Spam Issue

Discussion in 'Support Forums' started by mclover4247, Jul 24, 2019.


Should this be implemented

  1. yes

  2. no

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  1. mclover4247

    Jul 24, 2019
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    In this server there is a MAJOR problem with spam bots. As of right now /ignore and /chatreport are the only things we have to do about it. One suggestion I have is to get a plugin that auto-mutes players that send "#FREE MC ALTS" in chat. This would be insanely helpful to us especially in prisons as it would basically eliminate the spam bot after it sends the first message.

  2. TheTNTPotato

    Jul 22, 2019
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    The filter does filter out some server names and other things to try and prevent spambots but the spambots constantly try to bypass it. The issue with an auto-mute plugin is the possibility of it false-muting people who aren't spambots (it'd be rare but it can happen) as well as it not catching bots that bypass the plugin and rewording the message.

    Usually staff are pretty quick with finding spambots since chatreports (and private messages) get flooded with bot reports. It definitely would be nice to have something like this to make things easier but it does have its issues too.
    Invader and Zonafer like this.
  3. mclover4247

    Jul 24, 2019
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    it took us almost 20 mins to get a staff member to acknowledge us. I do see what you mean concerning the bots rewording the message but most if not all of them say #FREE MC ALTS in the message. I believe that if that was a trigger to auto mute it would eliminate most bots. in the case that it does false mute someone they can submit an appeal.
  4. Teddzy

    Jul 4, 2019
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    What is said above is indeed correct. If you reported someone and it takes a little long to get dealt with you can always put a message in our #support chat on our Discord. If you tag ''@Staffmember'' with your question/message regarding help we can assist you in a more efficient way. Automutes are indeed not really trustworthy. E.G. someone is speaking in different language on MCC and the automute detects it as someone bypassing or advertising, it would be very unfortunate to get muted by that. Again, feel free to always message a staff member via the forums or Discord, we're happy to help.

    Invite to our Community Discord:
    ImJustAndrew and TheTNTPotato like this.
  5. I had a friend that was known for spamming the longest he could go without getting muted is 5 minutes and when you think of it 5 minutes isn't that bad as it takes time to mute and also become aware that someone is actually spamming. another thing that actually made it so he stopped spamming was the ReCapTCHA added to the lobby and most spam bots don't even have a player its just a cheat that allows you to join whatever subserver you want when you join. with the ReCapTCHA the owner of the bots will actually have to take the time to finish it and like i said most bots don't really have someone "Playing them" so in that case 1 spam bot might finish the recaptcha but for the Big spambot attacks it really reduces the number of spambots. Most of this someone that is actually Blacklisted told me so maybe you will find this helpful maybe you wont but thats what my friend told me awhile back. Have a good day/night

  6. Mistrusts

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Recently there has been a bot prevention CAPTCHA that's in the lobby to prevent bots from coming on. Obviously, some of these newer bots are evading that so tagging @StaffMember in the Community Discord is the fastest way to ensure they get muted. Cruise about to lobbies and ask around for staff if you don't get an instant reply. Sometimes it can take some times as staff can be busy around the server!
  7. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    In my personal opinion, it would be a better idea to make a 3x3x3 area at the spawn of each sub-server where chat is disabled. Could even just use WorldGuard to accomplish this, which is already on every single sub-server. That way players need to move out of that area before they can chat, since most spambots and the such only have chat support, hence would be unable to move out of that 3x3x3 area. Granted there are hacked clients with spambot features, but at that point it's probably best to just get in touch with a staff member. As mentioned above, people will always find a way to circumvent anti-spam systems.
    Mistrusts likes this.
  8. WolfgangLP

    Jul 22, 2019
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    One flaw i could see is what if a player was to say “There is no such things as free mc alts” this would get them muted even though they were trying to be helpful instead of spamming it. There are many scenarios in which someone could say “free mc alts” or any other phrase that spam bots use to try to tell other players its a scam and fake.

    Just my opinion :)

  9. Unadvised

    Jul 4, 2019
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    Auto punishments have their flaws too. False punishments.
    Right now we do have stuff to prevent spam bots but some slip through.
    With that and /ignore and /chatreport and with the help of staff i dont think there is a big enough problem for us to develop a new system​
  10. FourNut

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I agree with the Mods, and the Admins! The Anti-Cheat can easily False Ban/Mute players if it is too harsh, you can easily just contact a staff member in-game, or in the discord! The /ignore and the /chatreport are too help Helpers to report things to Mod+. Their system is very good, and I don't think it should be changed.

    If you have any questions for me, just contact me on discord at 4Nut#2232, or on my profile page!
  11. 4151

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hi there,
    It's like what everyone else said the anticheat could false Ban people so I disagree with the idea and the system we have right now is already good.
    Have a lovely day or night
    --==FireyGast Immortal==--
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