Buff The Ender Dragon in Survival

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by bebeli555, Dec 17, 2020.

  1. bebeli555

    Sep 2, 2019
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    So first of all the rewards should be buffed. like 5k for top spot is absolutely shit. make it atleast over 30k. Also u dont really get anything for spawning the ender dragon which kinda sucks because getting the end crystals is a very long and expensive process and then when u finally spawn it people can just come and steal ur kill and you get really nothing. So there should be a better reward for the person who spawns the ender dragon than just the dragon egg which is just a decoration item. Its fun that other people can help but the reward for the spawner should be better. also the top damage rewards are absolute shit. They definetly need to get buffed if nothing else.

    Also i think that the dragon kill counter should only go up if you spawned the ender dragon. bcs people can just afk and when they see the broadcast they can warp to end damage the dragon once and boom they got another dragon kill. Which is quite unfair to the person who spawned it if their trying to get to /dragontop.
  2. LeafyTiger24

    Mar 18, 2020
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    I agree that the rewards should be buffed since, as you said, it takes ages and a lot of money to spawn it in. However, I do not agree with the fact that the person who spawned it in should get more rewards since it is their choice to do it. The way I think it should be is to make it like boss battle where it based on how much damage people do. So say if one person steals the kill they wouldn't get first and the person who did all the work would.
    These are just my opinions though
  3. bebeli555

    Sep 2, 2019
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    It currently does work like a boss battle where the person who did the most damage gets the number 1 spot. and the best reward. Its pretty good that way tho one problem that ive seen is that people dont target the crystals at all they just shoot the dragon so they can do more damage and no one will shoot the crystals bcs that doesnt give them any damage. I think the best thing to fix this would be to give like a good amount of damage dealt to the person who destroyed a crystal so that would motivate people to actually shoot the crystals and not just the dragon so it doesnt regen. You do have a little advantage tho if you spawn it as you can start killing it right away and other people have to gear up so i think its quite good that way actually. But yeah the main thing that should be buffed is the rewards and maybe make it so that destroying the crystal would give the person a good amount of damage dealt.
  4. LeafyTiger24

    Mar 18, 2020
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    I 100% agree that the crystals should give damage since it is unfair on the people who go for them while others are building up their damage, so its a +1 from me for that.

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