If you could make a rule: What & Why

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Ahnxious, Nov 12, 2020.

  1. Ahnxious

    Sep 7, 2019
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    If you had the opportunity to make a rule on MCC what would it be and why?

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    ▲ My response: Make all chat offenses be mutable regardless of the command being used to contact the player. (/msgf /r or just in general). I guess this rule would make the community less toxic as much as possible.
    #1 Ahnxious, Nov 12, 2020
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2020
    OriAlfi and stampyrhodes like this.
  2. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Used to be that way. Then Alex's last remaining brain cell went ka-put.

    For me I'd make a rule for targeting in minigames. Especially annoying on sg when these sweats can get a weapon 0.3 seconds into the game without even going for mid.
    Ahnxious, puposaurus and PistolPet like this.
  3. Lipestmh

    Jul 3, 2020
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    A rule that would ban anyone who makes a tower in sky wars. This irritates a lot and delays the gameplay. Most of the time it almost doubles the time of a match.
  4. OriAlfi

    Jan 24, 2020
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    If i has the opportunity to add a rule I would add a rule against harassment inside and outsides of mcc that punishes with a ban instead of a 3 days mute so players who are being harassed won’t get their play experience ruined(I know 2 people who quit because of that)

    -another rule I would add on the plot worlds is against physical following and spamming left click at a person or spamming his plots/ plot borders with items, this usually happened after a players /ignore someone.

    -To be honest I don’t get staff who say “just ignore” because harassing is still a pretty harsh thing to do if it goes on for months, it’s bullying, and I don’t get why it’s not punishable. People’s play experience get ruined by that.

    Rok and Ahnxious like this.
  5. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    “don’t be a silly clown”
    reason: so we can ban francis and danny <3
    guih, OriAlfi and Ahnxious like this.
  6. Rok


    Jun 17, 2020
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    The issue with rules is that it isn't so much if it's right or not it's more about how well you could enforce it
    OriAlfi, Ahnxious and puposaurus like this.
  7. kuieren

    Sep 26, 2019
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    Hey there!
    I'd personally like to see a rule that'd control the number of prison bots advertising their shops/plots in chat, as it makes the prison chat into an unreadable mayhem. So maybe adding a rule banning console clients or one that makes it so sending 2 messages right after each other is considered spam would help solve that.
    I do agree that players should be able to be punished anywhere on the server, especially if it's a chatreport. So maybe only making exceptions for punishing witnessed offenses (ie. If a staffs friend spams /pc when they're playing together and it isn't harming anyone it wouldn't be punishable), because as of right now players can just call someone a bunch of racial slurs through /msgf and nothing would happen, which isn't acceptable IMO.
    I don't see how that rule would work? How would can you differentiate a player that is simply killing whoever is closer to them when they get a weapon on SG from someone who is actually targeting you? Plus I don't really see why that should be a rule at all, because I personally just see it as a part of the game and not something people should be banned for.
    Eh, lowering the match duration (which is honestly way too high) and putting a lower build limit should be enough, and I know skybridging is very annoying but it is technically still a viable strategy and a somewhat effective way for newer players to stand a chance against tryhards, so I don't really think anyone should be banned for that.
    Ahnxious likes this.
  8. DarkBeastPro

    Sep 21, 2020
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    Bro i hate tpa trapping in prison. I would make it bannable to tpa scam to pvp in prison.
    Ahnxious likes this.
  9. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    You obviously wouldn't get punished off just doing it once. It would need to be repeated across multiple games, them clearly going straight for you, ignoring everyone else, regardless of position. It's insanely easy to spot when you're looking for it. Also I've had times where groups of 2+ were following me through lobbies targeting me off spawn then all /leaving so they could join next game and do it again lmao.

    Also this would cover stream sniping too, aka targeting someone streaming on twitch/yt
    kuieren and Ahnxious like this.
  10. Fates

    Jul 22, 2019
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    A new rule: Badlion and Lunar are no longer allowed on the server, just read my other answer in the Skywars thread to understand.
  11. Bruno

    Aug 2, 2019
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    Your statement makes no sense, and this rule will never be added to the server lmao
  12. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Both are literally mods that ain’t gonna give you no competitive advantage if you use them, ofc you can inject clients (I.e. vape) into those but that’s easy to be found in a screen share. Also having read all the threads you wrote I do agree with Bruno: your points make no sense, and hackusating people for being better and/or smarter than you is one hell of a mad 12vie move. Wouldn’t recommend unless you wanna get targeted

    on another note the rule I’d modify is the teaming rule, as well as the disrespect in private chats rule. I say so cause people just don’t fight each other when there’s 3 people in a game until the 3rd one is dead, then once that’s happened they just share healing and make the final fight fair for both sides, whereas the 3rd person has to fight 2 people at once
    puposaurus likes this.
  13. Fates

    Jul 22, 2019
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    So, do you know why I said Badlion and Lunar shouldn't be allowed anymore? Simple, the 2 have their own Anti-Cheats, something that Vanilla doesn't have, which makes us believe that they are Clients that, you could use them to prove that you are totally clean, but no, you can inject Hacked Clients into it, and if any Hacked Client cannot be injected into any of them, there are countless ones on the Internet, it doesn't have to be the most famous, while Vanilla and Forge you can put everything, but Badlion and Lunar, nor other mods you can put, Lunar I don't know, but Badlion you can only use his own mods, that is, it would not be allowed to try to install anything else on it that it doesn't have, being allowed or not, but that does not matter to me.

    And no, they are not easy to find in a Screenshare, Windows has many functions to hide all kinds of suspicious things, it is just the person to be a little intelligent in that, that the person spends years using a hack and never being banned on the server, and this is for several Minecraft servers, it's not just here.

    And just a kid who's going to focus on me on Skywars, because I say all that, aren't they enduring with the things I'm saying here? I don't know why they will care, the Staff of this server will never be able to expose the hacks of these players, because focusing on me is because they are afraid of being exposed, but as I said, the Staff of this server will not be able to do anything about that.

    And as I already said, I analyze movements that are suspicious or not, if you don't understand, then it's not my fault.
  14. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    You made me lose the very last 3 braincells I had. Thanks
    ectratr likes this.
  15. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I would argue MCC staff aren't stupid enough to believe that being on LC/BLC proves you don't hack, then again I've been on that team twice.

    Either way the anticheats built into clients like BLC aren't even turned on because alex is too cheap to pay for things like BAC. So it's not doing anything. Literally no difference between injecting or just using a hacked client on MCC. Why ban these pvp clients when these losers can just as easily (or even more easily) download any free hacked client and have all the exact same features. MCCentral's anticheat sure isn't stopping them.
  16. jemelina

    Jun 5, 2020
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    Honestly, I wish that throwing comments on some specific topics should be more easily punishable.

    For example, it's not always easy being a girl in the server. And my feels also go for people in sexual minorities. I myself, are very difficult to get offended, but there can or might be people who might take some comments very roughly. I've received tons of really toxic comments, which arent punishable but that might hurt if I had lower self esteem.

    Also, I've seen several degrading comments of against LGBTQ+ people. And honestly, if I belonged into some sexual minority, I would feel very anxious about the topic. I can't or won't speak for all LGBTQ+ people since I couldn't possibly know how they feel. But I've also spoke with few people in sexual minorities that feels exactly this way. Everyone should be accepted just the way they are and treated equally, and also deserve the feeling of safety to be yourself.

    Hard to specify what type of rule there should be, but mostly I wish that throwing sexist/homophobic comments in order to hurt someone should be punishable, or at least given a warning more easily.

    I apologize any typos etc, I'm tired <3
    Yukihira likes this.

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