New command - /unignore all?

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by 10sec, Feb 11, 2021.

  1. 10sec

    Feb 9, 2021
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    The idea discussed in this thread came from @DarkBeastPro, so all credits go to him.

    I was recently playing and decided to check my /ignore list. I was doing so because I saw that there were many players in it and just wanted to see if I could unignore them all at once, as I was analyzing and most of them weren't even online anymore. Therefore, I just came up with the idea of implementing a new command, where you could do */unignore ** and this would ensure that no one else would be in your ignored list.

    To me, this would be a good thread because it would save us time, seeing that we wouldn't have to do it individually, especially if we have many people on this list (which I hope is not the case :) ). Moreover, if some players change their names and we lose track of what we were previously thinking, in the event of such thing taking place resulting in us not knowing which is which, we should be able to controllably decide what will be our next move. Furthermore, this prevents further conflicts in 2 reasons.
    1. Someone Minecraft username could be the word "all".
    2. MCC has already used the * for plots. Ex. /p deny *.

    As stated previously, this thread was an idea from @DarkBeastPro, please give him the respective support he deserves for such a big idea.

    Thank you for reading!


    #1 10sec, Feb 11, 2021
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2021
  2. DrBrando

    Mar 19, 2020
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    Yeah, a /unignore * command sounds like it could be pretty useful and would fit into the normal scheme for commands as * is commonly used to denote 'all'. I think if you were to add this maybe adding a /friend accept * or /friend deny * would also be useful for cutting down on the clutter bc there is no world where I am going to go through all of this.

    Overall tho, great idea and i would love to see it implemented :)
    10sec, GLOCKPRINCESS and Ahnxious like this.
  3. notaspleen

    Apr 21, 2020
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    Wow, so popular :eyes:

    But yes, I think this would be a good idea, despite maybe only being marginally helpful (I'm not sure how many players have loads of other players ignored, maybe its more than I think). Same goes for the friend accept/deny, although I think this is potentially risky as you could deny friend requests you didn't know were there which you would otherwise have accepted. Perhaps the benefits outweigh the risk, but I'm not sure.
    10sec and DrBrando like this.
  4. Ahnxious

    Sep 7, 2019
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    I think this is an amazing idea. Especially for people trying to apply for staff. Its necessary to get used to getting along with everyone. And sometimes you got to deal with unpleasant people. To add on to DrBrando's smart idea I also think they should be a friend delete page (#). Coming from a player who has been playing since 2015, there will be a lot people you will meet. And a lot of people who wont play anymore I was trying to clear my 80 page friend list and imagine my pain. This add on idea is self explanatory by all means reply to me if you need a description.
    10sec and DarkBeastPro like this.
  5. DarkBeastPro

    Sep 21, 2020
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    I just got some new info. According to @Desiqn_ , people who get promoted to staff have to manually unignore everyone, then go back to reignore the bots. This is all the more reason to implement this feature to help future helpers save time and mental health.

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