Prison Season 9 Ideas.

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by Unadvised, Mar 17, 2021.

  1. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I’ve been playing prison for a long while and I can tell just by reading some of these suggestions that they would mess the server up even more. Some are great though, and I’d love to see them getting added.
    Few suggestions I came across whilst reading this thread:
    - special announcement for z9: no. This is unnecessary. Ok, I understand reaching z9 is a “special rare event omg!!!!!” but that doesn’t mean you need a special announcement to flex a) your lack of social interaction for playing minecraft for way too long or b) the amount of money you’ve spent into minecraft.
    - mining bots: having a handful of those + a few backpacks would make mining literally automatic lol. The idea sounds really dumb (no hate) and could completely remove the mining meta, since within the economy flow bots would be made cheaper and cheaper, so that more and more people can buy them and less and less people would be in the actual mines.
    - removal of beaconing: bringing back beaconing was something highly requested between s7-s8. However, with no /sethome permissions the whole point of it was missed. Effects last less and, as mentioned, people will just come in to clean. My suggestion would be to either completely disable it and make the handful of cleaners upset or fix it as a whole, so people can actually use it the way we wanted it to be.
    - reduce token luck 2 drops: with a full tl2 set you can get around 30 tokens a minute, which is hella op if you were to ask me. Buff rates to like 15% instead of 25% and possibly reduce the chances of getting it from /enchanter.
    - token detector on upgradable picks is still broken and hasn’t been fixed. Is it just gonna be left behind?
    - add /chunky just like on sb, for people setting up grinders that would be really good (to know where to afk, etc)
    - add chunk loaders as an epic myth key reward, that way they wouldn’t be so cheap throughout the season
    - remove the 100m /cf limit
    - fix kb on pvp (tomato and Anthony explained why it’s bad)
    - bring back s6 ancient/myth swords
    - yes)))))
  2. Ringars

    Apr 21, 2020
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    yes good
    and remove beaconing and fix lagback from bow boost and hit reg i cant stand being 5 blocked by some pasta ping retard in prison
  3. micunmuted

    Oct 21, 2020
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    if your talking about mining bots for your own self, would you have to have it as a rank feature or would it be where you have to grind for it, because Im on board for that idea :) is this like where you have it at tier 1 then you use your money to upgrade it?
  4. DanRobo

    Mar 17, 2021
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    In theory the idea is good but you would have to find a way to remove any p2w aspect, top players would simply have a few of these going and would be uncatchable. not only this, they would also have to find a way to remove the afk aspect too, as far too many accounts already sit afk at spawners and grinders. not to mention the chat bots
  5. DanRobo

    Mar 17, 2021
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    Changes to the next Prison season!

    1. Reduce the amount of afk players!
    Far too many accounts are inactive on the server for many reasons. Alts are used to grind spawners 24/7 and from the start of the season to the end, a single account will spam the same message 24/7 every 30 seconds or so. The server may show 150 players online but this is not the case.

    2. Events
    LMS seems to be the only event that prison has. As someone who doesn't pvp it does not appeal to me at all. Other events/Daily Challenges should be added to make the events keys obtainable to eco players as if i were to join lms, it simply becomes a game of hide from the team of 5/6 players until you die.

    3.Merge Plots.
    Although i am a donator, i would rather keep the game as little p2w as possible, however the ability to merge plots for donators who have the extra plots would be amazing. the possibilities towards building more fun and exciting plots would be massive. i understand there are lots of limiting factors, such as hopper/spawners limits and plugins, but this is something i would love to see.

    I would Love to see keys become a physical object that can be sold and traded. Any keys you buy through the store should be withdraw able from the menu we currently have, but any keys withdrawn should not be able to re deposited into this, but only used for opening crates. This would stop people hoarding keys from one season and dragging them onto the next one
    As the season goes on the need to mine seems to diminish as players all move towards spawner based eco. I Think some keys should be obtainable from mining, with a rare chance of receiving anything from a "mining" key to a mythical key. Thus increasing the incentive to mine deeper into the season, especially for those who cannot purchase these from the store.

    The Plot Shops currently have one problem that really bug me. During the last season i could not sell custom enchants in one shop, even if they were the same. i would have to make several shops. this meant i could not buy books from a plot shop, and if i wanted to sell in bulk i would have to create far too many shops that i can be bothered to do. I believe this applied also to sell wands and backpacks.

    6. Withdrawing banknotes
    Withdraw 100 banknotes of the same value is currently a long task, however i would like to see it possible to withdraw many banknotes of the same value at once maybe with a command such as "/withdraw 100000 100"

    Unfortunately i am not very imaginative so ill just stick to fixing old problems rather than adding new ideas
  6. Ringars

    Apr 21, 2020
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    more monke agree
    monke not like beacon
    monke kill apes for PVP gear
    monke talk
    monke +1
    Buckxt likes this.
  7. Unadvised

    Jul 4, 2019
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    Answering some questions about the bots and expanding on the idea. My proposal is that the bots have their own little section on your plot. Every player has the ability to unlock 1 bot and only 1 bot. In order to unlock the bot you need bot parts. You will get these bots by completing quests. These quests can be anything from killing x players, Mining x blocks, etc. The bots will not be fully automatic, They will get full of blocks and you will need to clear the loot. There would be a upgrade for more storage. The blocks the bot mines would not count towards the players blocks mined statistic. Meaning it will not help users prestige.

    Beaconing. The community is pretty split with beaconing as we all know. This season I feel like we met in the middle with it. Beaconing is back but it is not as strong as it used to be because players cannot set home in the pvp arena. So It is back but not as OP as it once used to be. I feel like this is a good middle ground between Having beaconing or completely removing it. People have understand we cannot make everyone completely happy when it comes to beaconing.

    **New Event Idea**
    My Event idea is a totally new event to the network. It is called "Jail Break" There will be 3 tiers of mobs that spawn in pvp arena and have speed 2 and run around. These mobs do not do any damage. They just run around. It is the players jobs to collect these mobs and bring them back to prison. The 3 tiers of mobs obvious vary in the amount of points they are worth when a player brings them back. 5,10,15 points for example. Players can also steal the mobs from other players and return them back for the points. The player with the most points win. Or we can make this a gang event and the gang with the most points wins. Players return the mobs to a special location. Just a defined location where you return the mobs and get the points then you run around collecting more. We can make the event last how ever long we want, 5 minutes , 10 minutes etc. I feel like around the 10 minute mark would be nice. As envoys and some other events on mcc are shorter lasting events.
    boomrabbits_, micunmuted and 89p like this.
  8. Azhuri

    Aug 15, 2019
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    lol what???? who on the thread agrees that beaconing should be kept? am i blind or smthng.
    Buckxt likes this.
  9. Unadvised

    Jul 4, 2019
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    You have to understand we did not just change that for no reason during season 8. We would not waste our time on it if it wasn't highly requested. And obviously more people on the thread are going to complain about it rather then agree with it. People agreeing with it have no reason to say anything as its already added back. Before season 8 there were many people requesting it on threads etc.
  10. Azhuri

    Aug 15, 2019
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    the small amount of pvpers on prison have basically already responded to this and all disagree with it, shouldn't it be based off the opinions of players who actually pvp lol
    Buckxt and zzz like this.
  11. zzz


    Mar 22, 2020
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    Prison is more dead then it's ever been this season and you wonder why. What's the major thing you guys changed, beaconing. Just remove it, nobody likes it lmfao. Fix KB and hit reg too. You went from average 80 people on p2 last season to 10 and you now only barely hit triple digits on p1. Develop some sort of AC to lol, people love to cheat on here and you guys never ban them!
    Buckxt likes this.
  12. micunmuted

    Oct 21, 2020
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    it advise you to not be so hard on the server. what the server is doing is improving more gamemodes and they actually do ban cheaters like you said, your hit reg is bad because you have high ping, prison is more popular then a lot of other gamemodes and isn't "dead" anticheats are hard to make, its not like you can make a anticheat very easily and make it good, plus it would cause a lot of drama for false bans. don't backtalk the server without the info bud. I bet you you will regret saying this later, you just have to wait for the server to get better and be greatful rather then just saying "tHiS sErVeR sUcKs!11111!"
  13. micunmuted

    Oct 21, 2020
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    prison isn't based on pvp you know, your missing the main point, prison back in the day didn't have pvp and was just mining, plus they aren't gonna have one part of the community control what happens. the amount of people who actually want this update aren't pvpers yes, but thats you're problem, deal with it.
  14. zzz


    Mar 22, 2020
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    I get 60ms, this is a thread on PRISON. So "improving more gamemodes" has nothing to do with this. And they only ban the cheaters that are stupid and can't hide a client to save their life's, and prison is very much dead compared to last season. You also went from 80 player LMS's to 10-30. And wtf do you mean "wait for the server to get better" this server has been up for years bud, what is there to be grateful for lol?
    Buckxt likes this.
  15. zzz


    Mar 22, 2020
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    You're referring to "back in the day" this is now and the future, and a large majority of people in this thread want beaconing gone. Which is involved to do with pvp!!
    Buckxt and abbs like this.
  16. Tcay

    Jul 23, 2019
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    whoever compalins about beaconing, clearly wasnt here the first few seasons , they're all randoms, literally paranoid about being killed in a block game , i apologise for yous losing all the unecessary p4 sets that you spent your mothers credit card just to be beaconed. maybe be aware of your surroundings :D
  17. micunmuted

    Oct 21, 2020
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    yes, when I mean that, it wasn't supposed to be a pvp gamemode, it helps the people who are actually mining rather then pvping.
  18. zzz


    Mar 22, 2020
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    It's for both, if it was just for mining. There wouldn't be a whole area for pvp and pvp only lol?
  19. micunmuted

    Oct 21, 2020
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    Look at some of the old minecraft prison servers. its basically all mining.
  20. Azhuri

    Aug 15, 2019
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    yeah but we're referring to the pvp aspect of prison not the eco side lmao. im saying to change the PVP ASPECT based on the opinions of the people that actually pvp
    Buckxt likes this.

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