Glass Breakers

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by boomrabbits_, Oct 16, 2020.

  1. boomrabbits_

    Jul 30, 2019
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    Hey everyone!

    I had an idea pop into my head yesterday that glass breakers could be added to prison, they would work really similar to apple pickers but they would break glass at an increased speed instead of give more apples from leaves. They will be obtainable the same way as apple pickers, through ancient and mythical keys. I know this benefit me and a lot of other plays who have glass at their plots since it takes me a long time to break it. I'm excited to hear your guy's opinions!

    Have A great day/night!
    lavoova the grape likes this.
  2. boomrabbits_

    Jul 30, 2019
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    Hey RegentAgent! Thanks for sharing your opinion with me!

    What I originally meant is custom plugin for a tool, Just like apple pickers or mining backpacks!
    lavoova the grape likes this.
  3. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hello, if i can input my opinion, i would rather try to get a silk touch pickaxre (or any tool/book) the normal vanilla way. since something like what you're suggesting seems to be an item from spinning keys, while players could easily get a silk touch pic from mining in mines/buying materials from shop and then getting levels as (1) /warp enchant (2) you can get levels from voting which is a 'plus' for mcc since they gon need em votes to not die (3) there's tons of other ways to get levels like smelting items if voting isnt your jam or you've already voted (4) it just makes more sense in my opinion

    anways. have a nice day// -1
  4. nouhs

    Jul 14, 2020
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    It seems kind of too specific for it to just be for glass only since I don't think a lot of people break glass often enough for that to be a perk idk.
  5. tayhlor

    Jul 19, 2020
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    Hi! Apple pickers work because many people make gapples by growing trees and this makes working more efficient. No one uses glass everyday, so I feel like this is unnecessary. If this was implemented it would be used rarely. Compared to apple pickers, it's used throughout the season for selling purposes and pvp. Glass breakers seem like they would be used 1-3 times just to destroy a build. I don't think this should be added.
    BlockyBeach and nouhs like this.
  6. boomrabbits_

    Jul 30, 2019
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    Hey puposaurus! Thank you for sharing your opinion with me!

    I think you misunderstood me in my original post, what I mean is of course it will drop glass when the tool breaks the glass but it will also break glass at an increased speed. I personally think this will be very useful because as a prison player myself I use glass a lot especially for my spawners and when I need to break it, it usually takes a long time so thats why I suggested a tool which breaks it at an increased speed
    lavoova the grape likes this.
  7. boomrabbits_

    Jul 30, 2019
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    Hey gothies! Thanks for sharing your opinion with me!

    Although this might be true, it will still be a very handy tool just like apple pickers to have in your /echest!
    lavoova the grape likes this.
  8. boomrabbits_

    Jul 30, 2019
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    Hey audactitea! Thanks for sharing your opinion with me!

    I will have to disagree with you unfortunately, A lot of players use glass in there builds so this will definitely be used more than 1-3 times, Especially if they misplace 5-10 glass. Even if it goes down to the same price as apple pickers, it will just give another risk factor to ancient/myth keys!
    lavoova the grape likes this.
  9. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    that's kinda fucking gay, as regent already said, there is no way to break glass faster. as efficiency or whatever cannot speed up the break speed.
    also, there is no use for that as prison is more about breaking stones/ores (mines). while i get there are builders on prison as well, glass isn't a commonly used block for a whole build, it's usually an accent piece where breaking it doesn't seem so bad. as well as, in yourcase for spawners, but i don't see such a problem, if you're gonna break 100k+ blocks to prestige whats wrong with breaking some glass.
    prison only provides kits/items from chests for mines that already exist, ie wood and normal mines, that is why there is a /kit axe and /kit pickaxe. there is no /kit shovel or /kit hoe (if u need /kit hoe just join a prison gang discord).

    adding an item like that wouldn't be useful for all players and doubtful that it'd interest majority of prison, as majority of prison players mine, prestige, pvp, farm (apples), and shit talk each other.

    to kinda sum that up, still -1, it sounds a lil silly to add, if you're gonna break 100k+ blocks to prestige whats wrong with breaking some glass.
  10. BlockyBeach

    Jun 14, 2020
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    I can understand where you are coming from, as haste 2 and silk touch are annoying to get.
    However, it wouldn't be used often enough to warrant adding a whole new tool, forcing the admins and owners to code the plugin just to make glass break faster when you use a tool.
    Unlike glass, there is a largely economic aspect to gapples along with their use in pvp so, I don't think that should be added, whereas apple pickers were an interesting addition which's effects are still to be seen in the long term.
    If you make a build out of glass, you might want to invest in silk touch and haste 2 (from a beacon), as these can be achieved in one week - or less, without spending money on keys.
    -1 from me.
  11. DarkBeastPro

    Sep 21, 2020
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    If this were to be implemented, it should be into voting keys. The reason is the same for apple pickers. Most people would agree with me when I say that apple pickers don't belong in myth keys. They are worth 200k-300k in my opinion. Adding glass pickers would change the odds of getting a good reward from myth keys(as bad as it already is). Since not a lot of people need this, I think if it were to get added, it should be implemented into voting keys
  12. boomrabbits_

    Jul 30, 2019
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    Hey DarkBeastPro! Thanks for sharing your opinion with me!

    I totally agree with you, Apple Pickers and Glass Breaks (If they do get added) should be in vote keys because it will give the motivation to vote since you would be able to get some big money from it although I do still think the Apple Pickers and Glass Breaks (If they do get added) should still be in ancient and possible myth keys. This is because it adds a risk factor to opening keys since the point of keys is not to make profit 100% of the time.

    Have a great rest of your day/night!
    lavoova the grape likes this.
  13. boomrabbits_

    Jul 30, 2019
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    Hey BlockyBeach! Thanks for sharing your opinion with me!

    Although you can use this method, it would be cooler if there is a quicker method implemented which is why I made this thread. Just like sell wands, they speed up the process or selling stuff and this would speed up the process of breaking glass. Instead of using up 20-30 minutes trying to buy beacons, get exp etc you would just get Glass Breaks out of your /ec and break glass faster. As DarkBeastPro said in his above thread, these can also be in voting keys so they are easier to obtain.

    Have a great rest of your day/night!
    lavoova the grape likes this.
  14. boomrabbits_

    Jul 30, 2019
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    Hey puposaurus! Thanks for replying to my reply!

    I totally agree with you that most people do not use glass as building but some people do and it will benefit those people who do like myself. Stuff like /kit hoe and stuff can be easily avoided by buying diamonds and sticks from the stop and crafting it in 10 seconds but you can't just buy some items from /shop to craft a tool which can break glass faster. (Only using beacons and a silk touch pick like BlockyBeach said in their above thread but that will take a long time to set up). The reason people mine is to get money but spending 10 minutes to break some glass isn't very productive and Glass Breakers will fix that problem. I understand where your coming from that not much people will use it but there is other benefits like adding a higher risk factor to ancient/myth keys!

    Have a great rest of your day/night!
    lavoova the grape likes this.
  15. BlockyBeach

    Jun 14, 2020
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    This is when you wish TNT explosions breaking blocks was enabled on plots.
    Then you think about everything else possible with TNT...
  16. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    this honestly would make more reason as to why this shouldn't be added. here's a 'lil breakdown

    keyword="some people". it is not majority of the community who would want nor benefit off an item like this. There are lots of shops/scams/griders in prison (both realms). however, breaking glass really isn't that huge of a deal if you're wanting to spend 700k+ on glass. As prison eco inflates quite quickly, especially near the beginning, it wouldn't be that hard to either suck it up and break the glass or save up your money and buy a beacon with haste if it bothers you that much. I will use you as an example since you seem so prominent about this- you are a prison main who prolly spinned at least 2 keys (whether they be voting ancient or myth) or something and likely hood of getting something like a beacon or tokens to sell or money input into your balance is high, meaning you would have probability to having a beacon on way or another and going into dmine or pvpmine and just getting the blocks to get a 4 tier beacon which can give you haste2 effect. going back to the other point, majority of the successful shopowners/grinder owners are donors who spin keys (regardless if they bought them or got it through immortal rank). but also shopowners only make up a fraction of the whole prison community and making a glass breaker item not so much needed by whole community. Over the 8 seasons I've played on prison, and building grinders, etc, i've only needed a silk touch about 3 seasons out of 8, and I used to build with glass.

    glass is somewhat cheap, looking at baltop 10 by itself. 1mil is treated like nothing, especially in prison1, and an inventory of stained glass is a little over 700k. As well as, you can easily buy the materials for a tier 4 beacon in the shop. below will be some screenshots of the things I have mentioned in this point.
    glass in /shop:
    /baltop 10:

    Speaking out of my own experience, there was a time in season5 when someone griefed someone else's plot by placing stacks on stacks (at least 4 inventory load full) of glowstone (same break spead as glass) on their plot. Destroying it with help of 3-4 total players (4th joined midway) took only about 30minutes without some silly beacon. not saying that you should have a team of helpers break your glass in your plots, but breaking glass isn't really that bad. Yes, people mine to gain money, but if you are a shop owner and take the way your shop is built seriously, having a decent looking shop is also what could be making you money, giving players a plot to remember, and not having a ghetto looking plot. as well as, it's your shop/grinder, it's your choice to use glass. There are so many other blocks that can be used in a build.

    a big chunk of the prison community is trying to remove rename scrolls and beacons from myth keys, how would this be helpful? it would be another gay item added to key rewards that would piss off the prison players....

  17. Deesal

    Apr 21, 2020
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    Hi boomrabbits_,

    Based on the experience I've had with breaking glass in both this and last season, it was endless hours of torture, so I do like the idea of having Glass Breakers to Prison to make Glass break quicker, maybe with Silk Touch on it too so you can get the Glass back.

    The only issue I would say is, many people will find this item useless, especially people who don't build much or use glass when building, so I would add on that this could be possibly a purchased item from the shop? With money + tokens? Or it could be added as a Custom Enchant to add to a Tool called Glass Breaker I to allow for instant breaking.

    Overall though, a cool idea :)
    Ahnxious likes this.
  18. boomrabbits_

    Jul 30, 2019
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    Hey Deesal! Im happy to hear you like my idea!

    As I mentioned in my above replies, It will add a risk factor to myth and ancient keys and maybe you could even obtain it from voting keys as an epic item. Although I do really like you idea as a custom enchant but instead of adding it on special item, I think it would be better if it was added on to something like shears since this was use the same concept as nigh vision and water breathing for a helmet if it does added.

    Have a great rest of your day/night!
    lavoova the grape and Deesal like this.

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