make a mutable offense for fat shaming/ using it to hurt others

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by DareMe, Apr 6, 2021.


do you think fat shaming is bullying and should be mutable offense?

  1. yes! using fat shaming to hurt others should be mutable its bullying.

  2. no! its not rude

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  1. DareMe

    Feb 18, 2020
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    I have found out fat-shaming is not against the rules but yet it is a part
    of bullying, I want to start a forum that it should be a mutable offense
    and count as bullying or harassment. calling people fat is harmful and
    is a trigger word to many. many struggles with their image and I think that
    it is considered bullying. it's not hard to not call people fat. and I consider it
    a rude word and don't know how it is not a punishable saying, in fact, fatphobia is real
    we can't escape it and as someone who struggles with self-image or has
    body dysmorphia it may bother others and I think it shouldn't be used in general
    and doesn't need to be used, but it is just as bad as using the n-word or being racist
    it's just as messed up and that is bullying. and regardless it can be used in conversation
    but used against people to hurt them should be mutable its bullying and hurts people
    it's very harmful and disgusting. I'm surprised it's not a muteable offense because
    it is bullying. it's wrong. there's a difference between using it in convo and bullying
    i mean bullying is against the rules that should count as fat shaming.

    many many many people struggle with fat shaming all their life
    we do not come to the game to get fat-shamed and told it is not
    a mutable offense when it is bullying could push people
    and that is not okay.​
  2. CheeseBoi27

    Jan 1, 2020
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    I think it should be because you are literally disrespecting someone and hurting them. And, also, you need to know whats going on in the rest of your life. Here is something that should be put in your mind, you could cause a death. If you fat shame or be mean to them, you could be a cause of them wanting to kill themselfs. Then, just think, their blood is in your hand, now think about that. If you think about it, words can really do harm, even online it can really do harm to people. So people who are mean, think about this, and look at urself and then change into a better person
    DareMe likes this.
  3. DareMe

    Feb 18, 2020
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    i completely agree I'm taken back that this is not a mutable offense and that's just horrible!! it's just as bad as racial slurs ect. and I'm not even saying we cant use the word just people shouldn't be able to use the word in hurtful and harmful ways. it's horrible and could cause a lot of issues for others who struggle with weight issues. regardless of their weight no one should be in their buissness
    CheeseBoi27 likes this.
  4. CheeseBoi27

    Jan 1, 2020
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    Here is one issue though, this world wont be able to see that. Or most of the world wont. Sadly there will always forever be those people that will shame people and hurt them. Sadly thats just how it is with humans, or some humans
  5. Haylos

    May 13, 2020
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    Look, I already explained you that this is already something that some of the staff punish for, myself included, maybe I wouldnt compare it to the use of Racial Slurs, but I would put it under disrespect or player harassment as I told you, It would be great for it to be included in the rules as an example of what is muteable and what isnt.
    Xermes likes this.
  6. DareMe

    Feb 18, 2020
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    facts, so far society makes it seem like its okay but pretty much everyone knows its wrong and are aware, positive responses via discord so im hoping this post gets the attention it deserves and change. it isnt hard and could stop a lot of toxicity i always see fat shaming or get fat shamed it isnt cute. regardless of ur weight fat shaming is harsh and hurts people
  7. DareMe

    Feb 18, 2020
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    i was told by staff already its not mutable ive chat reported and he did not get muted several people fat shame and the chat report does not get accepted so dont tell it its a rule already its not against the rules to fat shame u said only if its out of control. IT SHOULD BE MUTABLE from the start. regardless of if its taken too far it is already too far. bullying.
  8. DareMe

    Feb 18, 2020
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    do not be hostile or rude you are staff. i am making a concern and you are speaking very agressive and rude to me like im stupid or something...
    im pretty offended as i wouldnt expect staff to act this rude upon a small thing that is not punishable unless taken too far. im glad YOU punish people for it but it needs to be a concrete rule that is set. any fat shaming of any kind regardless of taking it too far is hurtful.
  9. CheeseBoi27

    Jan 1, 2020
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    I'm just gonna say, just put it in the rules, you know that sometimes, people will use the excuse that its not in the rules and yes I know that will be a thing. One other thing is that if you dont put it in the rules then people just wont see it as a bad thing. It needs to be known that its not a good thing to do so uh ye
  10. DareMe

    Feb 18, 2020
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    and also i can compare it to racial slurs.
    you are targetting a group of people and making THEM feel bad for who they are. it is just as bad as racism and should be treated alot like racism. it hurts and destroys people. breaks them down and their confidence so yes it is just like racism you cannot control you being that way
    it is prejudice and discrimination.
    for example

    racism - prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.

    body shaming / fat shaming
    what is it?
    Body shaming is the act of deriding or mocking a person's physical appearance. ... Sometimes body shaming can extend to a perception that one does not sufficiently display masculinity or femininity. For example, men with wide hips or prominent breasts or lack of facial hair are sometimes shamed for appearing feminine.

    what does it cause for others?
    Fat shaming involves criticizing and harassing overweight people about their weight or eating habits to make them feel ashamed of themselves. The belief is that this may motivate people to eat less, exercise more, and lose weight.
  11. DareMe

    Feb 18, 2020
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    also a friend of mine is staff and informed me it is NOT a mutable offense. unless taken too far which is harassment. that is not a rule on fat shaming. not to mention anything can be considered harassment if taken too far. we need a dedicated rule to fat-shaming.
  12. Haylos

    May 13, 2020
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    Firstly, I did not intend to be agressive or rude, Im just telling you how it is and my personal opinion on it.

    And about this, that is literally what I told you in discord and in here, that if it is excessive, it can be player harassment which is punisheable, just not the same as muting for racial slurs.
    LeafyTiger24, fattr and kuieren like this.
  13. abbs

    Jul 22, 2019
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    ma'am i gotta ask if you proof read this at all cause this was a pain in the *** to read.

    Considering how worked up you are about this i'd say it's probably less to with the rules and more to do with your own insecurity. If a specific player is harassing you about your weight on multiple occasions it'd fall under harassment. If however, it's more than one player you have a few options;
    - /ignore them
    - Find some staff that will punish for fat shaming and alert them when you've chat reported someone for the offence.
    - Turn off chat all together
    - Ignore what they say in general. If you respond with a thread like this all you're doing is proving that they are getting to you. Bullies usually leave you alone if they think there bullying is not hurting you anymore. All you did just now was give them ammunition.

    All in all i don't think "fat shaming" should be a punishment of its own, It would make more sense to have it be a listed sub offence under harassment / Player disrespect.

    As For your argument with Haylos;
    You can lose weight, You can't change your race and to imply that they are anything alike is ignorant & tone deaf. Haylos was not rude or aggressive in anyway, If anyone came off agressive it'd most likely be you considering you already consulted staff before making this thread. I'd say it's most likely triggering to see someone have a tantrum on the forum over something you had already explained to them. As for you coming across stupid, you did that yourself.

    I hope this clears up some issues for you,
    - Abbs
    Xermes and Haylos like this.
  14. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Similar to many other phrases like saying "f you" and such, it can be difficult to tell if someone is just joking or are actually trying to insult someone. For example I know some people who joke about being fat, and call each other fat on a regular basis, however in no way are they trying to insult one another, it is simply just an inside joke between friends. As well as this, there are so many phrases where saying fat is normal. "omg you're a fat noob" is a prime example. Using your suggestion, we would have to mute this player for disrespect. If you think about it, that's likely the weakest thing to punish for, and punishing this player would just make them so frustrated.

    If we were to punish for calling someone fat, does it matter if they even know what you look like? There is basically no reason to punish someone for calling you fat if they've never seen your photo, and even more so if they don't even know at all what you look like. Muting people for calling someone fat even though they have no idea what the person looks like will cause many problems, and would likely make people not want to play on the server.

    Another point I'd like to bring up is that you mentioned some people may have body dysmorphia or are self conscious about their weight, but in saying that, what if someone is self conscious about playing minecraft? Should we make it punishable if someone tells this person they play minecraft too much? Obviously these two examples have nothing to do with each other, however we aren't just going to be super harsh with the rules just in case some people have issues with their body and lack confidence. People already complain enough about how the server is "snowflakes" and the rules are "too harsh", so punishing every single person who calls someone fat is just going to cause a storm of arguments. Given that the server already has a lot of chat rules, punishing people for this just makes it even more difficult for people let out the tiniest bit of frustration. If you get hit into the void in skywars, you wouldn't even be able to say "omg your fat" without getting muted. It seems a little extreme to start punishing for this alone.

    I just want to add that I get it. If someone calls you fat it sucks to hear, especially if you don't like the way your look IRL, but we can't just change all of our server rules for something small like this. If these sorts of small comments coming from 12 year olds on Minecraft who've never seen what you look like upset you, then perhaps the internet isn't the place for you to be.

    [Thread Locked - Answered]
    Xermes, fattr and kuieren like this.
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