Survival Suggestion

Discussion in 'Survival General Discussion' started by SniffableSugar, Aug 9, 2021.

  1. SniffableSugar

    Dec 18, 2020
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    With survival's reset (possibly) right around the corner, I feel like it's the time to talk about how I personally feel about the state of the sub-server. Before I start I will need to put down a little disclaimer, a lot of people might know this already but my mother language isn't English so there will probably be some typos and grammatical mistakes here and there (I'm sorry for that). Also, while most of the mcc player base probably knows me as a faction player but I do play survival plots a lot so there is some level of experience backing up my suggestion. With that being said I will start off with the suggestions that I think are more urgent and move down to the more minor ones.


    With the implementation of the "jobs" system, it is easier to get money comparing to the past season and it gives the player something to grind for which is a positive change. But the main issue that the server is having from that is the leftover material that players got from leveling.
    -For example: In order to hit woodcutter lv 99 a player will have to obtain thousand and thousand of stacks of wood which is most likely way more than that player will ever need, but since the other players on the server will need to level up woodcutter as well no one is going to buy wood from the level 99 player leaving that player with woods that he can't get rid of or sell. Another good example will be farming, the crops a farmer obtains will most likely end up in the void or got left on the floor for the clear lag to clear them away, this really defeats the purpose of farming since players are only doing those for the exp and money. While people can argue that it is not necessarily a bad thing since it will be a player based market where supply and demands matter, but I think it is creating more harm than good in this case since it is affecting all of the jobs (Farming, Fishing, woodcutting, mining, excavator) and the server in general have way too many leftover materials that no one wants.

    The solution that I can think of will be adding a way for the player to spend their resources and getting them out of the economic system. one of the examples I can think of will be implementing the "team" system just like "gang" in prison where there will be team chest but you will need raw resources to upgrade the perks for your team ( For example 64x oak log is needed for the team chest size to upgrade from level 1 to 2, or 40 Diamond ore 15 pufferfish and 64 pumpkins are needed for unlocking a team upgrade) This way there can be a purpose for the player to actually go fishing or mining. of cause, this idea isn't limited to teams but I think at this point you guys understand what I am trying to say.


    The PVP has been a big issue for the current season as it is really buggy and unpleasant to play around with, The knockback is greatly reduced comparing to the other sub-server and you can't eat when your being attacking. Those are only the well-known issue with the PVP in survival as there are a lot of minor ones such as the arena are too small, pearls glitch 50% of the time, health pot don't heal you most of the time etc. The main reason that is leading to all those problems is the backend of the server, survival is running in a 1.12.2 backend while they implement 1.8 PVP into survival thus leading to a weird 1.9 ish 1.8 style PVP where totem exists in 1.8 and the hit registration is weird and the 1.8 players might crash if the totem pop etc. Therefore there is almost no one fighting in warp PVP for the entirety of the season.

    The solution for that will be keeping PVP as 1.12.2 so there is no need to force 1.8 PVP into a 1.12.2 server, another solution would be whenever a player wishes to warp to pvp the server will save their loadout and send them to another sub-server with the exact loadout but in 1.8 backend, therefore, it can avoid a lot of the glitches.

    New Jobs

    I don't really understand why there isn't a class for killing mobs as it is one of the most important aspects for survival, if it needs to I would prefer exchanging excavation for the mob killing jobs since it's just too boring to dig clay over and over again just to dump them away later. A possible mob-killing job would give a new aspect to the current Job system.

    Those are only the suggestions that I can currently think of, feel free to comment your ideas below so the community can review them and also gives their opinion.

    Have a nice day and sniff some sugar~
    #1 SniffableSugar, Aug 9, 2021
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2021
    luvbri, Darenn, Yukihira and 2 others like this.
  2. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    As a survival player myself I 100% agree with this suggestion more than anything! It would definitely be interesting to see pan out, but I can totally agree that it would be a great thing to implement and overall it would make jobs so much better. In my opinion mining is the job I find that I have this issue with the most, because even with set homes to raid each reboot, it can take a long time to level up if you're just mining the gems. Mining stone just gets so clustered really quickly, especially if you have an efficiency 6. I haven't heard of a better suggestion than this!

    As for PvP obviously I'm not the biggest PvP person, however I am well aware that this has been an issue for the entire season so far, and honestly I think this is the best solution from what I've heard from others.

    Yes!! I suggested this on the original feedback form when the reset first occurred, ( though sadly I don't think it gained an awful amount of attention. I 100% agree with your suggestions and honestly would love to see them all added.


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