ender pearl skywars cooldown

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by micunmuted, Feb 25, 2021.

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  1. micunmuted

    Oct 21, 2020
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    As you all may know if you have ever played skywars when ever you have ender pearls and pearl over there is around a 40 second cool down, they reason why this is bad is because, if someone is trying to clutch when they get hit off and then try to pearl again but can't is a problem, now, at the start of the game there should atleast be a 30 second cooldown at the start so its not too OP, it would also speed up all the long games, no one wants to wait 40 seconds to pearl over to the last player when you had pearled to middle, some say it might be too overpowered but it isn't really that helpful when your trying to clutch and then have the cooldown is really annoying, the most pearls you ever really get is about 5 to 8 and that would be over 6 to 8 minutes of waiting for pearl cooldowns, and come to think of it not a lot of people can pearl clutch that well, it would be a good way to speed up games and make games less annoying.
    fattr, laffinn and LeafyTiger24 like this.
  2. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    You don’t have to wait 40 seconds to pearl after waiting 1 min for your first - just upgrade your perk and half the time will be reduced hence you’ll be able to pearl with only a 30 second cooldown. Reducing that by the start of the game would indeed make the game much faster but I don’t believe it’s something good in the current state of the server. Skywars at the moment is based in skill somehow. You still need to master speed bridging in order to get the most kills and/or reach mid faster, etc. It’s not based on getting the best loot only. Of course even if you have good loot you still need a little bit of skill to take fights and in fact kill people, but that requires much less skill than fighting a full diamond for instance when you’re only 2/4 with an iron sword.
    Therefore no. I’ve been playing skywars for over 6 years and I believe this is not something to be added/changed. -1
    notaspleen likes this.
  3. micunmuted

    Oct 21, 2020
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    are you even listening to what im saying? I said not getting the loot, its the ability to clutch and get kills faster in no point in the thread did I say you use enderpearls for looting, imagine going into a game and having to wait a while to enderpearl, and ofc you think this is a bad idea because your the one playing skywars for 6 years not me and a lot of other people, you have all the perks and everything maxed out, you know your POV but not others look at the thread a little more before disagreeing
  4. micunmuted

    Oct 21, 2020
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    also the current "state" your talking about is not skywars related its server related, you say theres a current "state" for everything guih, why not try skywars on a completly new account, see how you feel.
  5. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I’ve been playing on a rookie alt (CatBoyGuih) for the past like 4 months. I haven’t actually used my main (OhblooGroomedMe - 1.7k immortal) in a while so yes I do understand your situation and frustration. Ok I might main uhc and not play skywars that much anymore on either accounts due to the absurd amount of cheaters but I still do not see a problem with that whatsoever. If you want to “clutch and get kills faster” as you mentioned, try learning to speedbridge or even godbridge and moonwalk if you wanna flex. It can get you a handful of kills before you can even pearl. I stick to my point. -1
    #5 guih, Feb 25, 2021
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2021
    YouGetMeSoHigh likes this.
  6. micunmuted

    Oct 21, 2020
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    I can already speed bridge, i am not spending a lot of money just to godbridge on a mouse. also, godbridging would take over a year, I am not gonna practice godbridging just to flex, get to another island quickly. also, what if your in a situation where your up against a cheater and you are on cooldown? wouldn't be practical to get away from the cheater wouldnt it?
  7. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Fun fact: if you have a cheater hitting you through blocks just build a 1 by 1 hole with cobblestone. That way the cheater will get kicked by the anticheat and die. Just use ur brain buddy. You don’t need pearls to win games. Of course, they’re handy when it comes to falling off bridges, etc but for everything else there’s a solution
  8. micunmuted

    Oct 21, 2020
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    yeah like people are gonna make like a 15 block unstaged extenstion it would be a good way to help it its the same thing with hypixel. they don't have a cooldown in skywars because of the reason i just mentioned.
  9. LeafyTiger24

    Mar 18, 2020
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    I like the idea of no pearl cooldown because I think it would make it more interesting since people wouldn't be able to just throw one pearl and get away as the other person could just throw another one and kill them. I still think there should be a cool down at the start so it's not too OP though. I feel that having no cool down would add a whole new level of skill to the game as well as letting people easily get away from fly hackers. +1
  10. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    just thought I'd stir the tea and give my opinion on this, having no cool down would be FAR too overpowered. It would mean that you can pearl to mid, loot mid and then pearl to one island and kill them, then the next, and the next and win the game far quicker than should be possible. Assuming these players also have pearls it would be far too easy to win as you would basically never run out. Having the cool down reduced slightly could make the game better, however I still do feel like people will be complaining about how they are having to wait for a cool down when they have just pearled to an island and get knocked off.

    In the situation that this happens, there's really no one else to blame but yourself to be honest. Personally I try to ONLY use enderpearls to clutch if I get knocked off, because I know that's something very likely to happen, so if you are pearling to someone's island for a 1v1 you are putting that risk on yourself by making the choice to use up your enderpearl and put it on cool down.

    @Present As you mentioned trying to escape a cheater it can be a similar thing, especially if you know they are cheating. If you are making the choice to use your pearl knowing there is a cool down and you are pearling to THEIR island, what else can you expect? I understand it's different if they have just flown to the island you are on if you just pearled to get there, but in this situation all you can really do is report them and have them banned.

    As you said "I am not gonna practice godbridging just to flex" we can also say that we aren't going to change the whole upgrades of a game mode (which is clearly a very controversial change that many players are against for various reasons) just to cater to all of these unlikely possibilities. If there is a cheater in your game, and there is no staff in your lobby, there's not really a lot you can do. We are hoping that the anti cheat will be updated with the mini games revamp its self, however we aren't going to change the all of these 'settings' or however you'd like to put it, just to help avoid these situations which might not even happen.

    Pretty much the best way to prevent all of the situations you mentioned is to actually use blocks and bridge. You don't have to use an enderpearl to get to every single place you are trying to go to, so if you use your blocks to get there, cool down won't be an issue like I said. As you can tell it's a -1 from me.

    Alansar_trignot and guih like this.
  11. LeafyTiger24

    Mar 18, 2020
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    I didn't really think about that. I guess what could happen would be to put ender pearls in the mid chests and not give them at the start so that its more competetive and more people try to get to mid.
  12. SplatBerry

    Sep 8, 2019
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    The idea of not having a cool down is nice, but the way it is right now is with perks which I like. If the cool down was just removed it would have a big impact, so I’m neutral with this idea.
  13. Yukihira

    Jun 17, 2020
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    This is not a good idea and you should not compare the skywars here with the hypixel, it is true that in the hypixel you do not have the cooldown but if you ever played there you realized how limited and difficult it is to acquire epearl, which would not happen here. Considering that the 12 people have 3 enderpearls the total would be 36, the number very large and that in my opinion without the cooldown would affect the mechanics negatively, it would be even worse in small maps, very present in teamskywars, I also died because of cooldown and sometimes frustrating but this cooldown is fundamental to the game. What I recommend is that you think more before throwing the enderpearl, look around you, is anyone waiting to clean? More experienced players like Dombal use pearl perfectly even with the cooldown and after a while you will learn how to use it too, so as a person who plays skywars not only here but on more servers, it is -1 for me. However, I am in favor of the cooldown being in 25 seconds or the cooldown appearing on the screen for you to organize better.
    Alansar_trignot likes this.
  14. micunmuted

    Oct 21, 2020
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    I don't think you get what i am saying here. having all of this is over powered yes, but you can just remove ender pearls that you can get as a perk that is way more over powered. do like hypixel does, put ender pearls in middle. having a lot of ender pearls when your facing a cheater is very useful for running away and clutching, personally, i think having enderpearls as a kit in it is also overpowered ya know, thats worse than the cooldown because you just get a free 2 ender pearls, also sometimes enderpearls take more then 1 pearl to clutch and trying to land it, and with those people who p2w in skywars and get the arrow bombs which is stupid. Then you try to clutch and then you miss and then you try to use it again then it says "please wait x amount of time before using this again!" it ruins the fun if you are just trying to make money off of a gamemode that shouldn't be p2w at all. nerf bomb arrows because they do hella damage and are annoying when your bridging, you got to understand about this, this "anti cheat" your talking about is not gonna come out until awhile. till then it makes it easier to use. its the problem that someone is camping at there base or something like that and you have already used a pearl and its an akward 30 to 40 seconds of waiting which is annoying in my opinon its more annoying then just something with some siutations you are in. imagine getting snowballed off and you can't do anything about it because of cooldown, either that or just make the cooldown less then it is right now that would help a lot better and make games go semi quicker.

    Dec 15, 2019
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    i didnt bother reading anything of what u guys said so i might be repeating things but.
    as ive said before:
    i believe there should still be a 60 second cooldown. after that, it goes 30 seconds and then after that no cooldown. this make fast escapes, cool clutches, escaping 3v1's but it also means the more you get kills the more pearls you have so less bridging and people won't avoid fights as much.
    it'll stop people from pearling to mid getting loot and table and escaping as well.
  16. YouGetMeSoHigh

    Oct 4, 2019
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    You have 3 all time wins, pipe tf down
  17. Alansar_trignot

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I like that fun fact! Thanks Guih!
    Also, YouGetMeSoHigh, you are able to purchase faster cool downs on the epearls, it takes time and patience, I literally SUCK at everything, even surviving, but I’ve been able to make do with a slow epearl cool down, it is not that bad, of course, it might get you killed at times, but patience will allow you to get further, not asking, k? Oh, btw, it should only cost 1500 tokens to have your cool down be 30 seconds in the emerald menu when waiting for people to join, Im going to have to believe you know what I mean, but still, your able to lower it to maybe I’m guessing 15-10 seconds minimum wait before using another one. Again, time and patience will get you there, and when you get there, you’ll be very happy
  18. YouGetMeSoHigh

    Oct 4, 2019
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    I am over level 1000, I used to main Skywars, and I have over 13500 Skywars games played, but this is completely new information to me. Thank you so much for telling me, I literally had no idea that you could purchase ender pearl cooldowns. Also, how does this in any way relate to what I said?
  19. Alansar_trignot

    Jul 23, 2019
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    It relates to what you said because you said something about the cool downs and I told you something that helps with the cool downs, also, I don’t know how low you can get the cool down to be, I just guessed since I’m nowhere near your level of talent
  20. YouGetMeSoHigh

    Oct 4, 2019
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    I’m not talented at all, I’ve just played a decent amount of the game. Also, I didn’t say anything about the pearl cooldowns.
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