Prison Season 9: Ideas & Topics

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by abbs, Feb 4, 2021.

  1. abbs

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hello! so i'm making this thread as it seems like prison is starting to reach the end of its season and i'd like to get my thoughts out here before the next reset!

    (If this seems a bit early please keep in mind that if you have ideas for the next prison season it's best to get them out there sooner rather than later so there's actually time for them to be discussed & developed)

    The topics i'd like to bring up are as follows:
    - New Ancient/Myth key items
    - Mining Keys, Backpacks & Mine mechanics
    - PvP revamp
    - Mob drops & Spawners
    - Warp Help
    - quests
    - The Prison Map & Warps

    Part One: New ancient/myth key items:
    So the items i'd like to see added are:

    Plot Busters; Would clear a plot out completely and would most likely be the same rarity as a holoskull, with a possibility of getting 1 from an ancient key and 2 from a myth key.

    Chunk loaders; The reason why i'd really like to see these added is because it would even out the playing field for users who do not wish to use console clients to load there plots. I think that more players would chose to try playing for eco if they actually had a chance at competing with players who afk there plots 24/7. I think the chances again should be the same rarity and amount as holo skulls.

    Custom Enchant Perks; I think a cool idea would be to see custom enchant perks added to the game. Water Breathing & Night vision would most likely be out of an ancient key and would have the same rarity as other ancient key perks. Miners Delight II, Token Luck II, Decapitation II & Grinder II should be Myth key perks. As far as this idea goes i'm not sure if it should be able to stack with armour (Ie. having 8 Token Luck 2's)

    Part Two: Mining Keys, Backpacks & Mine mechanics
    Mining Keys: I think it'd be cool if they added someone like a rare is mining key players could get from mining. It'd be relatively common and i think could contain the following in its loot table:
    Common - 4 tokens
    Common - 64 cobble
    Rare - 8 Tokens
    Rare - 64 Gold, Iron, Redstone, Lapis, Diamond or Emerald blocks.
    Legendary - 16 tokens
    Epic - Beacon
    Epic - Upgrade paper (Would be cashed in from the upgrade pickaxes Gui and would automatically upgrade it to the next level)
    (The reason i added beacon was because it would almost makes it even with the pvp mine spawning beacons)

    Back Packs; This is just a complaint i've seen a lot, please make backpacks open or have them empty out if you right click a chest with it. Just basically have some kind of way to deposit the contents of the back pack.

    Mine Mechanics; Make it so players cannot remove things from there inventory in the mines, this would prevent players from dropping there Pickaxes or other valuables.

    Part Three: PvP revamp
    So for this i'll be making a separate post all together but basically i think pvp is well overdue for some attention considering a large portion of the player base play for pvp.

    Part Four: Mob drops & spawners
    Okay so to put it simply, i really think that mobs killed by the player should receive 100% of its drop rate rather than the 25% etc. that you get from them dying in a mob grinder.

    My Second Point is that they need to either remove the ocelot spawner or fix it as it currently has extremely strict requirements for it to work (Must be above y:60 & be on grass, this means they don't work for mob grinders. Also i have tested this a few times and did make a bug report on it but was told i was wrong ._.) and while it isn't exactly the best it can be used for decoration purposes as well as players just trying to make money off them.

    Part Five: /Warp Help

    So i strongly feel that prison should have some kind of /warp help. It should include information on the Prestige Ranks, Scammers (That scamming is allowed, irl & ingame) Bounties, Custom enchant, Explanations of all the other warps etc. I also believe that it should be mentioned in chat every now and then as a way of advertising to players that might be new.

    Part Six: Quests
    A cool edition to prison could be Quests. I think it'd be a good idea to make it a mix of eco and pvp as this would entice both player groups to work both sides of the game.
    I think it'd be cool if the quests also tied into there reward.
    ie, Monthly quest! Kill 5000 enderman, Reward: 2x Enderman spawners

    Part Seven: The Prison Map
    Okay so i think it would be really cool if this season they opened up map themes to the player base. Host a competition and have the player base submit what they think the theme should be. Narrow down the best ideas and have the players vote on which map concept they like the best. You could hold a few competitions over the next couple of months to select map ideas for:
    - Spawn
    - Pvp
    - /warps (Like /warp enchant etc)
    - Plot world
    - Mines.

    The winner of each could be given a ancient key or effect.

    Okay, That's all for this post! Please leave your thoughts in the comment section below, i'd love to hear your opinion.

    Thanks for reading!
    LilOkamii and SplatBerry like this.
  2. SplatBerry

    Sep 8, 2019
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    I like a lot of what you have to say! I especially like the quests idea. I think this would be super cool being added to prisons!
  3. LilOkamii

    Jan 20, 2021
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    Really nice ideas! The chunk loader and the mob drop changes especially would be a really good addition. In my opinion, we need some more features and tweaks.

    Leaderboards: -A net worth leaderboard which takes into account the worth of a plot based around the items that are placed in a block(spawners, chest with ores, beacons etc)
    -Fastest growing player on the server as a percentage which it would take into consideration the money made the past week(money given by other players will not count in this).

    Plot world: -The feature to link plot that you own. so you can join 4 plots into a mega 2x2 plot. (it will still count as 4 plots for all the limitations such as hoppers etc)
    -A plot of the week that people can participate and show their building skills to win a prize. The top 3 plots will be chosen by staff after being submitted to the forums for review. Prizes can be from in-game currency to keys or 2-3$ gift cards.
    -Redstone support with approval for automated farms, furnaces, automated doors, etc. At this moment Redstone does not work 100% because of the serverside lag that it would produce, so a feature where mods can verify plots to be Redstone friendly. This would require you to be at least a1 (so no alt account spammed the server with Redstone lag) and a new rule so anybody who did create lag machines get plot deleted and plot world banned for some days.
  4. abbs

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hi! So i just wanted to give some feedback on your ideas so here goes,
    1. Leader boards: This doesn't really make much sense to me as it seems more like something from skyblock. Plot value
    doesn't exactly matter on prison so i feel as though this would be a bit of a waste of time and resources.

    2: Fastest Growing player %: Again, this just feels un-necessary as it really doesn't do much?

    3: Feature that allows you to link plots: Okay so this one i have several major issues with. For starters, using this would allow players to basically make a grinder with way more hoppers than the traditional single plots use. Another thing to keep in mind is how big the current plots already are, it just isn't necessary to make them any bigger. Also how would this effect Players who only have 3 plots etc? This feature would literally only work if you're immortal.

    4: Plot of The Weak: Okay so for starters there's roughly 34 weeks in 8 months, lets say the season plays out for that long. You're looking at $68 at the least just for building a pretty plot? This is way to often and would make no sense in an environment like prison. This would also waste a lot of time as the staff would have to go through submissions every week. If you want a building competition so badly host one yourself.

    5. Redstone support: If there is still redstone lag then i somewhat agree with this, however it should not be limited to just A1 and higher (Keep in mind pvpers don't usually bother with prestige), It should be made accessible to everyone.

    Thanks for reading!
  5. LilOkamii

    Jan 20, 2021
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    Hey, thanks for your feedback! I will try to explain better what is the impact of what I am proposing for the prison.

    1. Plot value is just a nice motivation for people to go and build huge personal/community builds in their plots(community grinders, shops etc)

    2. Atm we have leaderboards but are so limited that they are basically useless. There is no way for someone to surpass the people on at any point after the 1st month of the season. So a player growth* leaderboard will be perfect for people comparing how well they verse against other players and will stop the current situation where leaderboards seem stale.

    *This can be measured by their overall net worth now minus the last week's net worth divided by the last week's net worth( growth =(g'-g)/g with g being the starting net worth and g' the current net worth). This is a simple differential formula that tracks growth.

    3. I find it silly that I rn have 3 plots as an emerald rank and I need to build 3 identical grinders so I can fit 260 spawners. Big plots will link up and connect where the road was before. So you can link 2 plots and make a 2x1 plot or even 3 plots a make a corner style plot or a long 3x1 plot. This right now is a problem to me cause I build a lot on the server and I want my plots to look really nice, something that would be so much easier with linked plots. At this point, I can't imagine how many people have to build 4x4 castles only to have huge gaps between their walls. And being one of those people I can say it sucks a lot... So with this feature mega builds will be a thing on the server!

    4. Right now every day there are 3 UHC events every day paying 2-5$ per event. I don't find that a lot for a weekly prize, but it can also be without a cash prize, just a sign in the spawn were it says the /p h name so people can check it out. Also as I said plots need to be submitted for them to enter the comp(with pictures so the staff do not need to be in-game to vote on them). Furthermore, I forgot to mention that someone will not be able to win with the same building again. It's just a nice way to reward people that go out of their way to build beautiful bases and build a better community.

    5. I purposed the Redstone addition cause many automatic farms/circuits can't be built atm due to Redstone server-side timing changes and restrictions. This limits a lot how can you build automatic furnishes, tree farms and even some door design rendering the most of these contraption design useless and not working. I made the A1 requirement because people are bound to abuse it with alt account and make the server lag. This is mainly a verification step that you are not a bot or a boosted account. From A->A1 is about a 15-hour grind so I don't believe anyone would spend 15 hours and 27M just to troll and lag the server. PvPers can just default to a1 if they want to use all the Redstone features. If they don't care they just can sit at A.
  6. Ringars

    Apr 21, 2020
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    ya 1st idea. unban me
    2nd. make pvp better get rid of beaconing because if im fighting i dont want some idiot named Fatoma beaconing me with a wood shovel
    3rd. mmmm free ringars
    abbs likes this.
  7. abbs

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I completely agree with this statement. Very factual.

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