
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ashleys, Nov 5, 2020.


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  1. ashleys

    Nov 5, 2020
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    I think this server needs to wake TF up. I'm not trying to be harsh or anything because I used to like this server but honestly, theres so many changes that needs to happen. For starters, the staff team. Lets stat off with a sr mod, UglyKidSteve. False bans, false mutes, favors people in beta. He always makes sure hes the one screensharing his little gang for beta so they can stay #1. Obviously nothings gonna happen as this server is so corrupt. However, props to him. He made sure to occupy at least 60% of the staff team with beta members. Soon it'll just be that. Obviously, if his little peasants, for example melodieee, nonracist, kryfex, etc. Applied early on with the old staff team, they would not make it in, what so ever. I think its garbage how you need to be favored and liked to get into staff, instead of meeting the requirements and being responsible. It does not matter if you actually like the server and you wanna help it out for the best. If you are disliked by the applications team, you lost your opportunity to get staff. Simple as that. Now lets talk about Carter. The new sr mod. Congrats BTW. Took you long enough. I mean, im shocked. The amount of infracs you've gotten, and the amount of times you've screamed the n word with the hard r is unbelievable. That just proves what MCC really is. I honestly dont think carter deserved sr. Theres so many more unproblematic staff like Kvng_steph or Eubin. But I mean you just need to kiss timps *** for it right??? Second off, lets talk about the amount of botted players in MCC. we all know its dead. Therees not 750 players playing skywars 24/7 as theres like a limit of maybe 25????? Or cake wars, or CTF. Everything on MCC is pay to win. They demote good staff members for stupid reasons and keep the corrupt ones. It just proves what MCC really is about. Thanks for reading yumyum <3
    xTepe likes this.
  2. Idodumbthings

    May 21, 2020
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    not all of this is tru and it is definitly not tru that they only keep the bad mods after all mods like CoolElla do a somewhat good job and this was horribly delivered as you were very negative and you should make it like constructive criticism although i agree the server is pay to win after all in games like fac you can like 1v3 people as long as you have prot 5 set (unless they have the same gear as you)
    #2 Idodumbthings, Nov 5, 2020
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2020
  3. __dragonslayer

    Jan 1, 2020
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    some of this is cap but yeah the staff investigating their own faction is just so sketchy.
  4. CosmicGayta

    Oct 28, 2019
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    steve *** and bias +1
  5. InsaneIsMyName

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Thread locked to prevent drama/arguments.
    Xermes likes this.
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