Largest Issues with each subserves and minigames

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by PumahKITPVP, Nov 23, 2020.

  1. PumahKITPVP

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Minigames: Tons of hackers, 'kits' aren't very niche or strategy based and are bland, no updates, bad maps.
    Factions: Too many cheaters, pots are laggy, outposts don't play a large enough part in the game and are boring.
    Prison: Toxicity, kits are too OP
    Survival: Doesn't use latest version, laggy.
    Skyblock: Very old school Skyblock. Is great in someways but really isn't unique and seasons are too long
    Creative: Needing a rank for redstone is dumb, and the WE is glitchy sometimes.
    ArenaPvP: Lacks good kits, laggy, bad arenas, too many cheaters, too many false kicks.
    Kitpvp: Not enough to do. Keys are way too broken. Resets are way too infrequent. No new content since Aug 31st 2019.
  2. Ahnxious

    Sep 7, 2019
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    My opinions:


    Hackers will always be a big part of mccentral. Thing I dont get is I see so many people complain about hackers but yet dont report. I hope if you personally are addressing this problem you are trying to make a change yourself. Please try to report and encourage others to report.


    Along with hackers.. toxicity is a big part of mccentral as well. There really isnt no other way to stop people from being toxic. Its just how this community is. Either grow tough skin or try to catch evidence to report these toxic ppl. Mcc can add more rules to prevent this but again they cant really control what happens in call/dms outside of mcc. I feel you though, best you can do is /ignore sadly.

    Skyblock:"Old school":

    I feel like updates could be addded but what makes this server so unique is its kinda yk like you said old school. Maybe thats why I continued to play on this server after so many years.

    Creative:Needing a rank:

    Participate in giveaways. There is a ton of nice people who would be more than happy to buy you/others a rank.

  3. PumahKITPVP

    Jul 23, 2019
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    t I have immortal rank, I just feel like there is no reason to make CREATIve require a rank
    Ahnxious likes this.
  4. EssentialsPlus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Players don't report hackers because many of them have over 50+ reports and realize that nothing has changed despite having all of those reports accepted. While this will eventually lead to the account getting permanently banned, you are still able to appeal it which I find dumb and a breach in the system of alting. Reports often take hours to handle and I found myself even having to wait 24 hours for reports to get responded to. While I do find that the staff are hard working, they make it some what difficult to join the Reports Team as a mod, I wish they just made it available to all of the mods which would likely make reports take less time to be responded to and would some what help in this "hacker epidemic."
    guih and Ahnxious like this.
  5. ThiccBooty

    Oct 14, 2019
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    So I can't only respond for the servers that I happen to have played on, or points that I have some knowledge on.

    The entirety of MCC is relatively toxic. The entirety of MC is relatively toxic. It's not something we could change, without banning most of the players over the age of 13.

    The kits are in no way too OP. The main goal of Prison (I'll touch on this more in a moment) is mining. The best, and almost only productive way to mine, is by using a Prison Pickaxe, and leveling it up. In terms of PvP, I'm sure the kits might be a little more OP than the average PvP gear, but nothing that someone couldn't get from enchanting and combining.

    The true problem with Prisons on MCC is that it gets incredibly boring. Most prison servers give you a goal to work towards, but with many other features along the way, so that there are different paths to explore. MCC gives you the goal of amassing spawners. The features along the way are "improve your pickaxe by mining literally millions of blocks". That is it. There is nothing else you can do to have fun on prisons.

    Every little feature they trickle into the system upon resets is something that already exists on other servers, is completely useless, or you have to pay real money (or huge amounts in-game, as someone else spent real money) to acquire.

    Every subserver on MCC uses version 1.8.9. Survival is one of the few that has 1.8.9 PvP and (I think) 1.12.2 features. 99.9% of servers are doing this exact same thing, as Mojang decided to eat a few too many crayons, lick a few too many bus windows, and then destroy PvP entirely, post version 1.8.9.

    I've never noticed any lag on Survival, and I was playing for around 2 hours upon reset, when (presumably) the highest player count would have been online.

    Survival got a really nice, really cool update this season, and I think out of all of the servers (other than MCC's beloved factions) it's recieved the most attention, in terms of additions, this reset.

    I can completely understand needing a rank for redstone. Anyone could get a free alt, log in, build a massive lag machine, and then have to be banned over and over again. Buying a rank to build your lag machine will mean that you really, really won't want to get banned.

    The only subserver MCC actually cares about. The problem with factions is that it has a high player count, and thus MCC sees it as the only subserver that requires any form of attention, care, and upgrade. I dislike factions because I do not play factions. I am relegated to a "second-rate" subserver, which MCC treats like a dying parent. If they keep it on life support, they still get an allowance from it.

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