What if YOU owned MCCentral?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TrippedUp, Aug 26, 2019.

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  1. TrippedUp

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I was wondering recently what I would change about this server if I were to become owner. Do not get me wrong, Alex is a good owner, and this is but a hypothetical question. What if you became the owner of MCC? What new changes would you implement? What would you get rid of? Personally, I'd put more emphasis on fixing the dilemma with the Anti-Cheat. I would have a voting system for people to vote on new changes every once in a while. I'd try to make up an original game for the server, or maybe just expand upon a game from another server to make it innovative. What would you do? Tell me down below!
    Raqueese, httpmeme, Vxvi_ and 2 others like this.
  2. maddog_3000

    Aug 3, 2019
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    i would hire staff that ban hackers and not legit players ...
  3. ImConcerned

    Jul 28, 2019
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    If I was owner for a day on the Minecraft Central server...

    First of all, I would teleport the whole server to the one place so that everyone’s PCs crash and so does the server.
    Next I would put lava all over the server and world edit all the spawn points out so that when you spawn you just fall into the void.

    Jk jk jk jk jk, Jeesh, sorry that was a terrible joke, I know!

    Seriously, what I would do :

    I would completely revamp Champion Builders and add a cosmetics shop so you could actually spend credits on CB. I would make a shop that you could purchase certain armor and hats. More info on that idea here.

    Next, I would go through all the map submissions and add a few more of the good maps for skywars and Capture the flag (I feel survival games already has enough maps).

    I would host an Immortal giveaway because, why not!

    I would work on the anticheat for quite some time and probably focus on that for now, before adding any new updates or starting new seasons of servers (i know that kitpvp is resetting now).

    I would change the names of skyblock 1 and skyblock 2 to, for example, ‘magma realm’ and ‘snow realm’ and change the names of both prison servers too!

    I would also like to add Buycraft prizes for the /is top on skyblock and the highest levels on prisons.

    I would look around at some of the creations in ‘creative’ and move them closer to spawn so that more people can get a better look at them.

    I would personally, ban teaming on survival games and make it punishable to do so!
    (I am one of the people that like the rule of ‘no teaming’ ;-; )

    I would create a ‘minigames’ Staff sub-Team.

    These are just a few ideas that I have, you can give your opinion on them if you want :)
    Have a lovely day and thank you for reading <3
  4. Visit

    Aug 27, 2019
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    I would personally try and get a better anti-cheat.
  5. Visit

    Aug 27, 2019
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    And then you’d get bored after 10 minutes.
    PumahKITPVP and ughSnake like this.
  6. AZXG

    Jul 22, 2019
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    This is so interesting to think about :D. I guess I'll play on my server whenever I have time, not on my main, but on an alt. I'll also use my alt to apply for and join the staff team without telling anyone. This alt will also apply for a YouTuber rank if it satisfies the requirement somehow. This alt will host giveaways too :D

    I'll try different ways to encourage more players to apply for staff, and make it easier so that there will be more staff in the team. Also, add a special command for staff members to spectate any game anywhere on the server.

    I'll add a couple of new game modes to the server. Not sure which ones yet since I'm not the owner right now. Maybe add a new PVP game mode where all hacks are enabled for all players and allow all players to spectate the game. These games might be kind of entertaining to watch XD. If that game mode is added then make the punishment for hacking a lot harsher everywhere else on the server. Maybe also add a place where everyone can simply jump in and fight each other gearless. Maybe also add more non-PVP minigames. Also, maybe update the server to 1.14.4 but keep the 1.8 PVP mechanism.
    A_Greedy_Dragon and Vxvi_ like this.
  7. httpmeme

    Jul 22, 2019
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    If I was owner, I'd definitely have a better Anti-Cheat and would revamp & update the Minigames. I truly love all the Minigames on MCC but they don't get as much love (besides from hackers) as the sub-servers do. I would add another Minigame and update the current ones so all my Minigame lovers can have more things to do. Besides all the OG players who have like a million credits have nothing to spend on, so why not have new Minigames to spend on?

    Great post!

    Have a lovely day/night <3

  8. 4151

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hi there
    If I was owner I would just fix the anticheat get 1 more admin since Alorulz resigned after that I would make a new lobby for every 6 months and make new maps for mini games since most are kind of old so every year new maps for mini games. After that I would just test out my new powers.
    Have a lovely day or night
    --==FireyGast Immortal==--
  9. BrysonOA

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I agree with the minigames staff team. I rarely see staff in sg or cakewars
  10. Departition_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I would buy an anticheat from trusted developers

    I would make the server less pay to win

    I would make enchanting removed from survival games

    I would make arenapvp replace the arena from stained glass to normal glass or barrier blocks.

    I would make arenapvp seasons that are 2 months long and have prizes. Top 5 elo gets buycraft giftcards

    I would buy new maps for murder mayhem

    I would bring back the death animation for kitpvp as normal minecraft instead of the players just disappearing when they die

    I would fix the bugs in arenapvp

    I would add new categories for arenapvp and like sumo and combo and hcf.

    I would add new arenapvp maps

    I would remove coinflips from kitpvp
    A_Greedy_Dragon and AZXG like this.
  11. luvbri

    Jul 22, 2019
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    So, this list may be big, highlight obvious flaws in MCC's system but I mean no disrespect to any of the staff or Alex/Vislo themselves, this server is great and the staff here are extremely interactive with their community which is something I would definitely keep the same.

    So firstly, instead of actively investing in Factions solely, (fairly obvious where a lot of the money is heading), I would use half of the usual factions money to firstly;

    - Invest on a somewhat better anticheat. I understand that Alex and Vislo are working hard to work around the whole server but just a 2 man team means that there can be easy faults. The current anticheat is decent, but in minigames, it is extremely irritating when you're just meeting the same fly hackers every round so I would either buy an already made anticheat or hire a behind the scenes crew to work actively behind the scene to format an effective anticheat. This anticheat would definitely help because since there are people behind the scenes working, any errors in the system can be worked around.

    - Reward the higher-up staff with better perks, I get that this is a voluntary service. Technically any job is one, since there are people who don't have any job and still make a decent amount of income. The higher-up staff, especially Sr Moderators and Admins, work extremely hard just to receive what they receive at the end of the month. Which is why we could offer a better reward for these particular staff, to motivate them to do more than what they already do.

    - Invest in ways to bring back classic games and encourage real players to play them. Instead of bringing spleef to the lobbies, create a new minigame for it. Hosting monthly competition, where stats would be cleared every month so people would have to work to get rewards. Would definitely encourage more OG and newer players to test out these things.

    After using that Factions money, I would work with the build team, even though technically they broke up, get the top secret builders that we all know you have to make the general areas of the server more aesthetically pleasing. The main lobby itself is practically flawless but the subservers I would love to see their lobbies really working with the specific subserver.

    For Example;

    In the Prison subservers, when you warp into it, you could be in a cell. (Idk if this is possible but have different cells for different ranked players) and when they exit to the main cell area, have the rank info inside each of the cells, Rookie rank included. So if someone wants to find what Gold players get, they could walk up to the Gold cell, go inside and read the perks and rewards they receive. Then at one end of the cell area have a warp to a pvp area (more explaining on how this would work later on) and a walkway to a cafeteria-like area. With cute tables with staff members sitting with orange leather outfits, eating chicken or something. Then there be multiple different portals, those being:

    - Warping to their most recently unlocked mine. (Rank Z would warp to Mine Z, Rank C warp to Mine C e.t.c)
    - Warp to their plot. (Executes the /p h command for the player.)
    - Tutorial warp.
    - Main Plot World spawn area
    - A new, and better looking /shop area. So that if players want to, they can physically sell their items. (Explained better later on)


    The warp would be the entrance to the prison courtyard, with Teddzy & Timppali armor stands in police outfits on either side of the gate that leads into the arena which is a full fledged courtyard, with (of course) the OP mine in the middle. There will be unbreakable armor stands (Muel_and AnimatedFox) fighting and even more cool little decorations around. And similar to KitPvP, when someone reaches a kill combo of lets say 100 or 1000, instead of it being announced in chat, there will be like a little leaderboard on the side of the pvp warp entrance and their name would flash until they reach 1010 or 110 in that matter. If they aren't on the top 10 then they will pop up in a box at the bottom where the flashing would happen until either someone else gets 100/1000 or as I said before, they reach 110 or 1010.


    Walking into the shop, would kind of look like a sort of warehouse shed with some staff (Horace_Altman and socialisinq) wearing all black outfits like they're doing illegal stuff and there would be different sections for each of the shop categories, the spawner area would be like blocked off and only accessible if the player goes through a tunnel as its meant to be 'super secretive'. There would be a certain staff member that would manage each of the sections, mainly Mods and SrMods.

    These are just a few of the ideas I have for ways to tweak the server to make it aesthetically pleasing.
    Hope this kind of makes sense.
    A_Greedy_Dragon, TrippedUp and AZXG like this.
  12. iiSean

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Here are some of my thoughts,

    1) Would add some more mini game maps. They haven’t added any in Years!! Especially CTF because I like that. Some maps they should add that I have seen are https://mccentral.org/community/threads/ctf-clash-valley-2-0.1137/ , https://mccentralarchive.enjin.com/forum/m/17339729/viewthread/32677632-citadel-capture-flag-map And https://mccentralarchive.enjin.com/forum/m/17339729/viewthread/32559563-ctf-rebirth-frostbite.

    2) Maybe like get rid of some things from ranks and make them available to anyone. Example, /seen. It has no real benefit and all it takes is someone to msg someone else with a rank and ask them and they know.

    3) Make more cosmetics, mainly just the not lobby ones but like more Arrow Trails, Death Animations and Death Sounds.

    4) Make more useful forum guides / sticky more useful threads example) How to Play: (mini game) or How to get Started on (this Sub server)

    and also get rid of factions cause it sucks and is cancer and I hate it..... (even though everyone would quit then)
    AZXG likes this.
  13. JustBeChill

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I would definitely revamp some of the mini games and I really like uhc so I would definitely reduce the time from 17 hours to every 4 hours at least. I also would update and improve the anticheat. Maybe add some competitive games like ranked games that have an Elo system. These are the changes I would do if I was owner of mccentral.
  14. fouffy

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I'm not gonna say "get a better anticheat" because nobody truly knows how hard that is until you learn more about it. However, if I were the owner I would for sure hire a dev team. 100%. I would love to see custom minigames, or even minigames to be updated in general.
    TrippedUp likes this.
  15. EssentialsPlus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    This is a topic that I have brought up before, they want their anti-cheat to be fully custom as they have hopes of making one of the best anti-cheats. They are really hoping this works and are not buying an anti cheat off Badlion or another server, I mean, if they are close to being done then I guess they should finish it. Keep in mind, if this were to actually work out then MCC would become a better server and have a better reputation as they would have a good custom anti-cheat.
    luvbri likes this.
  16. TwinBlade

    Jul 31, 2019
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    I am the worlds best I have to deal with TRash player who Who think there decent, Am not mad at these haxers infact am happy it has helped me to remove 90% of mcc Sg player who are trash, I Relised no one will surpass me now me and the haxers can fight 1v23 forever
  17. Dog7000

    Jul 24, 2019
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    I'd start pushing for regular updates for minigames and be more receptive to community feedback instead of them just going unignored.
  18. DatKitty

    Aug 15, 2019
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    If I was owner, I would probably get a better anti-cheat system and as well make a roll for players who are dedicated and respectful of the server who can hack, hackers a job so whenever a hacker joins the game there would be a big chance it wont happen for long. I would also change the leveling system as well as the ranking system. But my top priority other than the health and well being of the players is too make it a safe and fun place to play without others who are disrespectful to interfere their joy.
  19. ballo

    Jul 23, 2019
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    First i would unban my account which was false banned second i would unipban my self which was also false and lastly i would ban all the staff member who are garbo which ( most ) of the staff are
  20. TrippedUp

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Okay so let's get this clear. First off if you were false banned then you should make an appeal here. Second, do not disrespect staff, as they work hard on the server. Third, why would you ban the "bad staff"? I think you meant demoted, but if case you didn't, that's just wrong.
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