Kill Cooldown in Prisons

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by fattr, Mar 19, 2021.

  1. fattr

    Jun 4, 2020
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    hi! ive never been a huge huge prisons player but recently I've started to play p1 when mini games aren't very active, and I've noticed that there are tons of sweats that will randomly target me and I find that I cannot get anything done. I understand the point of the pvp warp is to pvp, but I've had times where I'm just trying vibe with friends or gang members and then I get killed, and when I do /back, I find the person who killed me waiting and continually kills me just to get gang kills. Idk if this is just me but its annoying asf and usually makes me leave prisons. if this is happening to rookies, especially new players, I think it would discourage them to play and cause them to leave the server, so I think it would be helpful to add maybe a 10-15 second cooldown to kill any one player. so say said person kills me, then I do /back, they would have to wait 10-15 seconds again before killing me, but can pvp other players. I think this would greatly decrease unwanted targeting and encourage more prison players to pvp.
    Zonafer and bdqt like this.
  2. PixelHater

    Mar 15, 2021
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    I'm on the fence about this.. I see your points though. To be honest, targeting is up to a user and I think that whole free reign should stay as it is. However, I do see the need for a 10 second cooldown for killing the same player over and over again and can be triggered if it is > 2 kills of the same player.
    fattr likes this.
  3. fattr

    Jun 4, 2020
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    to be clear I'm not trying to get rid of targeting, tbh I've done it and wouldn't like it if I wasn't able to, but all I'm asking for is a cooldown like you said :)
    PixelHater likes this.
  4. bdqt

    Feb 3, 2020
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    Yes i agree, my cooldown was like 15 secs onetime and i was being chased, but im not like that good at pvp but i had really good stuff. So i kept doing /ct /ct /ct /ct, over and over waitning then when i go to leave i get combat tagged again! Wish cooldown was like 10 secs or smth!

    fattr likes this.
  5. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I don't see how that's an option to get rid of targetting naked players/undergeared players. As you mentioned the point of having a pvp arena is to allow people to fight, and for some to risk their life in order to mine in the mining area. If you wanna "vibe" with some of your friends/gang members you could just use a plot instead. Having people like you in the middle of the pvp arena, just vibing and doing nothing can be quite annoying sometimes, due to people interrupting fights for instance. Again, the purpose of the pvp arena is to let people fight, not "vibe with friends". /warp plots to do that. -1
    fattr, AlexMarkey and kuieren like this.
  6. kuieren

    Sep 26, 2019
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    I gotta disagree with this one tbh. I don't really see how this would fix targetting at all given how if they really want to kill you they'll just follow you around for those 10 secs to kill you again, so you'd still not be able to vibe with your friends and the naked players would still eventually die so they won't really be encouraged to PvP more often. Also, wouldn't that make it so players that lost their gear on a fight can just do /back and take their items back? The player who had killed them wouldn't be able to do anything to stop them because the other player is immortal for those 10 secs.
    I'd just advise you to go somewhere else to vibe with your friends instead. -1
    fattr likes this.
  7. micunmuted

    Oct 21, 2020
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    Thats a -1 for me, I don't know how it would get rid of targeters, because if your in a 3v1 and you kill someone, then you can't do anything and they end up getting crit for 10-15 seconds, plus theres a lot of impatient people wanting to pvp and then they can't and then someone can sneak up behind them after the other person getting a kill, and then someone coming in and cleaning them and the person is helpless, with anything, that would make rookies WAY more discouraged then they already should be.
    fattr likes this.

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