Why is there no innovation in minigames and bots

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Akhu, Aug 19, 2019.

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  1. Akhu

    Jul 31, 2019
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    Ive been playing MCC since a long time there has been little to no innovation in minigames,
    its not being updated regularly in the sense that there are new mechanics to the gameplay,
    i mean yes the mechanics are good but its been the same, and there are no new ideas at all and no new creativity.

    Also why does it say for example speedy walls has 50 players but it does not or sw has 740 players, are they using bots?
    Dog7000 likes this.
  2. Darenn

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I see where you're coming from with the no innovation thing in minigames, the factions reset was not too long ago and the owners are still working on bug fixes etc as you can see in the Changelogs, if you read them. But to be honest, I find that Skywars and minigames in general are fine as they are at the moment. Yes, they could use a few updates here and there but I don't feel like it would be necessary asap for example.

    Otherwise about the bots, i'm 100% sure they are not using bots as when I hover over the skywars, I see 750, 760, 753 etc. The number changes almost everytime I hover over the Enderpearl therefore that means that games end and players leave. About the Speedy Walls, it's a game that you don't get tired of after a few games therefore players will stay in the same lobby after the game ends. Or someone might join, as it has changed for me at the time of writing this reply, there's 51 players instead of 50 players, 10 minutes ago.

    Hope this cleared things out the way

    Have a good day:)

    puposaurus and Akhu like this.
  3. Departition_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I don’t think they use bots but I am sure the mini games are spoofed, like the server sums something like 400 players, for example let’s say there are 324 players playing skywars, but the spoofer is commanded to add +400 players, so when you are hovering over the skywars lobby it would say 724 players are playing skywars but in reality it is 324 players. It works just like how a FPS spoofer works, this is used to lure players into staying on the server because a high player count would make the server look more professional and also if the server is dead then it would give an illusion that players have a big variety of mini games to play on. I have known a lot of servers that have done this before.
  4. Darenn

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I wouldn't believe so. I added all of the subserver's players and the minigame players together and got almost the same amount of the players online. MCCentral is a really big server and never in my mind would I think that they'd use Spoofers.
  5. mmmmm

    Jul 28, 2019
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    It's pretty obvious when you look at it. I use to be a big player of Champion Builder and would play it all the time when I first joined. Being EU however with the majority of the playerbase being US, much weren't playing. Some days it would say that there was 50 players in the game but when I would join, I'd be the only one in the lobby. At first I just thought "Oh, there must be another game happening. I'll just wait." The games last roughly 7mins or so with the voting process included. I would wait for 10-15mins at a time with no players joining. Why, because all the minigames and most likely all sub-servers on MCC are player spoofed. You can test this out on any gamemode. For example, CTF has a constant 70 players online. I could join a game and wait 20mins but the game will never fill up. You could always argue the fact that the lobbies are full but with 24 players a game and 70 players online, players should spill over to other lobbies after games but they don't. I don't know how you got the idea that MCC doesn't player spoof when the proof is right in front of you. There is one thing I'm not sure about though regarding the situation and that is whether the spoofed players for the minigames etc. actually contribute to the total number of players online. I'm pretty sure it does as the server has never dropped under 2000 players online, even with all sub-servers and gamemodes being extremely dead. I think it's just the same with the minigames player count situation. It's quite sad to see honestly as the server should just expose their real numbers.
    Akhu, Departition_ and Dog7000 like this.
  6. Zguy2000

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Okay well first of all, Hi :)

    Second of all, yes, the server does use bots. and it uses a LOT of them. The player count you see is never 100% accurate, and each server has bots online. (Staff has confirmed this, this is not my own knowledge)

    And about the first thing... I have talked to a lot of staff about this, and the answer is simple: It's not a priority. Alex Markey and Vislo are so slammed with things currently (Such as the anti-cheat system) that adding NEW things just isn't (and cannot) be at the top of their list. Before they add new stuff, they need to fix everything that's CURRENTLY in the server before moving forward. It's nearly impossible to join a SkyWars game without a hacker, and staff is completely aware of this. That's why other things gain a large priority above additions. With something as simple as a new map a minigame, then they need to add plugins, bots, fix glitches, prevent map exploition, etc etc. It simply adds to their currently extensive list, and there's your thorough answer for why new add-ons are a FUTURE (Not never ;D) problem that will be dealt with by the staff :)

    Have a nice day/night! Hope this helped!
  7. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    It's been this way for years. They only really put any real effort into the gamemodes that make them the most money. I thought this was going to change since they said they were working on the AntiCheat for Minigames, but now the anticheat is even worse than before. And they still haven't fixed it, or even so much as reverted the changes.

    Simple. They don't use bots, though they do spoof player counts. So when it says there's 771 people playing Skywars, there's likely less than 100 people on it. Maybe even less than 50. And they can do all this under the simple explanation being that "ThEy ArE iN oNgOiNg GaMeS".

    @HotPringles @Zguy2000 They've had more than 2 years to fix all of this stuff. It didn't even take them this long to make the base for the literal game that the server is run on. Stop sucking the owner's toes, they ran out of excuses a long time ago.
    Akhu and Departition_ like this.
  8. BrysonOA

    Jul 22, 2019
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    The answer is yes. There is a number of players that it cannot go under. For example, when it says 50 people are playing Speedy Walls, 0 are. 50 is 0 for that minigame.
  9. Akhu

    Jul 31, 2019
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    Thank you so much for this great answer :)

    So HOW many players do u think MCC actually has guys?

    I feel like mcc is trying to go for an image that it cant achieve, maybe if we bring back the system of lavacraft.
    #9 Akhu, Aug 20, 2019
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2019
  10. Akhu

    Jul 31, 2019
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    Yeah i know thats good :) but theres been no innovation for more than a couple of years :)
  11. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    To be honest, if this was 2015 then the player counts would probably be around the amounts they spoof right now, or even higher. They've been slowly dying for years due to neglect of multiple gamemodes in favor of updating the ones that bring in the most dough. But for a real player count, I'd say maybe roughly ~1000. Could be more or less (most likely less), but not really worth the time and effort to do any real math on it. :joy:
  12. Akhu

    Jul 31, 2019
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    Yeah yeah, well thanks fam i appreciate ur honesty.
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