/playtime suggestion

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by Jane, Aug 19, 2019.

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  1. Jane

    Jul 22, 2019
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    /playtime is a command to let you know how often you are online. It's really useful. I think it would be nice to be able to do /playtime (player) to know others' playtime as well. I feel that it can be useful to know if someone is online enough if you want to add someone in a guild. I just feel like it could be a handy thing to know'

    Thanks for reading, have a good day/night

    ~ciney <3

    Questions? PM me!
    Discord: ciney#0733
  2. ImConcerned

    Jul 28, 2019
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    I like this idea.
    Personally I wouldn’t want people to be looking at my hundreds of hours a play on the server every month... but for the reason that you have stated it is very necessary for player convenience.
    Also you know that an alternative is you can get the player to send a screenshot of their playtime via discord or ts or something.
    Overall I would love to see this added so +1 from me ;D
    Have a lovely day!
    #2 ImConcerned, Aug 19, 2019
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2019
    Jane likes this.
  3. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hi poPooo!
    “/playtime <player>” already exists, it’s just not all members have access.
    tbh, i don’t really see a reason for players to know other players’ playtimes. i can see where you’re comming from for adding a player for guilds, gangs, island teams, factions, etc., but “/playtime” resets monthly and adding someone into a guild can always change the amount of playtime they get. for example, some dood could’ve played a total of 300 minutes, but once they get added into a guild they start sweating the server like a mf.. yk?
    also i feel like if this was accessible to all members they would most likely want to know other player’s playtimes just for funzzzzzZZZZZESSSZZZZ or just to be kinda snoopy. not so much for stats n’ all that....
    also, if ya’ really wanted to know you can always just ask.... or ask a staff member who wuuuuvvvs you to tell them <3_<3
    overall, i wouldn’t really want to see this being implemented // -1

    okie okie. i hope this made sense and that it addressed the points you made... if you ave any questions becuase i wrote this not gud.. then feel free to ask... you know my disc.
    have a great day!
    Jane likes this.
  4. Pizzicato_

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I'm quite neutral to this permission being granted to players. I don't see how it could bring any benefit to players since people can just search their own /playtime and send it to others to see if it's requested (as mentioned above). It's not something that I see being implemented in the near future as the demand for such as change is quite insignificant. Playtime is supposed to help you keep track of your minutes.
    B_Man05 and Jane like this.
  5. KierenBoal

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Playtime is purposefully hidden from other players.
    If players could see/track how much others play, it could cause all sorts of issues; especially privacy issues, as some players may not want to have their playtime known.
    It already caused issues in the past with people being competitive about playtimes and even became a big problem when 9/10 questions in the discord staff chat were people asking about their playtime, we don't want new issues arising by people seeing others playtimes.

    For this reason, we will not be exposing this command to others.
    If you wish to know someones playtime, you can ask them, and they can share at their discretion.
    B_Man05, Invader, Jane and 1 other person like this.
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