, but I do believe this should be added.
    LethalReach, dylan and Emmie like this.

    May 2, 2020
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    Thank you and sure there are other issues at hand but these communities should be protected and feel safe on these servers.
    Emmie and ray01 like this.
  4. ray01

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I understand that someone using that as an insult is frustating to see. I dont believe this rule will change because its been this way for awhile Also not alot of people see it as disrespect/discrimitive you are talking about a server full of kids.

    Whats the meaning trying to add this to the rules when kids dont read the rules as is.

    I hope staff can add more to this explaining why this isnt part of the rules.

    Goodluck :)
    Emmie and BeckyV like this.
  5. Zonafer

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I see where you're coming from when you say there needs to be a change in terms of the rules, but I disagree. I know it seems like the rule doesn't protect members who are susceptible to discrimination on non-racial grounds, but in reality it is more than effective at covering the vast majority of discrimination that happens on this server.

    I can speak from two perspectives on this - the staff's POV and a player who was called a slur and the punishment wasn't enough for the offence. A few years back I was playing when a few people decided to start calling me the F-slur. Now that's not cool for anyone to hear, but especially when that slur is directed against a community you identify with. I remember at the time the "slurs" rule was called "racial slurs" and was specific to racial slurs only, meaning homophobic slurs and such were only considered filter bypass. The reasoning we got was like the N-slur without a hard R, the F-slur was being "reclaimed" by the community it is used against, which didn't feel like a fair response to me.

    Speaking from a staff's perspective, I see a lot of CRs regarding this as well, all the time. I can see why you may take offence to someone calling something/someone "gay" but at the end of the day that only really reflects on their own maturity and mentality. The way I see it, saying "that's so gay" is the equivalent of saying "that's so disabled" or "that's so black", which makes 0 sense - we wouldn't punish for discrimination for any of those statements, so that's why we likely denied your CRs on people saying stuff like "that's gay". I agree people need to grow up and tell it like it is, but people will keep using gay as an insult as long as even a fraction of society sees it as something "wrong".

    Pointedly calling someone "retarded" or something similar gets you a severity one mute for disrespect. I do not believe the word "retard" in and of itself is enough to classify as a slur, so I'm not gonna comment too much in that regard. Thanks for reading!
    jemelina, puposaurus, mcrcus and 6 others like this.

    May 2, 2020
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    "the way I see it, saying "that's so gay" is the equivalent of saying "that's so disabled" or "that's so black","

    Nobody says these things because its not a common insult. Saying "your video is gay" is presented in a negative context and therefore is belittling the gay community.

    Retard is also a slur to the disabled community and thats good there is a rule againt that however using "that is retarded" or "thats gay" is still by definition discrimination.

    Definition of Discrimination: Discrimination is the act of making unjustified distinctions between human beings based on the groups, classes, or other categories to which they are perceived to belong. People may be discriminated on the basis of race, gender, age, religion, or sexual orientation, as well as other categories. Discrimination especially occurs when individuals or groups are unfairly treated in a way which is worse than other people are treated, on the basis of their actual or perceived membership in certain groups or social categories.

    "people will keep using gay as an insult as long as even a fraction of society sees it as something "wrong"." Thats like saying a portion of people will still be using the N word and R word because they think being in those groups is wrong. Except we know people don't chose their groups and we enforce people who be little and insult these individuals. The fact is being gay is not wrong, and by not enforcing the discrimination rule because some people dont believe its discrimination is ignorant.

    May 2, 2020
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    People will only continue to say it on this server IF its allowed.
  8. Zonafer

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I agree it is meant to be offensive, however the offence in this statement is directed towards the video, not gay people. I personally don't take offence to it because there are better things for me to be doing than taking offence to people calling things gay on a block game server, and that's really what it boils down to.

    Your definition of the word discrimination appears to be more a definition of prejudice, where one holds certain groups in higher or lower regard than others; discrimination is about actions against people you hold in higher or lower regard. Just saying you hold something in a lower regard like X group is just prejudice, not discrimination.

    I agree, being gay is not wrong. But my point still stands; people still use slurs like the N-word and the R-word, which I agree is unfair to the people who these slurs target. I do not believe this is an issue of ignorance, but rather taking things too seriously, if that makes sense. Not everything that is directed at a certain community can be considered discriminatory, and at a certain point we just have to stop and say "I'm gonna take the high road and not let this bother me."
    BlockyBeach likes this.

    May 2, 2020
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    So first you agree that it IS offensive. It matters very little if these slurs are directed at people or things, it still directly impacts and puts down that community. The fact that they used "gay" to say my video is bad gives context that it is in a negative association and therefore generalizing gays as bad or something less than.

    The definition I gave is the literal definition of Discrimination by Wikipedia.

    People will still use them but as a moderator you need to be willing to protect the communities and people that play on this server. Just "taking the high road" and ignoring obvious discrimination is wrong.
  10. mcrcus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hi there,

    Now this seems like a simple topic to talk about and I have no problem sharing my thoughts about this situation. I do not think the rules about this will not change at all and they do not need to change and it is simply because you are taking the “discrimination” rule and trying to flip it around and make it much more confusing.

    Simply calling a video “gay” is not punishable because to be honest, it doesn’t relate to homosexuality. Like I said earlier, it seems like you are just trying to use fancy words to make your argument more compelling. The discrimination rule is used when those kinds of terms are being used in a dark manner. Calling someone’s video gay = not punishable. Saying that all gays deserve to die = punishable. Someone saying that you are gay = not punishable. Someone saying that you’re gay and that you should die cause of it = punishable. It really isn’t rocket science. Same goes for the word retarded. Constantly calling someone retarded = punishable. Saying “this game is retarded” = not punishable.

    There are only certain things that make it discrimination. The word “gay” can be used as an insult without having any connections to homosexuality. However if you are getting picked on for being gay then obviously that is where we draw the line and that qualifies as discrimination. And that goes for the other words that I mentioned in this thread. And if you know, Minecraft is a fairly popular game and a lot of young players do not know the full background and they use these words in the sense that it doesn’t relate to homosexuality.

    Hopefully that made some sense. Let me know if you have anything else to say :)

    10sec and BlockyBeach like this.

    May 2, 2020
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    Its the fact they are still using it as an insult, doesnt matter if its directed at a person or thing.

    By allowing them to casually say it you are allowing them to ignorantly discriminate against these groups of people.

    Sure maybe some of the people saying it are kids, but that is not an excuse. They need to be informed somehow. Thanks for your perspective.
    Emmie likes this.
  12. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Lets be real, 'they need to be informed somehow' really should not be through muting them in a game. Sure let's say a kid does get muted for it, do you really think that's going to stop them and educate them in the real world? It's a block game, I strongly doubt it. Saying that it might inform them is really no reasoning.

    I'm going to be completely open and honest here. I don't want this to be punishable because I already know I'm (for some reason) going to be the one blamed when I have to mute someone for it! If you would like a bunch of 12 year old kids telling you to die because you muted them for discrimination when they called their friend gay, that's fine with me. But 95% of the people who use this term to disrespect someone, are too immature to understand what it means. As a result of this, they find any other person in existence to blame other than themselves, which unfortunately is going to be me!

    Yes. People who do this are ignorant. Yes. People who talk like this are rude. I understand the problem, but your solution is going to do more harm than good. If you are upset that someone called you or someone else gay, just /ignore them. Problem solved.

    In no way, shape or form am I a discriminatory person or am homophobic, just in case you or someone else wants to say that I am, but this just really is not going to do much good for the server.

    Nikki <3
  13. betterthanu

    Mar 7, 2020
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    Lmao I am laughing way too hard at this.I'm sorry but you are such a snowflake and its just funny.I'm one of those people who use gay as an insult and the fact that you actually got offended is GAY.Imagine being this worked up over the internet just cause someone said some mean stuff to you lmao.I honestly wonder how you are even alive irl.I also disagree with most people here regarding how racism is much more prevalent than homophobia in the server.They are both equal and are very prevalent regardless of whether you make whatever's not gonna stop homophobic people like me from taking a crack at you or whoever we feel like taking a crack at.I'll give you some advice, kid or at least I am assuming you are a kid since no kid would be so offended by being called gay regardless of whether it was used as a slur or not.Just pay no attention to it and move on with your life since its not like its gonna kill you if you got called whatever mean things.Stop being petty and act like a man.Homophobic people like me exist and we got our reasons to be like that but that doesn't mean it should affect you.Between you and me,I already don't like you because of who you are but still its not like I'm so bothered by your existence that I would do something that takes more than 15% effort to harm.The worse people like me would do to you is call you slurs since its over the internet and if it was real life.....Well that's a different story haha.But seriously, just let it go or you will just be wasting time.
  14. Yukihira

    Jun 17, 2020
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    I think this topic has almost been answered, however I want to note one last thing
    Gays are unfortunately not 100% accepted in society, this is all over the world, which is a problem and I think it will be resolved with time, as it is something normal. However 10, 20 years ago this was totally unfeasible, seen as the new "witches". Unfortunately, many families in the world grew up with this mentality, such is the ignorance, 10 years ago I used to call my friends as Negão, now I can't, since it's politically incorrect, another thing, even though I have gay/bisexual friends I was born in a family where this thing was unusual and I constantly heard the word gay with a cowardly meaning like: Dude fight me, or u gay? He is so gay, he don't wanna fly in airplane...
    We know it's wrong, and I'm not reducing that problem, but this is an intolerance problem that's been passed down for generations, so although I agree in parts that most people who use it as an insult they're children, but maybe they're adults ,it's not just because of immaturity, but because of the influence of their social cycle, especially family, although it seems a good idea, I also don't think it would change the mind of a person who uses gay as an insult, the person would have to learn in real life.
    The answer above me is a good example of how people are growing listening something like "act like a man" meaning Man who likes woman are brave and strong, and the gays ones, just cowards. -His profile says 20 years, so i'm guessing he's a memed, but not a kid.
    good topic
    #14 Yukihira, Aug 29, 2021
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2021
  15. abbzyy

    Aug 13, 2019
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    Are you insinuating that only and all disabled people are retarded?
    YouGetMeSoHigh likes this.
  16. JakeOnPc

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Whats poppin (!! TRIGGER WARNING !!)

    Unpopular opinion but I don't believe this rule should be changed. And now WOAH, WOAH WOAH WOAH, hear me out before you grab your pitch forks and label me with racist and homophobic and the rest....

    Firstly using the word gay in a negative way should not warrant a 48 hour mute, hecc it shouldn't warrant a mute at all. Look I understand using it in a negative manner can be upsetting to you but thats all it will ever be, upsetting. The person saying it is not homophobic, they likely do not hate the LGBTQ community. As other people have said, these are just kids, and this is just a minecraft server. Its not that deep. Mc central is not here to teach kids how to be politically corrent. The kids don't know better and shouldnt be muted for, sadly, an overused phrase. Its just ignorance, not discrimination. They don't mean any harm when they say it.

    Im not hear to call you a snowflake or to grow a pair and all that shit. You gotta understand though this is a minecraft server for kids hosted on the internet, and the internet doesn't care about your feelings. I can promise you the genuine homophobic twats out there are punished on mcc. You're never going to get your safe place on the internet, and thats the sad honest truth.

    Now on to the word "retarded". Sadly another word used as a norm to mean dumb. Again thats all it is, there is no hidden hate behind the word. Its used a lot all over the internet, and used on mcc by whats left of the faction community. If it does upset you then you can always /ignore the player who uses it but I believe honestly its nothing more then another way to say dumb :/

    TL'DR: The internet doesn't care about your feelings, so just ignore them and move on.

    Edit - After reading other peoples reponses ig its not an unpopular opinion at all... well...okay then
    Xermes likes this.
  17. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Saying gay shouldn’t be punishable. Saying the f slur should be and already is punishable. If ur offended when people call you gay you shouldn’t be allowed access to internet.
  18. CoolElla

    Oct 12, 2019
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    Hello dude,

    MCC is full of 10-16 year olds, If you were a factions player you would be CRYING over some of the “mean things” they say to each other. If you get offended by being called gay, then you really shouldn’t be allowed online just like Guih said. At the end of the day it’s 1 insult, relax it’s a block game.

    - Ella
    Nikki_ and yungjunior like this.
  19. Desiqn_

    Jan 11, 2020
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    Attached Files:

  20. YouGetMeSoHigh

    Oct 4, 2019
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    to address the unspoken other side of this issue cancel culture is really fucking out of hand. a certain person is probably the one I would consider my closest friend out of all the people I know from mcc, almost everyone being people I know through him or because of him. he has a reputation for being very toxic (like myself) but he’s actually really kind and one of the funniest people I know. awhile ago he was forced to quit the mcc community due to various threats he received and actual ddos attacks carried out against him that stemmed from him getting into a conversation in which he expressed his personal views on certain political issues or concepts such as how many genders there are. no one deserves to have threats carried out against both themselves and their innocent family members over opinions on an issue such as how many genders there are, especially someone as young as my friend, who was only 14 at the time, still a kid in my eyes. and i know from personal experience that the kind of people who do this shit will follow you around wherever they can find you and escalate the situation at every possible opportunity. i have had my own experiences with these kinds of threats and actions which were more deserved on my part, but in the case of my friend, I believe he was completely undeserving of this kind of action being carried out against him and it is tragic and disgusting that it occurred and continues to occur daily. furthermore, I know plenty of people who would state that he completely deserved what happened to him and even take enjoyment from the fact that it occurred to him. all I want to say is that some people who advertise themselves as tolerant and welcoming are sometimes extremely intolerant of others’ opinions or feelings, even violently so. i will not be clarifying any details on who or what this post is in reference to, but im sure some reading this will have an idea of the situation I am talking about.
    guih likes this.

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