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Chat Mutes are Ridiculous!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by miritelm, Apr 2, 2021.

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  1. miritelm

    Jul 26, 2019
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    If anyone who is active in forums has been around in the past few days, chances are you may have seen my "Chat Rules are Dumb" thread, this is a bit different. I am currently talking about chat mutes and how they are handled, which I believe are completely ridiculous. I was just muted today, about 3 or so hours ago, while I was offline for Excessive Inapp Language. (as seen in the picture below)
    This probably meant I sent 3 messages in quick succession instead of 2 or something so minimal and so harmless, that I am still paying the price for, FOR NO REASON. Chat is a crucial part of gameplay, especially my favorite gamemode, Prison. I now have to play in silence, not being able to Advertise, help people out, converse and other things. Here is the thing, for something so minimal, it should be a very small mute time right? No, it is 10 hours, but I believe 12 since I wasn't on for about 2 or 3 hours. That is the rest of the day, since as of right now I have 8 hours and 49 minutes left at 5:35 PM EST, meaning my day is ruined. Ok, so the next step is to appeal right? Well apparently an appeal can take up to 3 days to actually be dealt with, don't believe me? Here it is. [​IMG]
    Now I am not sure what LOA or Admin means, but nothing is exceptional about my appeal, so I guess I am thrown in the normal appeal pile. So no matter what, I have to deal with the rest of my day, not being able to play a game that I typically enjoy on a daily basis with chat privileges. I am going to fight this until mutes aren't just handed out all over the place for mods to have fun with. I am a member of this server that averages at around 1,250 members daily, which isn't very large, and it is ignorant to just treat the members this way with such disrespect.
  2. 10sec

    Feb 9, 2021
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    I do understand your frustration, however, the only way you could prevent it, would be by going over the rules very carefully and making sure to follow them accordingly.

    Firstly, 'Excessive Inappropriate Language' is the punishment given to a user when they sent 3+ curse words in the same message. In my opinion, this rule does make sense as it was made to prevent the chat from becoming full of negative and hideous messages that could be sent by the players. Added to that, you can be muted off of a chatreport or a forum report even if you are not online at the game at the time of your punishment.

    Regarding the 3 days a staff member has to respond to your appeal; this is indeed a thing and it has been around for a very long time. This is needed because staff members need the time to look at appeals and respond to all of them, which are not few. In your case, you were muted for 12 hours. It does happen, sometimes, that a staff member cannot/does not answer your appeal in time, however, that is completely fine. Your appeal can still be accepted, if that is your concern. If the staff member is in LOA (*Leave of Absence*), they have a different time span to answer to it, as well as admin punishments.

    Admin punishments, or just LOA staff members, in general, are not a 'privilege' for players, these are actually variables, we can't control them. It depends on who punished you, and who punished you only. I can assure you, you're not being left aside or being treated differently, only the circumstances vary. In your case, neither is happening, so there is no need to worry about it.
    These two scenarios are really easy and simple to explain; staff members on LOA, as the name says (leave of absence) have more time to respond to appeals as they are basically not online during that time span, so there would be no reason for them being online to answer to appeals, in general, and leave the other things to the side (minutes, discord, etc). They are literally stepping aside for a while to sort irl things in order to come back ready to focus on the server once again.
    About the admin punishments, these are usually more serious punishments, that being said, they really do need to be looked at for a longer period of time when compared to other offences.

    As a final remark, I do understand that you can be really upset with this situation, however, as I said previously, the only way to prevent it is by going over the rules and reading them carefully. Your mute had a 12 hr duration, it could be much worse, if you consider the other punishable reasons. Staff try their best to make the server a better place and to ensure players like you and me have a great time here, however, rules are rules, and we must respect them!

    I hope this was somewhat of a help for you!

    Have a lovely day!
    #2 10sec, Apr 2, 2021
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2021
  3. miritelm

    Jul 26, 2019
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    Didn't know Inapp meant inappropriate language, now it makes perfect sense why I got fucking muted. That is absolute BULLSHIT that I can't use more than 3 of the PERMITTED words in a single message, the rules are actually ridiculous and anyone who stands for them are fucking creeps. Where the fuck can I refund my rank, I hope this server crashes and BURNS.
    anonymous user 04 likes this.
  4. Interressta

    Jul 30, 2019
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    I agree with everything you said and also this server doesn’t have 1250 players as it spoofs/bots 1000+ players so that’s another thing
    anonymous user 04 likes this.
  5. mxbel

    Jul 30, 2019
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    Hey there!

    I responded to your appeal literally one minute after you submitted it with proof + the rule itself, so not sure what you are complaining about there.

    Otherwise, if you want a chat rule to be changed, feel free to make a server suggestion instead of making whole rant threads that serve no actual purpose.

    Have a great day!
    Yukihira likes this.
  6. miritelm

    Jul 26, 2019
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    Nevermind man, If I was muted for having cursed 3 or more times in one message just ignore it, it is a bullshit rule and now I can't do anytjhing
  7. anonymous user 04

    Mar 8, 2021
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  8. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    You’re 15 and you cuss more than a cod lobby lmfao

    not surprisingly you got muted for it

    I’d recommend reading the rules couple more times so that you won’t get muted for “stupid” reasons again

    other than that I’d just be careful not to get perm muted after 40+ offenses. I wonder what your reaction would be
  9. mcrcus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    This is the second time you have created a thread complaining about the rules. Like I’ve said, rules are meant to be there. If Mabel provided you with sufficient evidence of why you got muted, don’t make an entire essay complaining about it because it is only gonna make the situation worse than it needs to be.

    I will be locking this thread so it doesn’t spark any more arguments.
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