
Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by machommy, Jun 27, 2021.

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  1. machommy

    Jun 6, 2021
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    idk who y'all think y'all are but the fact that u can't swear on this server is so stupid. we aren't 12 why r u all family friendly like if y'all are christian or sum shit then i get that but if u aren't what r u doing bro. i just wanna express myself, its apart of my vocabulary and i say this shit without thinking so why should i be muted for something ive been doing for years. so my suggestion is to be more lenient of swear words and be more focused on the racism, homphobia and any kinda bigotry seen in chat, i'm assuming u do but if u don't handle that please and ty.
  2. mcrcus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hello there,

    Fun fact: you are allowed to swear on the server, only to some extent though. You are allowed to say the F word and the S word out of anger, however if you use those words in a way that would be mutable, we take action.

    Most of the current blacklisted words are focused on racism and homophobia, and other words that might be slurs and others that may be used in a disrespectful term are also blacklisted. Some swear words aren't blacklisted for the reason that sometimes you can just use them in a regular convo without saying anything mutable. That is the main goal with blacklisting specific words. We blacklist words that would be 100% mutable no matter how you say it.

    Hope this makes sense

  3. machommy

    Jun 6, 2021
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    ty, if there's anything i can recommend is to blacklist any variation of the n word u can find cuz i just had a guy in my survival games lobby say it
    LeafyTiger24 likes this.
  4. 89p


    Jan 14, 2020
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    Most variations should be blocked, if there’s one that isn’t blocked but should be please message me on discord (89p#1001) and I can forward it.

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