Discrimination x Chat Flood

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by JoaoOssucci, Oct 7, 2020.

  1. JoaoOssucci

    Apr 24, 2020
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    Yesterday I was playing on another server, and I saw something in chat that made me think a lot about. Someone was being racist, and a staff member banned him from the server. Then, the staff member explained that racist people are worse than hackers. That made me think for a long time, and I actually have to say that I agree with that; so I will make some points here and try to explain what I think about this.

    First of all, if you check the rules, you will see that racism, homophobia and any kind of discrimination are classified as severity 2 chat offences, which is the same as chat flood. Not really sure if you guys know, but discrimination (racism, homophobia, etc...) are considered crimes. I understand that the punishment for someone that is being racist won't be a ban, cause the server isn't interested on banning this kind of players, cause they don't want to lose more players, but I think discrimination should be a really more severe punishment than chat flood, cause in one case the person is being annoying (chat flood) and on the other case, the person is being inhuman (discrimination).

    I will give here an example of something that I have already seen:

    (Chat Flood)
    - Hey
    - Hello
    - My Best
    - Friend
    - On The
    - Server :)

    - "Uh, you are a fuc**** black nig****, you shouldn't be playing on this server cause you are a trash and so is your race, you blacks don't deserve anything, besides the death and burn in hell".

    Both players received a chat offence severity 2, and they got muted for 2 days cause that was their first offence.
    Lxvely likes this.
  2. Timppali

    Jun 29, 2019
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    We don't ban players for chat offences, except for DDoS threats and other threats like that. I just wanted to clarify that as you seem to be talking about a ban.

    The severities go up to 3, meaning that the more severe offence is Severity 3 Chat Offence. This is a permanent mute. I don't think that discrimination deserves a permanent mute, so to me increasing the severity isn't an option. As for issuing a Gameplay Offence for discrimination: that would require the punishment to be a Severity 3 Gameplay Offence as Severity 1 and 2 are only for a few hours (except if it's not the first time). And I don't think that we should issue a ban for this, let alone a 7 day (or more) ban.

    Unfortunately it's not possible to increase the duration or severity, as the punishment system is built on 3 severities and certain mute/ban durations. I don't see a 2 day mute (which goes up to 14 days after several offences) as a too soft punishment.

    And to provide an explanation to why Chat Flood is the same severity as Discrimination: spamming (which is less severe than chat flooding) is already a Severity 1 Offence, so Chat Flood can't be the same severity. That's why it's in the Severity 2 category.
    BlockyBeach, Xermes and JoaoOssucci like this.
  3. ~Heya!

    Each server got its rules and plays differently. Some servers ban players for hacking forever on their first offense. You see MCC is already a very toxic place, so it's pretty common to encounter something like this.

    I don't think thats the main reason, since MCC bans a few dozens of players daily (and no one complains about that.)

    I think you went a bit too far with "Inhuman discrimination" as every day a dozen of players break the slur rule. Most would just ignore it or shrug it off, people care more about a hacker than a racial slur person because a hacker can impact them while some slurs won't.

    I understand your point but this isn't that server that you played, the owners can do whatever they want with rules. Staff and us (members) cannot do anything. Alex can add a new rule: If anyone says Alex is a noob they would be perm Ip-banned. Why so? Because thats how he wants.

    This was all my opinion and point of view.

    JoaoOssucci likes this.
  4. JoaoOssucci

    Apr 24, 2020
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    Actually I was talking about to increase the duration of the severity 2 chat offence when it's discrimination, but as you have already said, this isn't possible as it's the way the system works... So I'm making another thread about a new system of punishments, and maybe this will clarify what I am trying to say.
  5. JoaoOssucci

    Apr 24, 2020
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    To be honest, I don't think I went that far when I said that, but when someone way something like what I writed on red, I consider this something inhuman.
    About the other server banning racist people, and saying that they are worse than hackers, it was actually their opinion and I just said to explain how disgusting discrimination can be, while hackers are annoying.
    And finally, I'm not trying to compare this server to the other one, but I'm trying to make people see the problems that this server has, and it seems to be okay, as they will receive a "not soft punishment" 14 days max mute for being racist as discrimination nowadays is something common.

  6. I used to create rules for others and I also placed slurs under mute instead of a ban, the answer is pretty simple of why I do so. Banning a user avoids them from doing anything gameplay-related such as (hacking / teaming / glitch abusing / and so on.) Mute on other hand is preventing users from typing out rude things in chat (same with slurs here.) Banning a user won't solve the issue it's the same as being banned or muted (regardless you cannot use the chat.) As Timppali said DDOS (and other) threats can get you banned instead of muted. These things can really impact people, now discrimination doesn't play a huge role in our ages. Most people that play MCC are from ages 13 - 18, and to them saying a slur is just a joke (and possibly not many would take it seriously). Severity is already high enough especially if the user does that again, most of the time people would ignore these discrimination messages.

    Now I am not saying it's okay to be a discriminate person, but keep in mind on what type of players are playing on MCC community, if there was anything I could have changed it would probably be extending the mute (instead of banning.) I already stated above why it shouldn't be a ban.

    JoaoOssucci likes this.
  7. JoaoOssucci

    Apr 24, 2020
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    Ok, I guess I haven't made myself clear and sorry about that.
    MC Central is MC Central and the other server is the other server.
    On the server they ban racist people. But that's not what I am talking about. I know MC Central would never ban people for being racist, but I'm trying to make people understand that the punishment should be longer. When someone is racist for the first time, the mute is just 2 days (even if they say something like I said on
    When someone is being racist or making any kind of discrimination, this is part of what this person is inside themselves. That doesn't matter if they did as a joke or not.
    Discrimination does play a huge role in our ages. Our character only strengthens as we grow, and it will reflect in the future. We are used to this kind of stuff, that's why we think it's just a joke, or this wouldn't affect others, or this is normal.

    I hope you try to see what I mean by this, and think about that reflecting in your life.

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