Chatreport - Adding the staff who dealt with it

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by 10sec, Mar 6, 2021.

  1. 10sec

    Feb 9, 2021
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    Hey guys!

    I hope that everyone is having an amazing day/night.

    After discussing with my great friend @boomrabbits_ I've come up with an idea regarding an addition to the chatreport command. Thank you very much for the help <3

    The idea basically consists of adding the name of the staff member who has dealt with the chatreport when it is denied. I believe that this may be considered a good idea because it covers the following points, however it is not limited to:

    • Firstly, this will save time as many players have to go to discord in order to ask for the staff member who answered their chatreport, and usually the players who do so are the ones who don't abuse the chatreport command, they sometimes just have a question about it;
    • The staff members won't be targetted as this won't make a real difference from the current system, as seeing that if a player wants to harass a staff member for denying a chat report, they will only be able to do it through Discord, and it is easy to block them in case of an unpleasant scenario.
    • This will save the Staff team itself time, as they won't have to check discord that many times when being pinged to assist a player, whilst if there was indeed this command, only the one who actually did respond to it would be in charge of the situation.

    This would probably look like this:


    Thank you for taking the time to read my thread! Make sure to leave your feedback in! :D
    #1 10sec, Mar 6, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2021
  2. TheKingOfTurtlez

    Nov 30, 2019
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    Definitely think this can help in many ways and is a very good idea, hopefully, this can get added, cause it will save lots of time for players and staff alike.
    Dionnysus and 10sec like this.
  3. boomrabbits_

    Jul 30, 2019
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    Hey Equivalently! I hope you are having a lovely day!

    Personally, I really like this idea since I see people in the #support channel all the time asking for staff members to DM them to ask why this CR was denied, And them from there they have to search up the CR and review it. With this addition, Users can instantly message the person who denied it and would expect an instant reason without having to review the whole CR again. Obviously a +1 from me, Great idea!

    Have a great rest of your day / night!
    DM me on discord if you have any (:
  4. jemelina

    Jun 5, 2020
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    Hi there!

    This definitely seems like a good idea, it would be way more clear and be helpful for both the player and the staff member. Definitely
    +1 from me!

    ♡: Jem
  5. CoolElla

    Oct 12, 2019
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    Hi Equivalently

    Honestly I love this idea , I would love to see this added to mcc as a lot of the time users private message us staff on discord asking who denied the chat report on them ( So would be very beneficial to us ).

    Love the post - Ella
    TheKingOfTurtlez, Dionnysus and 10sec like this.
  6. Dionnysus

    Mar 3, 2020
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    Heya Equivalently, good thread you made here!

    I actually think this idea can work out in a great way! This would be more transparant for the players and they know who to contact when they have questions or issues with the outcome of any chatreports they submitted.

    Yea, I am not really sure how this would turn out. I would see myself getting some angry dm's if someone doesn't agree with me denying a Chat Report, but I don't think it would happen that often. In this case I think the Pro's would out weight the cons so I would really like to see this idea added as a simple 'quality of life change' for the players :D

    If this would get support from other users I would be happy to forward this in an ticket to the admins.
    TheKingOfTurtlez and 10sec like this.
  7. Bruno

    Aug 2, 2019
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    Hey! I completely agree with your idea since it's gonna be easier to get in contact with the staff member who dealt with your chatreport. For example, let's say I chatreported someone for something they said in portuguese and it got denied by accident, I could directly message them instead of having to go through #support.
    Zonafer, TheKingOfTurtlez and 10sec like this.
  8. 10sec

    Feb 9, 2021
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    Thank you so much for the reply! <3

    Hey Dionnysus!

    I'm so glad you enjoyed my idea, it really means a lot <3!

    If you could forward it to the admins it would be amazing! Thank you so much!

    Thank you so much Ella, I'm glad you enjoyed the idea <3
    #8 10sec, Mar 7, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2021
    TheKingOfTurtlez likes this.
  9. SplatBerry

    Sep 8, 2019
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    Overall this would definitely be useful, all of the reasons I could think of were already stated and of course it’s another +1 from me, have a great day!
    10sec likes this.
  10. Zonafer

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I totally agree with everyone else on how beneficial it could be, but I'd also imagine admins would be a little hesitant to add it. Reason being there are always some players who will take things to the extreme and start harassing the staff in question because they know their identity. That might be a little problematic, but I don't think the risk of that happening outweighs the benefits of implementing this. +1 from me
    10sec likes this.
  11. Mauricioh

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hello Equivalently!
    Thank you for taking your time to submit ideas on the Forums! This is for sure a lovely post. I wanted to make an input on this as this feature used to be a thing around two years ago. When Markey was updating the ChatReport system, this got added - I happen to have a screenshot and I'll leave it down below so you can see how it used to look like.
    However, as mentioned above, a lot of people who were getting their ChatReports denied would private message the Staff Member every time their CR was denied. So whenever someone saw their name on the message, they would literally come for them in DM's and start harassing them for denying their ChatReport, so that feature didn't last as long. I do see that this could be benefitial but, of course, it has its Pros and Cons, but could be a little problematic when regarding to its Cons.

    Also, I don't really see much difference between coming and asking on Discord - in #support - & coming and asking on the Staff Member's DM's, you would have pretty much the same effort to do either. As well as because other Staff Members can help you out by checking the reason why your ChatReport got denied and letting you know, and if it was unfairly denied, they would be able to let whoever dealt with it know and punish accordingly, which is what we currently do. Not to mention that mistakes do happen, however they shouldn't be too frequent, most of the times they happen when a Staff punishes the player however missclick & deny it for some reason, but the reported player still gets punished!

    Thank you for bringing this up here and have a lovely rest of your day!

    #11 Mauricioh, Mar 7, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2021
    httpmeme, mxbel, Bruno and 1 other person like this.
  12. 10sec

    Feb 9, 2021
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    Hey Mauricio <3!

    Thank you very much for the reply. It does sure bring a lot of good points and I appreciate it.

    Firstly, I wanted to talk about your first point. In my opinion, we cannot compare past situations with the present. As I explained above, there wouldn't be that much of a difference regarding the 'harassment' of staff members, due to the fact that if a player does get mad at a staff for denying their chatreport, it would be imprudent not to go directly to their discord, yes, but I agree that it is better than having them complaining about it to other staff members who are not aware of the situation and could be, most certainly, using their time to respond to appeals, punish players, or overall doing more important things (server-related). In addition, I believe that messaging the staff member wouldn't be that much of a bad scenario, as seeing that multiple times I've seen players complaining about it in chat, and when weighing the pros and the cons, I still believe that this would be a good addition because this would be an easy problem to solve (by blocking the users who are unpleasent, leaving only the players who do not intend to abuse the chatreports, who are in a bigger number nowadays, I'd say). Overall, the prons outweigh the cons, in my opinion.

    Secondly, regarding the time-saving. Yes, it is undeniable that this would save a lot of time for players. Let's consider the following scenario; You're on a Survival Games match and there are three people filter bypassing. You chatreport one of them, and it gets denied. If you had that feature you could easily just go to the staff member themselves and ask them why did they deny it. However, with the current system, this is made really hard as seeing that we lose time talking to other staff members, and with the cooldown of the command, we are unable to multitask most of the times and therefore we either lose the chatreports of the second and third player to some other player or the 10 minutes of the chat have passed and the further chatreports also get denied due to the time.

    I hope this was clear! Thank you so much for the input. <3

    Have a nice day/night.
  13. Zonafer

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I see what you mean with your reply, but I don't think you got the original point. I'll try to explain things in detail (from my POV) so hopefully you understand them better.

    Yes, harassing staff for denied reports and perceived false bans is a thing. Old staff members have earned nicknames such as KeeganMcFalsebans because the community thought they were false banning, not to mention the DMs you may receive. When I was staff (for 3 weeks) in 2019, I dealt with about 800 CRs and maybe 100 witnessed mutes, and I got multiple messages telling me to kill myself and that I was evil, stuff like that. Obviously, that's not a great thing to hear as a new staff member. By protecting the original staff member's identity, there is at least something standing between being harassed by a player and having your mistake remedied fairly. I understand not everyone acts like this but for the minority who do, this is very risky to implement. Keep in mind every staff member has access to CRs, so if a report is denied someone can always go back and double check without involving the staff member who denied it. It is also important to note staff can't block players in-game, so it adds another element of "invincibility" on the harassing player's end.

    Honestly, the amount of time this would save is negligible. As I mentioned above, any staff member can see CRs, so if there is a mistake anyone can fix it. I can appreciate your scenario, but you are still able to CR the other two before asking why the first report was denied. I feel with this argument you are trying to find an argument aligning with your result instead of the other way around. If you are talking about getting CRs in the context of a staff application, you do not need an insane amount. I know people who have applied with ~15 CRs and been accepted, because all they serve to show is activity and knowledge of the rules.

    Overall, I understand your points, but I don't feel like they are justified. Of course, I still am in favour of this idea, but it is always important to consider things from every perspective. As I have been on the team previously, there are some things I want to point out which people don't always realize. Thanks!
    10sec, httpmeme and Mauricioh like this.
  14. httpmeme

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Personally I never had much issue with people asking why I denied/accepted a chatreport while I was staff, but I can definitely see why they removed the feature to see which staff member denied it. It's more problematic if anything and the only positive is that you save a good few minutes from asking a staff member (which alone wouldn't take that alone.) However I can understand why community players think it's a good idea especially if you're too shy to ask who denied it in the first place or unable to find an available staff member. Like what Zonafer & Mauri said, I think this would just cause drama or issues which is more of a hassle then asking a staff member to check because regardless you're going to have to message them or have a staff member message you regarding the chat report whether it be a staff member who denied it or whichever staff member dms you to explain why it was. Again, not an awful idea considering it was added in the past, but it's obvious why it's no longer part of the system.
    Overall, I'm -1 on readding this back in.

    Have a good day/night <3 !
    #14 httpmeme, Mar 9, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2021
    10sec likes this.
  15. SniikeZ

    Feb 3, 2020
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    Great Idea but you're on MCC, if they change the meta in a subserver you should be grateful already.

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