Improve Survival Games

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ignScrub, Feb 10, 2021.

  1. ignScrub

    Feb 10, 2021
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    Firstly this is just my opinion, if you disagree feel free. I've got like 8 years of SG experience, with majority of that experience based on MCGamer, or MCSG. I've played MC-Central here and there for a couple years, but never consistently played.

    While playing recently, I've noticed a-lot of things that kinda make the SG gamemode unenjoyable, and after going around asking people what they think is wrong with the plugin/gamemode, majority agree with the points I'm about to make. So here are some problems/improvements that could be made to boost player count, player happiness and just make the experience more enjoyable. (OPINION).

    1. Remove the ridiculous enchanting. I think it's absolutely stupid you can get fully enchanted. It makes the game mode so unbalanced, and so unfair to newcomers, I seriously don't understand the point of it. From my understanding, the more kills you get/more you play, the more levels you are given. This within itself is stupid, and is totally unfair to new people who play. I would say MCSG was probably the most balanced SG server there ever was, and their enchanting system was perfect. You simply fished for levels if you wanted to enchant, OR two enchant bottles could be sponsored to one single person in the game. It was a rarity for people to enchant on MCSG, but it meant if you had the patience to fish, you increased your chances of winning. On this server, all you have to do (if you've played for a little while), is get armor, run to the enchant table, and enchant everything within a matter of 20 seconds. It's so unbalanced and I think this is the main issue with the gamemode.

    Additionally, I see hundreds of people complaining about teams. Personally, I've never minded teams. They've been in the game forever, and NORMALLY they are pretty easy to counter/take out, HOWEVER the enchanting plugin on this server makes it also impossible to take out teams who have enchanted, and is essentially an automatic win for teams who enchant. Ultimately, I think the enchanting needs to be overhauled. Levels should be fished. It rewards people for being patient, and means everyone has the ability to get enchanted, instead of the people that have played the longest or bought a rank.

    2. Fix the saturation/hunger. The hunger/saturation on this server is pretty abysmal. You run out of hunger in like 20 seconds even if you have eaten food that contains high saturation. There has been countless scenarios where I've eaten a good saturated food, and then been chased by a team, and I run out of hunger within a matter of 30 seconds. Running and playing defensive ESPECIALLY against teams is a very important factor when it comes to SG. This server almost makes it impossible to play defensive or run and re-gen due to the fact the hunger runs out so quickly. Running as I said is extremely important against teams, especially on this server enchanted teams. This sever makes it impossible to play defensive against e.g a 3 team of enchanted players.

    Hunger should be fixed ASAP.

    3. Add more maps. It gets repetitive playing the same maps over and over again. I agree there are some good maps on this server (most of which were MCSG maps), however there are also some pretty garbage ones. Adding more variety of maps keeps the gamemode interesting and is refreshing.

    anyway yeah those are just my thoughts and suggestions
    piggybankmc likes this.

    Aug 10, 2019
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    hey! here are my opinions on everything you said.

    1. I agree with you about this, it's so easy to get full enchanted armor especially if you have a high level. I don't think enchanting should be removed completely, but maybe XP bottles could be found in chests. That would make enchanting rarer and thus balancing the game out a little. Teams are annoying too, however, they've already limited the number of players that can be on a team (3).

    2. I have to disagree with you about hunger. Although you get hungry quickly, it's so easy to get food on all maps. You can probably find a food item in every chest you open, to be honest. There's even a kit you can buy using credits to spawn with 3 pieces of bread.

    3. Totally agree! Apparently, there will be a minigame revamp (don't know when, lol), and I'm assuming they'll add more maps. There's also a section on the forums where you can submit your own maps so if you wanna see something new maybe you can submit maps you like!
    Zonafer likes this.
  3. Timppali

    Jun 29, 2019
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    1) I love being able to echant with higher levels, as it makes the gameplay interesting on certain maps. It means that some maps provide an entirely different experience than the ones with no enchanting table or a low-tier one. I also don't see this as a disadvantage to new players, as they have the same chance to get those higher levels once they have played and worked for the levels, like the old players have.

    2) The low saturation level is a bug and this will be fixed in the upcoming SG revamp. :)

    3) Good SG maps are hard to find nowadays. The maps are very big compared to Skywars maps, so the community hasn't really built that many of them. Currently we mostly use public maps, and most of them are "classics". I haven't seen that many new ones surface, but if you have a good list of some maps, you can give a list. It will be super easy to add new maps in the upcoming revamp.
    LeafyTiger24 and GLOCKPRINCESS like this.
  4. ignScrub

    Feb 10, 2021
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    1. Like I said in the post, I agree enchanting shouldn't be removed entirely. As for teams, regardless weather there is a team limit or not, an enchanted team of 3 is going to be almost impossible to take out, even if the team is full of monkeys. Removing enchanting would not only generally make the game more balanced, but also make it fairer to solo players to take out teams.

    2. You can disagree, however from the post below the admin has stated it is a bug. There have been various scenarios where I've used every bit of food, especially on larger maps and ran out of hunger despite having good chest knowledge and food management. Constantly having to eat is annoying, and prevents people from playing defensive.

    3. Glad we can agree on this. I think more maps is just a bonus :)

    1. While it may make the gameplay "interesting" that doesn't mean it's necessarily good. And I have to disagree, I'd say there's like one map in the current map pool that doesn't have an enchant table. The rest of them do, and therefore I have to say enchanting making maps more "dynamic" in that context, isn't true. As for the next point, I don't see why new players should be put forward with a disadvantage immediately after starting to play this server. Balance wise this isn't smart nor fair, and also from a business perspective its not exactly smart. You don't want new comers to be put off by something that is unbalanced and will/can ruin their first experience on the server. It drives people away. First impression(s) are important. You probably lose a certain (maybe minority) amount of players whos first thoughts are this server is pay to win, or just unbalanced. If you want to reward old players for being "OG" or showing that they are experienced, why not reward them in a way that is fair to everyone, and doesn't change the entire dynamic of the gamemode. E.g you could reward players cosmetically. As I said in the original thread, taking out teams shouldn't be impossible. However, if you have a fully enchanted team of 3, fire aspect swords, prot 1-3 armor, it is literally a tiny, tiny percentage that a solo player will win that fight. If you tone down the enchanting aspect of the game, you give these solo players more of a chance.

    2. I'm glad this is being fixed, and glad to hear it is a bug and not a feature.

    3. I do have a couple good maps in mind that I can give you a list of. I will make sure these maps are publicly available, and see if I can give you access to a couple of private maps that I have access to (that were featured on MCSG).
  5. seekingattention

    Jul 22, 2019
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    1. The game is way too enchant-oriented to call it "interesting on certain maps." Nearly every single map has an enchant table and anvil, and nearly every single game now revolves around occupation of these locations. Even on the maps you wouldn't expect. This leads into point #3, regarding maps as well. So many active players are going to agree with me on this one, most games are revolved around the same locations on maps- the enchant tables and anvils. There's plenty of players that don't even get a chance to explore the maps because of how unbalanced the current system is.

    Not to even mention that it's unbalanced as a whole. You shouldn't be given an advantage in games because you can camp a location for longer, or because you have a level advantage over someone. Games are being won less and less by skill and this is destroying the skill gap and competitive scene on the server. And just like scrub said, it makes the teaming situation even worse. Teams themselves are an overexaggerated problem, but when they're all enchanted, that complicates things a lot. Not to mention the crossteaming issue on the server right now.

    2. Good.

    3. There's still plenty of maps in the community submission section of the forums as well that I've seen that have been good, so I'll forward those to you as well.

    1. The teaming rule is extremely flimsy and is extremely under-enforced. People break this rule so much. Crossteaming is also a massive issue on the server that hasn't been directly addressed and is yet another problem with the current system.

    Although I will agree with you, I do think XP bottles are the best bet. This community is so accustomed to enchanting and it's such a meta now, we can't just remove it completely.

    2. I disagree with your disagreement. Tier 1 food can be easy to get, but there's also games where you end up starving to death, even if you have 7+ kills, which should not be happening. I literally carry around wooden tools to cook food if I need to because of how bad the situation is. You can't chase someone or run away from someone without having to eat every 20 seconds- if you get a saturation mod, you'll see the bug, your saturation will go from full down to about 2 or 3 extremely quickly, which happens nowhere else.
  6. Jammy16

    Dec 28, 2019
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    1. Enchanting - Personally, I don't think enchanting is a major issue on Survival Games. I think in some maps its very overpowered but on the majority of them its balanced and it makes it more competitive. I don't agree with the level 30 enchants on some maps like SG4 since everyone races to the enchantment table and the first one there basically wins the game.
    2. Saturation - As Timppali said, saturation will be fixed and its a known bug.
    3. Maps - I think on Survival Games at the min, it has a wide variety of maps and I really like them. I can see a lot of effort has been made in getting the best maps which are out there period. I don't think its necessary to rush into getting new maps because it could make things a lot worse since it could lead to complaints (if the map isn't as good as the previous ones). I think this one requires patience and waiting for new maps which are good.
  7. ignScrub

    Feb 10, 2021
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    1. Having more experienced players start with more XP isn't balanced. Having a stacked enchanted team of 3 isn't balanced, being able to get fire aspect swords is not balanced (theres no way to counter it) I could go on and on, nothing about the enchanting system is balanced.
    2. Yes.
    3. I disagree, there's gotta be what, like 7 maps for SG? Considering MCSG had a map pool of over 20 maps, it made the experience more refreshing. Also some of the maps on the server right now, are horrific. The pirate bay one is way too small, and there are legit no chests on that map. That map just comes down to who can get the most loot from spawn. San Andreas is another terrible map. Firstly it's ugly, looks like it was built in 2009, and once again, chests are pretty hard to come by. The perfect example of a map(s) is Survival Games 4, Valleyside, and Alaskan Village. Perfect size and perfect amount of chests. They need to add more maps like these.
    seekingattention likes this.
  8. ignScrub

    Feb 10, 2021
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    *sorry for double post*

    add a feature so we can ./stats in game, and maybe also add a leaderboard that shows top 10 players (whether that be monthly or all time idk)
    forgranted, Myko and seekingattention like this.
  9. Zonafer

    Jul 22, 2019
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    This ruins the game. There are too many sweats who find these tables and get prot V and sharp IV goods by deathmatch, and obviously there is no way to win against that. Even making all enchant tables level 1 would resolve this issue, as sharp I and KB I is not too overpowered and it adds spice to the game like you said.

    As for everything else OP said:

    Hunger isn't the best by any means, but it's not the absolute worst, either. I think a good solution would be to implement a kit which offers one food item (like a baked potato) every 2 minutes, or just increase the chances of finding food in a chest. There have been many times where I've had to get food from teammates because I have eaten everything I picked up, and I cannot find any chests with food at that point in the game. This would balance it out and prevent mid-game deaths from hunger like seekingattention said.

    Every minigame needs new maps. We are waiting on the minigames revamp to see what happens, but I'm 90% sure the revamp will include community-based maps. I don't think maps should be entirely taken out of the rotation, but rather switched out like Hypixel does. That way, even if there are too many maps to rotate at once, they can be switched on a bi-weekly or monthly basis. This also makes the game more interesting and encourages players to play over a longer period of time.

    I'm by no means an SG main, but I do play sometimes and I see where everyone is coming from. Issues the community notes are crucial to deal with, and I hope the minigame revamp exceeds our expectations with the content we see. Here's to better minigames.
    puposaurus and 10Controls like this.
  10. bdqt

    Feb 3, 2020
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    I would improve 1 thing....varaide map 1...IT THE WORST MAP EVER!!!
  11. Atohmic

    Jan 30, 2020
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    So the enchanting can be fixed to re balanced weather you get exp bottles and not have you minigames level, this would make it easy for all players to enchant. Second of all the teaming, it is what it is teaming has always been an SG thing (so i agree with this). third of all the food It is not hard to get food as it is in about every chest and if there wasn't a lot of food there would be a lot more armor and weapons in my opinion the food and everything is fine. We could use more maps and a balancing of the enchanting system. But aside from all of those SG is kind of fine in my opinion.
  12. piggybankmc

    Jan 19, 2021
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    also the map pool has like 6 maps that are fun to play and the rest are kinda bland. Rise of Orient, San Andreas, and Pirate bay should be removed,
  13. Atohmic

    Jan 30, 2020
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    Pirate bay i agree with but San Andreas is fine and so is Rise of orient if you know how to play them they are fine.

    Dec 15, 2019
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    pirate bay is good as
  15. RyanFalido

    Oct 12, 2019
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    é foda bixokkkk

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